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  1. Somalina

    ila qosol

    Reer Caadiyoz caadi ma ahan!
  2. Barnaamijka Faaqidaadda Todobaadka waxa uu ku saabsan yahay waxa sababa abaaraha soo noqnoqda iyo sida looga gaashaaman karo ka hor intaanay abaartu meel xun gaarin oo meel dad iyo xoolaba ay ku baaba'aan. Barnaamijkan waxaa soo diyaariyay soona jeedinaya Haaruun Macruuf. Waxaana marti ugu ah xubno ka tirsan shaqaalaha hay'adaha gargaarka ee ka hawlgala dalka Soomaaliya, waxayna kala yihiin; Dr. Xuseen Xaaji Macow, madaxa hay'adda kaalmeynta farsamada Soomaaliya oo ku sugan magaalada Ottowa ee dalka Canada, Ibraahim Cabdi Shire, Xiriiriyaha hay'adda Horn Relief ee Puntland iyo Somaliland, oo ku sugan magaalada Boosaaso, iyo Cabdirisaaq Maxamed Nuur (Shabeel) oo ah khabiir dhinaca cuntada iyo nafaqeynta ee hay'adda FSNU ee hoostagta hay'adda Cuntada iyo Beeraha ee FAO. Dhegaysi wacan:
  3. "Unukaa leh" miyaa sheekada? Remains to be seen or should I say "aragaaneh"...
  4. 10 January 2011 Last year, 2010, was a difficult one for US-China relations, with more public disagreements than agreements. As China’s President Hu Jintao prepares to go to the United States, the focus will be on efforts to ensure that the two countries’ disagreements do not derail the overall relationship. Newspaper headlines this past year have been dominated by topics on which the two sides have differing, and sometimes opposing, positions. Despite the friction, the two countries are committed to making the relationship work. This vision, as described a year ago by U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, is still the guiding principle in U.S.-China relations. “So, while the atmospherics might get challenging from time to time, we will hear commentary on both sides that speak to areas where we disagree - and we do disagree. I don’t think anyone will tell you otherwise,” he said. “The measure of the relationship will be whether we are able to put these differences on the sidelines.” One source of disagreement is human rights. Chinese media alleged that the Nobel Peace Prize given to jailed dissident Liu Xiaobo was a deliberate insult to China orchestrated by Western countries such as the United States. The U.S. government also is monitoring the case of Xue Feng, Chinese-American sentenced to eight years in prison on charges of spying. The U.S. Embassy in Beijing’s Deputy Chief of Mission Robert Goldberg was outside the courthouse for Xue’s appeal at the end of November. “We made a formal request to attend Dr. Xue’s appeal hearing and provide him consular support consistent with the 1980 US-China Consular Convention," Goldberg states. "The Beijing High People’s Court denied this request, and they denied it without explanation.” Washington and Beijing also have differing opinions on North Korea, which fired on a South Korean island in November, killing four people. The United States has called on China to do more to rein in North Korea, its long-time ally. But Beijing has refrained from placing any blame on Pyongyang. China also criticized U.S. and South Korean military exercises in the region as increasing tensions. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei presented the Chinese position shortly after the November artillery attack. Hong says China believes it is imperative to bring the issue back to the track of dialogue and negotiation as soon as possible. Beijing has called on the six countries involved in North Korea nuclear disarmament discussions to come together to resolve the latest crisis on the Korean peninsula. Exchange rates and China’s trade surplus with the United States are issues that the two countries disagree. Many U.S. critics accuse China of maintaining an unfair trade advantage by keeping its currency artificially weak. Experts say there are many reasons the two countries appear to have had more disagreements lately. “Clearly, you see the [global] power transition, you know, China is rising and the U.S. is, to probably say it in relative terms, is in a relative decline. Therefore, this is the structural reason for a lot of things going on,” said Wang Dong, an associate professor of international relations at Peking University. “And secondly, the perception gap, which is also caused by the cultural differences between the two countries, then we also have the misperception and the nationalism in China, and also the domestic politics in both countries. I think we ought to take a wide range of different factors.” Wang is among those who feel that with new global challenges, China and the United States share common goals and interests, and therefore - despite frequent disagreements - should find a way to work together. Experts on the relationship say Mr. Hu’s visit to Washington this month is part of efforts to find common ground on some issues, and build understanding for each other’s positions where differences remain. Also as part of efforts to improve relations, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has visited China. David Lampton is Director of China Studies at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies. He says China often curtails military relations to express its anger at disputes with the United States, and that has increased U.S. concerns about Beijing’s defense plans. "And I think they’ve [the Chinese] become, in my view, alarmed at the degree of mistrust of China’s strategic intentions, and I think there’s some serious consideration being given that we can’t continue to play this tit-for-tat kind of game, holding military relations, exchanges, hostage every time we [the United States] do something,” Lampton said. “So, I think Gates coming here may be the beginning of a process in which we have a somewhat more durable military to military relationship, and I think that’s a good thing.” However, on the first day of Gates visit, Chinese defense officials brushed off his proposal for a strategic dialogue in which the two countries could try to improve understanding of their defense policies.
  5. 10 January 2011 Last year, 2010, was a difficult one for US-China relations, with more public disagreements than agreements. As China’s President Hu Jintao prepares to go to the United States, the focus will be on efforts to ensure that the two countries’ disagreements do not derail the overall relationship. Newspaper headlines this past year have been dominated by topics on which the two sides have differing, and sometimes opposing, positions. Despite the friction, the two countries are committed to making the relationship work. This vision, as described a year ago by U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, is still the guiding principle in U.S.-China relations. “So, while the atmospherics might get challenging from time to time, we will hear commentary on both sides that speak to areas where we disagree - and we do disagree. I don’t think anyone will tell you otherwise,” he said. “The measure of the relationship will be whether we are able to put these differences on the sidelines.” One source of disagreement is human rights. Chinese media alleged that the Nobel Peace Prize given to jailed dissident Liu Xiaobo was a deliberate insult to China orchestrated by Western countries such as the United States. The U.S. government also is monitoring the case of Xue Feng, Chinese-American sentenced to eight years in prison on charges of spying. The U.S. Embassy in Beijing’s Deputy Chief of Mission Robert Goldberg was outside the courthouse for Xue’s appeal at the end of November. “We made a formal request to attend Dr. Xue’s appeal hearing and provide him consular support consistent with the 1980 US-China Consular Convention," Goldberg states. "The Beijing High People’s Court denied this request, and they denied it without explanation.” Washington and Beijing also have differing opinions on North Korea, which fired on a South Korean island in November, killing four people. The United States has called on China to do more to rein in North Korea, its long-time ally. But Beijing has refrained from placing any blame on Pyongyang. China also criticized U.S. and South Korean military exercises in the region as increasing tensions. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei presented the Chinese position shortly after the November artillery attack. Hong says China believes it is imperative to bring the issue back to the track of dialogue and negotiation as soon as possible. Beijing has called on the six countries involved in North Korea nuclear disarmament discussions to come together to resolve the latest crisis on the Korean peninsula. Exchange rates and China’s trade surplus with the United States are issues that the two countries disagree. Many U.S. critics accuse China of maintaining an unfair trade advantage by keeping its currency artificially weak. Experts say there are many reasons the two countries appear to have had more disagreements lately. “Clearly, you see the [global] power transition, you know, China is rising and the U.S. is, to probably say it in relative terms, is in a relative decline. Therefore, this is the structural reason for a lot of things going on,” said Wang Dong, an associate professor of international relations at Peking University. “And secondly, the perception gap, which is also caused by the cultural differences between the two countries, then we also have the misperception and the nationalism in China, and also the domestic politics in both countries. I think we ought to take a wide range of different factors.” Wang is among those who feel that with new global challenges, China and the United States share common goals and interests, and therefore - despite frequent disagreements - should find a way to work together. Experts on the relationship say Mr. Hu’s visit to Washington this month is part of efforts to find common ground on some issues, and build understanding for each other’s positions where differences remain. Also as part of efforts to improve relations, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has visited China. David Lampton is Director of China Studies at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies. He says China often curtails military relations to express its anger at disputes with the United States, and that has increased U.S. concerns about Beijing’s defense plans. "And I think they’ve [the Chinese] become, in my view, alarmed at the degree of mistrust of China’s strategic intentions, and I think there’s some serious consideration being given that we can’t continue to play this tit-for-tat kind of game, holding military relations, exchanges, hostage every time we [the United States] do something,” Lampton said. “So, I think Gates coming here may be the beginning of a process in which we have a somewhat more durable military to military relationship, and I think that’s a good thing.” However, on the first day of Gates visit, Chinese defense officials brushed off his proposal for a strategic dialogue in which the two countries could try to improve understanding of their defense policies.
  6. 9 Jan 9, 2011 - 11:47:29 AM Maamulada Iskuulada iyo Jaamacadaha ka jira gobolada ay maamusho Al-shabaab, ayaa lagu wargeliyay in cashadarada ay siiyaan ardayda ku daraan jihaadka, lagana dhigo maado maalin walba ka baxda Iskuuladooda; sida laga soo xigtay maamulada iskuulada gobolka Hiiraan. Siminaarkii ugu horeeyay oo kooxda Al-shabaab, ay ku doonayso inay ku hirgeliso go’aankan, ayaa waxaa loo qabtay macalimiinta wax ka dhiga Iskuulada iyo Jaamacadaha Gobolka Hiiraan oo ku yaala bartamaha Somalia. “Al-shabaab, waxay Baladweyne noogu qabtay siminaar, waxayna nooga codsadeen inaan ku darno maadooyinka iskuulada iyo jaamadaha lagu dhigo maado ay ku magacaabeen Jihaad, aad ayaan ula yaabanay, waxaana u sheegnay inay nagu culus tahay” ayuu yiri macalin ka mid ahaa kuwii siminaarka loo qabtay oo codsaday inaan magaciisa la sheegin, amaan awgiis. Macalinkan, ayaa sidoo kale sheegay inay diideen in ardayda qaarkood loo qaado xeryaha ciidanka si tababar loosoo siiyo, waxayna arintaan ku tilmaameen mid aan suurogal ahayn, oo ay aad uga soo horjeesteen. Ururka Al-shabaab ayaa ka taliya inta badan koonfurta iyo bartamaha Somalia, oo ay ku jirto Magaalada Muqdisho, oo ay qayb yar ka taliso DF, iyadoo kooxdan ay sheegtay inay dagaalada wadayso inta ay ka ridayaan dowlada, ayna dalka ka baxayaan ciidamada AMISOM. Hay’adaha Xuquuqda Aadanaha, ayaa horay ugu eedeeyay Al-shabaab inay caruurta ka dhigtaan Askar, waxaana goobaha ay ku sugan yihiin kooxdan lagu arkaa caruur badan oo qoriga AK-47-ka ah garaarsan, xiisana u qaba inay dagaalamaan. “Waalidiintu, waa inay caruurtooda baraan jihaadka, si ay u noqdaan kuwo difaaca diinta Islaamka, sidoo kale haweenka iyo odayaashu waa inay isku diiwaangeliyaan ka qaybgalka jihaadka dalka ka socda” ayuu dhamaadkii sanadkii hore [2010], Muqdisho ka sheegay Sh. Cali Max’ed Xuseen oo ah gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir ee Al-shabaab. Arday badan, ayaa la rumeysan yahay inay ku dhinteen dagaalo ay kooxda Al-shabaab ku qaaday fariisimaha dowlada ee Muqdisho, dagaaladaas oo ay ku jireen kuwii bishii Ramadaan ka dhacay Muqdisho, lana qiyaasayo inay ku dhinteen boqolaal qof oo dhalinyaro u badan. GAROWEONLINE
  7. Garoowe: (Allpuntland)-Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa ka jawaabtay hadal kasoo yeeray Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo sheegey in ciidamo katirsan kuwa Somaliland ay tagi doonaan deegaano horleh oo katirsan gobolka Ceyn ee Puntland,waxaana ay dawlada Puntland sheegtay in Somaliland looga baahanyahay inay ka noqoto hadalkaas islamarkaasna ay imika banayso dhulka reer Puntland ee ay xooga ku maamusho. Wasiirka Wasaarada Kaluumaysiga & Kheyraadka badda ee dawlada Puntland Eng,Maxamed Faarax Aadan ayaa ka jawaabay hadalkaas,waxaana uu sheegey in aysan u dulqaadan doonin isku fidin horleh oo ay sameeyaan ciidanka Somaliland,isagoo ku baaqay in ay taas ka noqoto hadii kalena ay Dawlada Puntland kala kulmi doonto jawaab culus. “Waxaan maamulka Somaliland u sheegayaa inay ka noqoto hadalkii shalay,waa in aysan ku dhiiran hadalkaas,waana In ay banayso dhulka reer Puntland ee ay imika joogto,gaar ahaana kan gobolka Cayn,hadii kale shacabka & dawlada Puntland uma dulqaadan doonaan”yuu yiri Wasiirka oo ka hadlayey shir ay maanta yeeshaan Madaxda & Odayaasha gobolka Ceyn oo ku kulmay garoowe. Dhinaca kale Eng,Maxamed Faarax Aadan wuxuu sheegey in dawlada Puntland ay dawladaha caalamka ee taageera howlaha soomaaliya ay u direen baaq rasmi ah oo ay Puntland ugu sheegayso inay Somaliland duulaan ku tahay dhulka reer Puntland,waxaana uu meesha ka saaray inay taas aqbali doonaan. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland
  8. More Shabaabis isu soo dhiibay Dowladda Monday, 10 January 2011 14:14 Read : 119 times Hay’adda nabad sugidda qaranka Soomaaliyeed ayaa maanta soo bandhigtay 7-dhallinyaro ah soo si iskood ah uga soo baxsaday Maleeshiyaadka Kooxda Shabaab a islamarkaasna isku soo dhiibay Dowladda Soomaaliya. Dhallinayaradaasi oo saxaafadda la hadashay ayaa sheegtay inay garawsadeen in waxyaabihii ay ku jireen ay ahaayeen falal ka baxsan shareecada Islaamka islamarkaasna ay kasoo laabteen dambiyadii ay horay uga galeen Shacbiga Soomalaiyeed, iyagoo tilmaamay inay diyaar u yihiin inay la dagaalamaan maleeshiyaadkii ay horay uga tirsanaayeen iyo ajaaniibta dambiileyaasha ah ee ku soo duulay wadanka. Yuusuf Maxamed Xasan oo horkacayay dhallinyarada isi soo dhiibtay ayaa tilmaamay inay ka soo baxsadeen aagagga hore ee degmada Boondheere islamarkaasna ay dowladda uga mahad celinayaan soo dhaweynta ay u fidisay waxa uuna intaasi ku daray inay diyaar u yihiin la shaqeynta Dowladda Soomaliya. Maxamed waxa uu faahfaahin ka bixiyay dillalka naxariis darradda ah ee ay maleeshiyaadka Shababa la eegtaan dadka muslimiinta ah ee aan waxbo galabsan, isagoo carrabka ku dhuftay in maleeshiyaadka Shabab ay waxa ay rabaan sameyn jireen. Dhallinyaradaasi ayaa sheegtay inay ka faaiideysanayaan baaqa uu R/wasaaraha Soomaliya Maxaamed Cabdullaahi Maxameed Farmaajo u jeediyay kaas oo ahaa inay ka faaiideystaan dhallinyarada ka tirsan kooxda Shabab muddada 100-ka maalmood ah oo ay qabsatay xukuumaddan oo cafis u fidisay haddii ay ka soo baxaan Shabaabka. Maxamed Faarax cali Al-Ansaarii oo ka tirsanaa rag horay isugu soo dhiibay Dowladda ayaa sheegay in ay jiraan boqolaal kale oo soo daba jooga dhallinyaradaan islamarkaasna doonaya inay isu soo dhiibaan Dowladda Soomalaiya. Dhallinyarada u soo gashay Dowladda ayaa magacyadooda iyo kuwii ay kula shaqeyn jireen kooxda Shababa waxa ay kala yihiin;- 1. Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed, waxa uu kooxda Shabab ugu shaqeyn jiray magaca ah Khadaab. 2. Sharmaarke C/rashiid Warsame waxa ay kooxda shababa ku yaqaaneen Mansuur. 3.Cabdi Axmed Maxamed oo looga yaqaanay kooxda Shabab Xasan Maxamed. 4.Yuusuf Maxamed Casir waxaa loo yiqiinay marki ii uu ka tirsanana Shabab Maxamed Xasan. 5. Axmed Sh. Ibraahiim Seyfullaahi ayaa loo yaqaanay. 6. Zakariye Cusmaan Xasan waxaa la dhihi jiray Bakar Yare. 7. Jibriil C/qaaadir Yuusuf waxaa looga dhex yaqaanayay shabaab Seyfullaahi. Dhowaan ayeey aheyd markii ay maleeshiyaad ka tirsan kooxda Shabab ku soo biirreen dowladda kaddib markii ay u dulqaadan waayeen dhibaatooyinka ay ku hayaan ajaaniibta iyo horjoogeyaashoooda shacbiga Soomalaiyeed, waxa ayna arintasai keentay inay dhallinyaro kale isu soo dhiibaan dowladda. RM
  9. Jacaylbaro;686526 wrote: "I am from Somaliland [a self-declared independent republic in Somalia], which has a lot of similarities with the Southern Sudan, but we are Muslims . Southern Sudanese people have sensitive thoughts about Islam, because they consider it a tool used for their oppression by the Northern Sudan government in the last decades." Daciif iga dheh! kulahaa "a lot"
  10. :D Ciidamada Ammaanka ayaa maanta gacanta ku dhigay nin ku labisnaa labiska Haweenka oo isku dhex qariyay Haween ka shaqeynayay Nadaafadda degmada Wardhiigleey. Wariye Maxamed xasan Xabeeb oo Radio Muqdisho ka tirsan ayaa ku warramay in ninkaan oo wata Jalbaab, Indhoshareer iyo waliba Cabaayad uu muddo ku dhex jiray Haween badan oo ka shaqeynayay nadaafadda, ka hor inta aysan ka shakin Haweeneey uu cabitaan ka iibsaday ooo aragtay qaar ka mid ah Wajigiisa xilligii uu biyaha cabayay. Haweeneydaas ayaa Ciidamada Booliska u sheegtay qofkaan ay ka shakisay oo ay ciidamadu durbadiiba Istaajiyeen, “Gacmaha kor u taag ayay dhaheen ciidamadu, kaddibna waxaa laga qaaday Indhashareerkii, waaba nin oo ger iyo shaarib leh” ayay Haweeneysaasi sheegtay. :D Ciidamada Ammaanka ayaa u taxaabay Saldhigga ay ciidamada ammaanku ku leeyihiin Wardhiigleey oo iminka su’aalo lagu weydiinayo. Saraakiisha ciidamada Booliska oo aan xiriir la sameynay ayaa noo sheegay in ay wali gacanta ku hayaan kiiska dhawaana saxaafadda loo soo gudbin doono warbixin faahfaahsan oo ku saabsan ninkaasi.
  11. Sudan border clashes kill 23 on day two of vote 2011-01-10) (REUTERS) - By Andrew Heavens KHARTOUM (Reuters) - At least 23 people have died in clashes between tribespeople and Arab nomads near Sudan's north-south border, leaders in the contested Abyei region said on Monday, on the second day of a week-long referendum on southern independence. Analysts cite the central region of Abyei as the most likely place for north-south tensions to erupt into violence during and after the vote, the climax of a troubled peace deal that ended decades of civil war. Southerners are expected to vote to split from the mostly Muslim north, depriving Khartoum of most of its oil reserves. President Barack Obama on Saturday warned both northern and southern leaders not to use proxy forces over the voting period, highlighting international concerns that both sides might be resorting to tactics used in past campaigns. Leading members of Abyei's Dinka Ngok tribe, linked with the south, accused Khartoum of arming the area's Arab Misseriya militias in clashes on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and said they were expecting more attacks in days to come. In another sign of tension, southern army spokesman Philip Aguer said two men -- a Ugandan and a northern army soldier -- were arrested with four boxes holding 700 rounds of AK-47 ammunition in Juba on Sunday night. Aguer earlier said the north was also backing renegade fighters involved in recent clashes in the southern oil- producing Unity state. The northern army's spokesman, al-Sawarmi Khaled, on Monday denied any link to the ammunition or the clashes. PEACEFUL VOTING Observers said thousands of voters queued up for a second day of voting that continued peacefully across other areas of the south. The final results are expected by February 15, with preliminary results some two weeks earlier. "Yesterday I tried my best but it was too much for me. Queues were too long. People were too emotional. Everyone wants to be first to decide his destiny," said Salah Mohamed, waiting outside a booth on the outskirts of the southern capital Juba. "Today I could vote but still as you can see the crowds are still there ... I think the commission might need to extend the voting days." A U.N. source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters there were reports Misseriya fighters were re-grouping in the settlement of Golih Langar on Monday, 25 km (16 miles) north of Abyei town, the headquarters of U.N. peacekeepers in the region and international aid groups. "A large number of Misseriya attacked Maker village yesterday (Sunday), backed by government militia ... The first day one person died, the second day nine, yesterday 13 ... It will continue. If not Maker then will attack every other village," said Charles Abyei, speaker of the Abyei administration. Residents of the central Abyei region were promised their own referendum on whether to join the north or the south but leaders could not agree on how to run the poll and the vote did not take place, as planned on January 9. Charles Abyei said the Misseriya attacked because they had heard false rumours the Dinka were about to unilaterally declare themselves part of the south. Misseriya leader Mokhtar Babo Nimr told Reuters 13 of his men had died on Sunday's clash and accused southerners of starting the fighting. "They attacked us because they don't want the Arabs to go south to water their herds but the cattle need water and they will go. If they continue to stop us going south this fighting will continue." Southern army spokesman Philip Aguer said fighters captured after clashes with Galwak Gai's militia in Unity state on the eve of the vote said they had been sent from Khartoum. "This is their last attempt to try to disrupt the voting process but they will not succeed," Aguer said. (Additional reporting by Opheera McDoom and Jeremy Clarke in Juba; editing by Giles Elgood) © Copyright 2011, Reuters
  12. NCF 2010 Conference Held in Lukenya Getaway, Nairobi, Kenya, December 19-23, 2010 Communiqué Crafting an alternative vision for the Somali Republic: The Duty that every Somali owes to the Motherland INTRODUCTION The National Civic Forum (NCF) is an independent, non-partisan organization founded by Somali professionals and scholars in September, 2004. NCF's mission is to generate and disseminate innovative and constructive ideas to assist in the achievement of national reconciliation, economic recovery, the reconstruction of the Somali Republic and the establishment of the rule of law, respect for human rights, civil liberties, and social justice in the Somali Republic. This communiqué is a condensation of the most important points discussed and analyzed in NCF's 4th annual conference in which members of NCF and several invited scholars from various disciplines presented and debated research papers covering eminent issues facing the Somali Republic. Peace and Security 1. The participants of NCF's 4th annual conference condemn in the strongest terms all violence committed against innocent civilians, and all human rights violations regardless of who committed them. 2. We call on all relief agencies and concerned parties to urgently provide massive humanitarian aid to the draught stricken areas as well as to the populations affected by chronic food insecurity. 3. Every faction or group, which claims the control of an area, or is publicly known to do so, must be held accountable for any violence that is perpetrated against civilians in that area. Such groups should not hinder in any form or shape the delivery of humanitarian aid should guarantee the safety of humanitarian workers serving the areas under their control. 4. TFG and the armed opposition forces must declare an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and peacefully resolve their differences in order to bring an end to the suffering of the Somali people. The TFG and the opposition should work towards a peaceful political settlement. 5. We demand that all foreign entities who perpetuate conflict and violence in the Somali Republic to cease their political interference in Somali affairs. 6. The mandate of AMISOM Troops and their rules of engagement must clearly require utmost restraint and protection of the lives and properties of the civilian population. The rules of engagement must clearly state that AMISOM should not indiscriminately shell the civilian population in their engagement with the armed opposition. 7. We strongly condemn the culture of impunity and corruption, which has become the norm in the Somali Republic. 8. We are delighted with and encourage the Somali business sector's achievements in a hostile environment. We are mindful of the remarkable co-operation among the various individuals and companies, and hope that other sectors of the society would learn from their vision that goes beyond divisiveness. 9. We condemn all parties involved in unethical and immoral business and/social activities such as the importation and selling of unsafe foodstuffs, and medicinal products, and activities that lead to environmental degradation. We call on all Somali Authorities to actively prosecute those who are involved in the above activities. 10. We condemn all entities involved in piracy as well as plundering Somali marine resources and dumping toxic materials. 11. We reaffirm that Somali unity and sovereignty are sacrosanct and non-negotiable. 12. The process of drafting the constitution should be Somali owned and the constitution itself should reflect Somali tradition that is compatible with Islamic values. 13. The draft constitution should not be put into force until approved through a national referendum to be carried out when conditions in the whole country allow it. 14. The peace process should be Somali-owned and operated and should be held inside the borders of the Somali Republic, provided a competent authority guarantees security of participants. Civil Society 15. We salute the Somali civil society and the caring entrepreneurs who have managed to hold the light of hope for our future generations and tangibly contributed in building strong social services, particularly in the key sectors of education and health. 16. We call on all civil society groups to form a united front in order to better contribute to the peace process, humanitarian relief, and sustainable development in the Somali Republic. The civil society should also constructively engage Somali intellectuals, politicians, traditional and religious leaders, and members of the Diaspora in coordinating their efforts. 17. The civil society should promote the culture of dialogue and should use its influence in order to facilitate a dialogue between the TFG and the opposition. 18. The civil society should create a database of all civil society groups in order for them to pool their resources so that they can better serve the society, and advocate its interests. 19. The civil society should mobilize the Somali people to form a grassroots movement aimed at social and political change. 20. The civil society should advocate for the safeguarding of the natural resources of the Somali Republic, its environment, and the preservation of national assets, language, and cultural heritage.
  13. You really don't have a choice when you are poor. Ka faa'iideysta Carabta markey wax kula rabaan.
  14. 7. Southern Sudan is tribal, mostly Christian or animist, and its people have darker skin, and speak other languages.
  15. Attention fiican maxaa loo siin waayey threadkaan? aawey JB? lol....
  16. I wonder why loo buunbuunin waayey Arabta imaashaheeda? oh wait! I know, you thought you were from South Sudan! Aha!...makes perfect sense... Arab this and Arab that, maxaa ka danbeeyey?
  17. .... Dalkana ay Gacan ka Gaystaan Wax soo Saarkiisa Madaama oo bay yidhaahdeen Dalkani uu ku Talaabsaday Talaabo Wax ku Ool ah oo u baahan in laga Taageero Dhinacyada Wax-soo saarka si ay uga mid noqdaan Wadamada aadka u Danaynaya inay Somaliland la yeeshan Xidhidh noocan oo kale ah. Madaxweynuhu wuxuu Weftigan uga waramay Xaaladda Guud ee dalka gaar ahaan Dhinaca Ganacsiga waxaanu kusoo dhaweeyey Weftiga Fikradooda ah inay Somaliland La yeeshaan Xidhidh Ganacsi taas oo uu madaxweynuhu u balan qaaday inay Gacmo Furan ku soo dhawaynayaan Waxna la qabanayaan Cidkasta oo Dalkan Maal-gashi iyo wax soo saarba ka damacsan gaar ahaan Dhanka Ganacsiga. Gebagebadii Madaxweynuhu waxa uu Weftiga uga waramay Xaalada Ganacsi ee Dalku maraayo taasi oo uu u sheegay inay tahay mid ay Reer Somaliland iyagu ay is gaadhsiyeen heerkaa ay Maanta taagan yihiin waxaana Tusaale idinku Filan ayuu yidhi madaxweynuhu in ay Maanta Caalamku Danaynayaan Xidhidh ay Dalka la Yeeshan.” Barkhad M. Kaariye Hiiraan Online Hargeisa, Somaliland.
  18. Abdullahi Warfa Monday, January 10, 2011 PART 1 Let me start with this article by asking which is better: a government that allows individuals unrestricted freedom to do whatever they please and enjoy or to live under umbrella of government that imposes a strict law and order? Which would be better: to let teachers, business and private sector to choose their way of doing things or to pass laws that require them admit and serve everyone, regardless their race and sex? For many of us, none of these options are appropriate as it pose a difficult scenario of choices. But the legitimate question can be what do we mean by a government? What is the purpose of government? Academically, according to Dahl, Robert (1989) government can be defined as the legitimate use of force –including imprisonment and execution- within territorial boundaries to control human behavior. All governments require citizens to surrender some freedom in the process of being governed. By doing so, the citizens in return will enjoy benefits that governments gives them. The purposes of the governments are firstly, to maintain order and secondly to provide public goods and finally to promote equality. In his focus on the life, the philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) saw the government as the essential mechanism for survival, he argued that without rules, people would live like predators, stealing and killing for personal benefits. Other theorists, likes of John Lock believed that government must morally and legally protect the “unalienable rights “of individuals such as life, Liberty and Property. According to Lock if the government cannot protect and guarantee these fundamental rights, it loses its legitimacy and therefore, any upraising against it morally is justifiable. Indeed, Lock’s theory inspired many in America, Europe, Asia and Africa. The government can pursue other ends when it is a position to handle the fundamental order. It can provide a public goods such as education, health, road buildings etc. these public goods are all in beneficial to all citizens. The another purpose of the government is to ensure and promote the equality principle between the individuals by redistributing income, and implementing justice to all in order to improve quality of the life for whole people. Ideology and the scope of the Islamic Government People hold different opinions about governmental policies, based on their beliefs and values. However, Islamic ideology of governing incorporates activities in the Universe with those of Here After (Akhiro). Islamic conservative of thought relates to the government’s role in every sector of the society including education, business, labor, sports. This school of thought regulates every aspect of individual behavior through wide range of Islamic jurisdiction. The proponents of this camp base their argument on that only ALLAH is the creator, sustainer, and master of the universe and of all that exists in it. He alone has the right to command or forbid. Hence, we must act according to ALLAH’s teaching, furthermore, Allah alone is the Ruler and his commandments are the laws that govern our daily activities politically, economically, and legally independence of human being. Similarly, they point at concept of prophethood(RISALAH) which states that Mohamed( PBUH) is the messenger of Allah and the authoritative interpreter of his BOOK(The Qur’an) and it is him- the Prophet -who give us a model for the Islamic way of life by implementing the law and providing necessary details where required. Also, conservative school of Islamic thought developed the concept of Khalifah as the only legitimate political body. The Khilafah concept does not recognize the boundaries between nations as the boundaries of morality. Therefore, according to this camp in respect to the Khalifah principle, boundaries are arbitrary determinant to the answer of morality question. Modernists school of Islamic thought, in contrast contend that Islam does not ban every thing and that Islamic ideology can be divided into two possible distinctions; one distinction is that of static provision such as Prayer, Fasting, Zakah, and going to Makah for Hajj. This type of Cibaada (worship) is straight and immune from human being thinking. They are explicitly mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunna and they remain unchangeable. The other distinction is that type of dynamic provision which encompasses all other aspects of the life. And although this school of thought acknowledges the fact that all our activities must be shaped in way that does not contradict with the origins of Qur’an and Sunna, nevertheless, they argue that Islam gave us ample room for decision making in respect to many issues, particularly, when it comes to restructuring of social order. Most of that debate between the two camps, however, is mainly concentrated on the interpretations of the Qu’ranic verses and the narrated Hadiths from the Prophet (PBUH). To this point our discussion of jurisdictional ideology has centered on conflicting views about how islamically a government can be pursued? In the next article, we will look at shape of the Islamic government and how both Islamic conservatives and modernist would like that government to be look like. Abdullahi Warfa E-mail:
  19. ENG XUSEEN CABDI WADE OO KA MID AHAA BAARLAMAANKA AYAA XALAY KU GEERIYOODAT HOTEL WEHELIYE UU DEGANAA FAAHFAAHIN LAGAMA BIXIN XANUUNKA HAYEY MARXUUNKA. Allaha u naxariistee Marxuum eng. Xuseen Cabdi Wade oo ka tirsanaa baarlamaanka ayaa u dhintay xanuun soo wajahay xalay isagoo ku sugnaa Hoteel Wehliye oo uu deganaa sida uu Radio Muqdisho u sheegay xildhibaan C/raxmaan Ibraahin. Mudanahaan ayaa qeyb ka ahaa wafdigigii uu hoggaaminayay Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ee dhawaan booqashada ku tagay dalka Iraan, wuxuuna mudane ahaa wixii ka dambeeyay Dowladdii TNG ee uu madaxda ka ahaa Madaxweyne C/qaasin Salaad Xasan. Dhinaca kale Guddoonka Baarlamaanka ayaa baajiyay fadhi ay lahaayeen goluhu kaddib geeridaan sida uu sheegay Xildhibaan Caadil Sheegoow Sagaar oo ka tirsan Nidaamiyayaasha Baarlamaanka. AUN marxuumka iyo intii ku geeriyootey Soomaliya shaley
  20. Wasiirkii Hore Arimaha Dibada Soomaaliya Oo Ka Hadley Heshiiska Lala Galay Saracen International Virginia (RBC Radio):- Wasiirkii hore ee Arimaha Dibadda ee Dowladda FKMG Soomaaliya Mudane Cali Axmed Jaamac (Jangeli) ayaa ka hadley heshiiska dowladda FKMG Soomaaliya ay la gashay Shirkada Saracen International. Mudane Cali Axmed Jaamac oo haatan ku sugan wadanka Mareykanka ayaa sheegay in uusan waxba kala socon heshiiska Xukuumada FKMG Soomaaliya ay la gashay Shirkada Saracen International. Wasiirkii hore ee Arimaha Dibada ee Xukuumadii Ra’isulwasaare Sharma’arke ayaa sheegay in xilligii uu hayay Wasaarada Arimaha Dibada uusan soo marin heshiis ay leedahay shirkad ajnabi ah, balse Xukuumada haatan jirta ay arintaasi lug ku leedahay. Mudane Jangeli waxaa uu sheegay in ay wax loo baahan yahay tahay in la cadeeyo cidda heshiiska la gashay hay’adaasi iyadoo aan la isku tuur tuurin, wuxuuna Golaha Baarlamaanka ku dhiiri geliyay in ay la xisaabtamaan oo ay baaraan cidda heshiiska dhabta ah la gashay shirkadaha ajnabiga ah ee dalka haatan ku sugan. “Arintani waxay aniga ila tahay in shirkadahani ajnabiga ah ee dalka yimid ay yihiin kuwa qandaraaslayaal ah oo ay wataan ciidamada Amisom, Qaramada Midoobayna ay wax ka ogtahay, sababtoo ah shirkadahani waxay wataan wax kasta oo ah qalabkii iyo waxyaabihii ay kaga howlgali lahaayeen gudaha dalka Soomaaliya” ayuu yiri Cali Axmed Jaamac. Mudane Cali Axmed Jaamac (Jangeli) ayaa ka dhawaajiyey in loo baahan yahay in marka hore la fiiriyo heshiiska shirkadaha ma yahay mid dadka iyo dalka faa’ido u sameynaya, haddii dalka iyo dadka faa’ido ku helayaan waxba yaan la isweydiin oo la isku tuur tuurin cida keentay ee hala soo dhoweeyo, haddii aysan wadin danta dadka iyo dalkana hala fiirsado ayuu hadalkiisa raaciyey Mudane Jangeli. Jangeli ayaa haatan booqasho ku jooga Magaalada Virginia ee dalka Mareykanka, isagoo sheegay in uu dalka dib ugu soo laaban doono maalmaha soo socda. RBC Radio. Saacadihii inkiraada iyo farfiiqIda ayaa dib u bilaabatey, xagey ku dhamaaneysaa sheekadaan taloow?
  21. Can Al Shabab digest the absorption of Hizbul Islam? The merger didn’t only strengthen the fire power of the new Al Shabab, but also brought with it an ideological baggage (Sh. Dahir Aweys) that is most likely to reinforce the position of the reformists. The reformist agenda is more of like a creeping revolution that encompass a thorough change of the movement including, but not limited to, revisiting military strategies, policies on civil liberties, relations with aid agencies and the likes. The soul of the movement, their local and foreign financiers, have a vested interest in keeping the movement as a going concern; and are most likely to use every means in their power to achieve peaceful amalgamation as they can’ afford an expensive failure at the 11th hour. Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys has a byzantine influence in the ranks of Al Shabab, the business community and to some extend the pro government militias both in Mogadishu and beyond. By all calculations, the timing and the prevailing conditions within Al Shabab are on his side; he may not be the king but obviously he is the king maker. Far from joining his old comrade Sheikh Hassan Turki in a care home as suggested by Mr. Amin Amir, the Somali political catroonist, Sheikh Aweys might turn out to be the vehicle that may steer the movement into becoming inward-looking national Islamist group, without assuming an office higher than membership of one of the movement’s committees. Sheikh Aweys, throughout history, proved to thrive by working behind the scene – during UIC sheikh Sharif Ahmed not Sheikh Aweys was the front man, but key decisions were made by the latter. Conclusion: – Al Shabab may get a new lease of life with human face According to Faisal Roble, whose prediction on the merger between the two groups came into present day reality (VOA, Somali Section, interviewed in October, 2010), the power struggle within Al Shabab isn’t a calamity that befell the movement but is rather a blessing in disguise which is part and parcel of the natural growth of any movement. The disagreements within the movement could have stemmed out of standard internal appraisal in which the leaders are made to take stock of their performance, their tactics, their relations with external parties and their shortcomings which is essential for the long-term success of the movement. It is also the case that historically rebel movement fractures when they are cornered militarily and politically – any venue short from dismantling the movements is bound to be explored even if it is the assassination of some of the executive committee. Al Shabab’s division might have been caused by either of the two, or a combination of the said factors. However, optimistic Somalis hope that the growing voice of the elements seen as nationalists within Alshabab augurs hope of reconciliation. What is indisputable is that Alshabab’s extremist policies and vision – internationalization of the national question, the agenda of the foreign Jihadists to make Somalia pan – Islamic caliphate that became the hallmark of current Al shabab leadership – has earned disaffection from many quarters of its supporters. It is unlikely that the proponents of the internationalist agenda will emerge winners out of this duel because people see the futility of their vision, which is a perpetual misguided Jihadist war with no end – Somalia now, Kenya and Ethiopia tomorrow and so on and on is becoming more of a pipeline dream. Al shabab’s threat to attack America or Europe can’t be taken lightly because they can activate their sleeping cells to bomb soft civilian targets. The internationalist group who are under pressure from within and outside might resort to creating havoc intended to either divert the trajectory of the inside struggle or else to take the ultimate revenge on Al Shabab’s future restructuring process by blowing away the bridges to modernity and moderation. The sad reality is – the war in Somalia will go on in the foreseeable future because whichever group emerges as the winner has no intention or incentive to go into reconciliation talks with what they see as weak foreign owned entity (TFG). The presence of Sheikh Sharif, a man equally reviled by both Alshabab and HI, makes deal between TFG and whoever comes out as the winner in the ongoing Alshabab internal power struggle very unlikely. Most leaders of the Islamists are rumoured to have said that they will never sit and discuss with the man who betrayed them during the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia –Sheikh Sharif. It is also unlikely that any number of foreign troops pumped into Somalia by the international community could defeat and silence Alshabab guns. In this regard, there is little that the amalgamation of Alshabab and HI would change in the political and security situation of Somalia. However the emergence of quasi-nationalist Islamist leadership in Alshabab may bring tangible changes in the areas of civil liberties and humanitarian work as restrictions are bound to be eased. Abdikarim Buh Political analyst and WardheerNews contributor
  22. Hizbul Islam – ruined by irreconcilable ideologies (clan and Islam) Hizbul Islam was born out of the merger of four ideologically discrete Islamic groups who only share a nationalist platform: Aweys’ Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia – Asmara wing; the Ras Kamboni Brigade; Jabhatul Islamiya (the Islamic Front); and the Anole brigade. Since Hizbul Islam’s inauguration in 2009, their relationship with Al Shabab was at best bumpy and at worst marked by battles that often Hizbul Islam lost not only the sphere of Influence to Al Shabab forces but also resulted in the exposure of the ideological and political divide among the diverse groups that call Hizbul Islam home. When Al Shabab forces, on 1st Oct 2009, ousted Hizbul Islam from the control of Kismayo, they exposed that Sheikh Ahmed Madoobe, the central pillar of Hizbul Islam in the Juba valley, was executing an agenda backed by Ethiopia, the TFG and Kenya. In the end, this scandal shattered the thin trust that held together the smaller factions that united under the umbrella of Hizbul Islam – The undoing of Hizbul Islam started back then. Despite repeated reiterations, Sheikh Aweys failed to convince the top officials of Hizbul Islam in Gedo, let alone the Ras Kamboni Brigade (an essential and organized faction, headed by Sheikh Hassan Turki), that Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed Madoobe is still part of his group. Sheikh Hassan Al –Turki, who is on the hit list of the US government and is specialized in the training of the deadliest units of the Jihadists, severed his faction’s ties with Hizbul Islam. Sheikh Turki’s close associates allege poor health and shrewd machinations of Sheikh Madoobe compelled him to let Al Shabab swallow the Ras Kamboni Brigade. The ceremony of the merger of Al Shabab and Ras Kamboni Brigade was held in Baidabo on January 27, 2010 in the presence of Ahmed Abdi Aw Mohamed “Godane”, the reclusive Al shabab spiritual and operational leader whose nom de guerre is Abu Zubair. Ever since, Sheikh Al-Turki is assumed to be enjoying retirement, albeit in poor health, in a safe care home somewhere around Kismayo. Inside the executive committee of Al shabab: – leadership shake up is in the offing The attack launched by the lone mystery helicopter, disowned by the west, on a house in Merca on 25 Sep, 2010, where Al Shabab leaders gathered to resolve a power dispute between their Amir and Mukhtar Roobow put in the public domain the power struggle within Al Shabab executive committee. The dispute was ignited by the poor performance of the movement following their over publicized Ramadan botched attempt of taking over the Presidential Palace. The attack of the helicopter can’t be uncharacteristic given that previous two senior commanders of Al Shabab – Ayrow and a Kenyan-born top Jihadist were killed by similar attacks. The attack might have triggered mistrust and suspicions within the group and might have obliged them to suspend the talks prematurely. To dampen the report of leadership feud within Al Shabab, Sheikh Mukhtar Roobow delivered a speech in Mogadishu, on October 8, 2010, aimed at clearing the air and buying vital time for the movement to put its house in order. He termed the reports baseless and groundless, accusing the Transitional Federal Government of disseminating propaganda against what he called the “Mujahidin”. The recent skirmish between the two factions in and around Bur Hakaba district, which is thought to have hastened the merger of the two groups, was a manifestation of the tactical difference among the leadership of Al Shabab. The confusion in the leadership of Al Shabab is set to linger around for long unless common unifying vision is found and drastic accommodative steps are taken by the feuding leaders to address the ever widening rift within the executive committee. Top leaders, Sheikh Fu’ad Shangole and Mukhtar Roobow, were against the inter- Islamist in-fight while the Amir of Al Shabab, who is seen as a sell out of the foreign Jihadists, was of the opinion that talks alone can’t deliver the desired end product in good time – unconditional merger of Hizbi Islam with Al Shabab. On Friday December 17,2010 Sheikh Fu’ad Shangole, thought to be speaking on behalf of the nationalist elements within Al Shabab led by Sheikh Mukhtar Roobow “Abu Mansoor”, delivered a fiery speech in Bakara Market Mosque. He attacked the Amir of Al Shabab’s line of thought and categorically denounced the Bur Hakaba fight that saw the death of twenty Mujahidin and the injury of over forty fighters from both sides. Sheikh Fu’ad branded it as un- Islamic and anti Jihad, an act that requires repentance of its instigators. Sheikh Fu’ad questioned the suitability of Sheikh Godane to hold the highest office when, as he put it, the Amir is incapable of even showing his face to followers of the movement let alone partake in the Jihad and educate his foot soldiers. From the time Al Shabab was founded, such publicized criticism of their leader in person has never been heard of. This departure from the blind acquiesce to the whims of the leader demonstrates that either the forces of moderation are dogged to take over the sovereignty of the movement from foreign-elements or it is a symptom of the tough times Al Shabab is facing due to sustained military attacks from AMISOM – backed TFG. On a different Friday December 24, 2010 Sheikh Fuad Shangole again delivered another speech in Afgoi appealing to Al shabab’s rank and file to stop lashing and imprisoning civilians for trivial offences that can easily be addressed through talking. He reminded them that Allah will turn away from the Mujahidin if they keep committing atrocities against the civilians. This again signifies a departure away from Al Shabab’s claim that their foot soldiers are all saints and infallibles. Sheikh Fu’ad blamed the relocation of substantial number of civilians in to the government side on Al Shabab’s unresponsive policies towards aid agencies and restrictions on civil liberties in the face of wide spread drought and destitution. It is reported that People who were under areas controlled by Al Shabab chose to speak with their feet and crossed into the government-held areas, after they were traumatised by the draconian rules of the front and the indiscriminate daily shelling of AMISOM forces. The fleeing people bought or rented vacant lands to pitch their tents on, in and around Halane, former Somali Army training school, which is presently an AMISOM base. This is yet an indication of the bankruptcy of Al Shabab’s template assertion that “Al Shabab knows what is best for the people”. It is bold but tentative first step towards the religious moderation Al Shabab loves to hate. The official participation of Al Shabab-controlled regions in the first football tournament for 21 years held in Puntland, an autonomous state hated by Al Shabab, marks another departure from their all out war policy. The condemnation by Sheikh Mukhtar Roobow of the assassinations of the local elites of Puntland puts a strong seal to the change of heart within some of the leading figures of Al Shabab, but it could also be a transitory populist machination intended to cope with their shrinking popularity. The extremist group, which is bent on keeping the status quo, is showing their displeasure by imposing more draconian fatwas on people already burdened beyond belief by multitude of injudicious Fatwas. The moderates are beseeching diehard international Jihadists in Mogadishu and its vicinity to change course. However, the anti reform group, in an apparent rebuke of the soft approach of the moderates, introduced an immediate blanket ban on the trade and use of tobacco products – cigarette, Shisha, chewing tobacco – on the people in Hiiraan and Jowhar regions, who are already punished by a ruthless drought of a scale not seen for years. As people were coming to terms with the cigarette ban, the anti-reform group closed all the pharmacies in Jowhar without exception and bundled the trained health workers on the back of battle wagons on their way to makeshift detention centre. The sight of women with small weeping and tired children strapped to their backs, looking for medications didn’t soften the heart of Al Shabab officers, who claim to be the senate of the religion of Allah. The crime that attracted such inhuman collective punishment of a whole community was simple daily occurrence – the pharmacists failed to show on time for a seminar called in by Al Shabab’s local health officer. Cont'd
  23. By Abdikarim H. Abdi Buh The peaceful amalgamation of the two Islamist factions Al Shabab and Hisbul Islam (HI) is seen by some as a commendable act that will have significant postive ramification in the political landscape of Somalia. Others see it as the nightmare that they always dreaded to face; but at least over one million internally displaced persons (IDPs), who live in the IDP corridor of Afgoi, breathed a heavy sigh of relief. The IDPs and the business community, who were worried about where they will end up if the talks between Alshabab and HI fail, were the first to welcome Al Shabab fighters into their humanitarian corridor. The wholesale daily bombardment of the Bakara market by the AMISOM forces compelled the business community to move most of their merchandise to the IDP home in the Afgoi corridor – the Bakara market is currently reduced to deal-making market. Al Shabab has laid its hands on a booming business that include telecommunications companies, power generators, merchandise warehouses and the likes that has the potential to build up their war coffers massively and as a token of good gesture they instantly wrapped up the check points hitherto manned by Hizbul Islam. The popular assumption that Al Shabaab’s takeover of Hizbul Islam came in an easy way runs contrary to the facts the two movement’s history preserved. The merger was delivered by lengthy negotiations often coupled at times by arm twists that started soon after the birth of Hizbul Islam in January 2009. Al Shabab movement has all along deemed that the Islamist Mujahidin’s strategic objective (creation of an Islamic state) could only be achieved rapidly by a unified front and hence never accepted the birth of a rival Islamist movement. The merger of the two Islamists into one was the ultimate goal the insurgency was craving for and is a priceless victory for them and probably a welcome development for the communities who bore the brunt of the Islamist rivalry, as the alternative scenario of inter-Islamist bloodshed is a scenario no sane person would wish to imagine. The minimum would have been a war in Afgoi’s humanitarian corridor which would have uprooted over a million people. Regardless of their archaic and strict interpretation of the Qur’an and the Sharia, the Islamists managed to institute one single movement to replace yester years’ countless warlords that destroyed the fabric of the Somali nation. The Al Shabab movement has more soldiers and firearms under one command which will be tested shortly at the battle fields – AMISOM forces are finalizing the details of over ambitious offensive war aimed to taking back the important southern port cityKismayo port. Con'td