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SOMALIA: Charcoal trade booming despite ban Thursday, January 20, 2011 The charcoal trade is booming NAIROBI, - Although the export of charcoal has been banned by Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG), the trade is booming in areas controlled by Islamist opposition groups, with locals saying volumes have risen sharply in past months. "The trade in charcoal in [the port city of] Kismayo seems to be picking up every day, with the current level and intensity being the highest ever," a civil society source, who requested anonymity, told IRIN on 19 January. Previously cutting trees and burning charcoal was a low-key, low-technology affair, but "now they are using very sophisticated saws and equipment". A Somali member of parliament, Ibrahim Habeb, appealed to Somalis "to think of the future and the best interests of the people". Decimation of trees, he added, was one of the causes of recurring droughts. Trees and forests, according to the World Agroforestry Centre, play a vital role in regulating the climate since they absorb carbon dioxide – containing an estimated 50 percent more carbon than the atmosphere. Deforestation, in turn, accounts for more than 20 percent of the carbon dioxide humans generate, rivalling the emissions from other sources. Trees are also crucial in providing a range of products and services to rural and urban populations, including food, timber, fibre, medicines and energy, as well as soil fertility, water and biodiversity conservation. “More dangerous than piracy” A civil society source, who requested anonymity, said the charcoal traders were decimating the last remaining forested area in Somalia and, in the process, "destroying our future and the future of our children." He added: "They must be stopped. This is more dangerous than the piracy problem." Almost 80-90 percent of exported charcoal passed through Kismayo, 500km south of the capital, Mogadishu, the source added. In the past, ports in Mogadishu and Merka in the south were also used, but local authorities in other parts of the country had banned the trade. Al-Shabab Islamist insurgents control Kismayo and much of the south of Somalia and have fought the TFG for the past three years. Charcoal export, the source said, was their biggest source of income. Most of the charcoal is transported to the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia, where a bag fetches about US$15. Traders paid about $5 to cut and burn the charcoal. A Kismayo resident, who declined to be named, said three to four vessels loaded with charcoal left the port every week. Stopping the export of charcoal is a challenge, however, requiring the cooperation of the Gulf countries as well as the Somali business community, said the civil society source. Somalia is one of 13 African countries that will face water scarcity by 2025, according to the UN Economic Commission for Africa, partly because of human activities such as deforestation for charcoal production, overgrazing or crowding around watering points and other inappropriate land use measures. According to the International Fund for Agricultural Development, overgrazing and uncontrolled harvesting of trees to make charcoal in parts of the north-west and the Kismayo area have led to environmental degradation in Somalia that may be difficult to reverse. Source: IRIN
Jacaylbaro;688937 wrote: Not Sharif not anyone else ,,,,,, I said Something dee ,,,, then we will see lol...sheeg dee ama naga daa. Dhib badanidaa kaaley.
Soo tuur, sup with the teasing dee. Press 1 for Sharif, press 2 for hebel
Af caytamay ninkiis aas ku yaalaa. Shinidii malabkeed la shubahaayo shib ma dhaheyso.
hamza;688917 wrote: walaal am for somaaliweyn, but i don't think farmaajo did anything good in those few days. he might be another western project like many of our leaders especially his predecessors. don't think members of shabab have ever crossed over to TFG, its the other way round. stop posting false information it won't help you http://www.upi.com/Top_News/Special/2011/01/07/Report-Al-Shabaab-fighters-defecting/UPI-94981294428388/ Your heroes are losing the battle. Denial won't change the facts.
Waxuu u maleeyey in terrorist la dhahaayo...
:D:D "Luuq luuq marow, laasim laamiga aas imaahaa!"
gooni;688847 wrote: si ka fiican sheekh shariif baa loo soo dhaweeyay waa khasab inuu go'aankii ka noqdo ------ Madaxweyne Sheikh Shariif oo Gaarey Jabuuti Madaxweynaha Dawladda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya Shariif Sheikh Axmed ayaa soo gaarey magaalada Jabuuti ee xarunta Jamhuuriyada Jabuuti. Wefdiga Madaxweynaha oo ka kooban Wasiiro ayaa kasoo kicitimay dalka Masar halkaas oo ay kaga qaybgaleen shir looga hadlaayay dhaqaalaha oo ay yeesheen madaxda Wadamada Jaamacada Carabta. Madaxweyne Sheikh Shariif ayaa sidoo kale waxaa ay wada socdeen Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaacil Cumar Geelle oo isna kasoo qaybgalay Shirka dhaqaalaha oo ka dhacay magaalada Sharmasheekh. Magaalada Jabuuti waxaa sidoo kale ku sugan wefdi u horkacaayo Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Faroole kuwaas oo shalay halkaas gaarey kulamo hordhacna la kulmeen masuuliyin ka tirsan Qaramada Midoobay,Midowga Yurub iyo Midowga Afrika. Dhowaan ayay ahayd markii Dawladda Puntland ay ku dhawaaqday in ay jartay wadashaqeyntii Dawladda Federaalka. Horseed Media
Keep hope alive waaye sheekada.
Urgent" access to drought communities needed Thursday, January 20, 2011 Photo: Kate Holt/IRIN Drought has forced many families into towns and urban centres in search of assistance NAIROBI (IRIN) - With drought worsening across Somalia, officials in the south and central parts of the country - largely controlled by Islamist opposition groups - have appealed for access to communities that have reported deaths of people and livestock. "This is not about politics; it is about saving lives. Those in control should not only allow access but take part in reaching those that need help," Ibrahim Habeb Nur, a member of parliament, told IRIN on 18 January. He said the drought could get worse in the coming months, with the affected populations needing urgent help after losing their livelihoods. "We have reports of people dying because of lack of water and food," Nur said. "Every region from Ras Kambone [in the south] to Ras Aser [in the north] is affected. "We are looking at two to three months with no possibility of rains,” Nur said. "This is as bad as I can remember. We are facing a catastrophe and all us Somalis and aid agencies should pull together to save lives before it is too late." He said the drought had forced many families into towns and urban centres in search of help. Collective effort The UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Mark Bowden, said on 7 January that access to Somalia’s most vulnerable populations remained critical and urged all parties to the country's conflict to grant access. “The increasing threat of hunger and disease caused by the drought calls for a collective effort by all parties in Somalia to increase and facilitate access for a broader range of humanitarian actions," he said. "I call upon all those who are in a position to improve access to lend their support at this critical time." A January monthly information bulletin, produced by Somalia's Water and Land Information Management with the Food Security Nutrition and Analysis Unit and Famine and Early Warning Networks, stated that "the very poor Deyr rains in November and December [2010] have aggravated pasture conditions in all key pastoral and agro-pastoral areas of the country, with water catchments and dams dried up earlier than expected". Abdullahi Abdirahman Ahmed, head of the Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Agency (HADMA) of the self-declared autonomous region of Puntland, northeastern Somalia, told IRIN the drought had affected the entire region and was one of the worst in the past 10 years. "In some villages close to the coast, livestock have started dying; the remaining livestock is too weak that the people cannot sell it or eat it." He warned that conditions in the next four months would be dire. "We don't expect any rains before May and people are already too weak and if help does not arrive soon, people will definitely die." Ahmed said the people in the area depended on water from barkads (water catchments) for 80 percent of their needs but they had all dried up. Dead livestock In the self-declared state of Galmudug, in central Somalia, the situation is equally bad. Ahmed Osman Ilmi, an elder, who visited some of the drought-affected villages, told IRIN by telephone from south Galkayo that most of the area was experiencing a severe drought. "I have seen dead livestock, including camels," Ilmi said. "The situation is really bad." He said the eastern parts (coastal areas) were more affected. "They did not have much rain in the last two rainy seasons." He said the local authorities and individual Somalis had begun trucking water, "but it is not nearly enough", adding that one water tanker, with 200 drums (each 200l), costs between US$200 and $250. "I saw no one dying from the effects of the drought but if the situation continues I have no doubt they will follow their livestock [and die]," Ilmi said. "Help is urgently needed." An estimated two million Somalis need humanitarian assistance, according to the UN. At least 1.4 million Somalis have been displaced by fighting between government forces and Islamic insurgents, who control much of south and central Somalia, including parts of Mogadishu. Another 600,000 are refugees in neighbouring countries. Source: IRIN
Shirkii Jaamacadda Carabta oo lagu go’aamiyay in taageero ballaaran loo fidiyo dowladda Soomaaliya Khamiis, 20 Janaayo, 2011 (HOL) – Hoggamiyeyaasha Jaamacadda Carabta ayaa warmurtiyeed ay Arbacadii shalay kasoo saareen shirkii ay ku yeesheen magaalada Sharmal-Sheekh ee dalka Masar, ku baaqay in si muuqata looga qaybqaato horumarka iyo nabad soo celinta Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan dhismaha hay’adaha dowladda iyo dib u heshiisiinta. Madaxda Carabtu, waxay isku raaceen in xubnaha ururka ay bixiyaan dhaqaalihii horay loogu yaboobay dowladda Soomaaliya, taasoo lagu ballanqaaday shirkii ka dhacay magaalada Sirta ee dalka Liibiya sannadkii hore. Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee dalka Masar, Axmed Abul-Qayt, ayaa sheegay in go’aannadii kasoo baxay gabagabadii shirkii shalay, laga soo saaray in laga hortago faragelinta ay kooxaha argagaxisada ah ka wadaan gudaha dalalka Carabta, laguna baaqay in si deg-deg ah lagu xalliyo khilaafyada ka taagan dalalka Carabta. Hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta, ayaa sidoo kale warmurtiyeedkooda ku sheegay in si wadajira ah looga hortago dagaallada ay wadaan kooxaha ay ugu yeereen argagaxisada iyo faragelinnada shisheeye, iyagoo sheegay in dhibaatooyin kala duwan ay kooxahaas ku hayaan guud ahaan caalamka, gaar ahaan dalalka Carabta. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, ayaa ka mid ahaa madaxdii shirka ka qaybgalay, isagoo hadal uu shirka ka jeediyay ku sheegay in dowladdiisu ay la tacaalayso sidii nabadda Soomaaliya kusoo celin lahayd, wuxuuna gacan weydiistay dalalka Carabta. Ugu dambeyn, go’aannada shirka, ayay madaxda Carabta ku muujiyeen sida ay uga walaacsan yihiin falalka burcadbadeednimo, gaar ahaan kuwa ka dhaca biyaha dalalka Carabta qaarkood. Iyagoo ku baaqay in dalalka Carabta ay isku garbsadaan sidii ay burcabadeedda uga hortegi lahaayeen. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online maxuseen@hiiraan.com Muqdisho, Soomaaiya
Court: Somali woman bites off part of another woman’s finger in a fight Thursday, January 20, 2011 Two Somali women have pleaded guilty to attacking each other in an argument they had over who was going to use a water basin to wash some clothes first. The court was told that Amran Abdi Sheikh Ahmed, 25, bit off part of Nasra Mohamed Khalif’s finger. The latter in turn bit the other woman’s cheek. The incident took place at the Hal Far Open Centre at about 3pm on Tuesday. The two women were also charged with breaching the peace, and were both given a one-year jail term suspended for two years. Both women have been dismissed from the open centre and their children are being taken care of by the fathers. The court was presided over by magistrate Miriam Hayman. Police inspector Priscilla Caruana prosecuted. Source: Independent
by Abdul-Aziz Mohammed Wednesday, January 19, 2011 At the end of August, this year, the mandate of the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) is to end. Some Somalis, both inside and outside of Somalia, are gearing up for pageantry and jockeying for the presidency position! In the past, one could argue there were reasons to hold conferences to turn armed groups into politicians. From the early actors in clan-motivated wars, warlords, to the now defunct Islamic Union Courts (ICU), these groups were willing—fully or in part—to come to a negotiating table to pursue a peaceful way out. Whether the result was successful or not is not as much my point here, as there were conditions which necessitated such trials at peace. In other words, all those past attempts to form a government in Somalia were to make peace among warring factions! Somalia is in a different place now. For starters, the armed opposition group of Al-Shabaab is, as of now, absolute in its opposition to any kind of negations with the TFG. The following question desperately begs for an answer: What would be the aim of yet another conference to form a new government at the end of this year? Certainly, the answer to the question would not be to enhance peace, for Al-Shabaab will not come to take part in a new government! If they were willing, it would be logical to elect a new government, with Al-Shabaab in it, to usher in a complete silencing of violence in Somalia. All Somalis will be for it! If Al-Shabaab will not come, which will render any new government by another one of usual past conferences “not a government of reconciliation,” then what for? Forming a government in Somalia should not be about satisfying individual egos to the title of “Mr. President.” For a government in Mogadishu to succeed, it needs continuity—especially when it seems to be working! Today, for the first time in almost 2 decades, Somalia—a country left for dead—has a combination of right leaders. A new generation of Somali leaders has assumed the mantle in Mogadishu, a once thriving city rendered as an ancient ruin. And, because of it, change has finally come to Somalia. President Sheikh Sharif, a novice in politics or governing or world affairs, has finally found a capable team to work with by his selection of Mr. Farmajo for the premiership. If Sharif’s earlier company simply made him impotent, without a clue of what do, if what was to be done was about country and people, the new company (Farmajo and his cabinet) make the president virile! I give President Sheikh Sharif an A+ for choosing Mohammed Abdullahi Mohammed (Farmajo). “If we create a 1000 ministerial posts, someone or some group would still feel left behind; it is not about quantity, it is about quality,” said the new prime minster on his decision of cutting back ministerial posts from the old bloated 39 to 18.” From day one, the President, Prime Minster and all his cabinet started running on going about their respective responsibilities. On daily basis, they are holding meetings, visiting soldiers (at the frontline) or schools. This new government under Sharif and Farmajo has the feel and look of a functioning government. A one clear indication of such was its swift response to a recent interclan fighting in Mudug region in central Somalia. The government immediately dispatched officials on a peace mission to the area to resolve the fighting, which they did. It seems that the new government in Mogadishu is functioning in an unprecedented cohesive frame work. The days of infighting and clashes of Prima Donnas are over. Sharif Sakin is finally put in his right place, outside of any chance to meddle in counterproductively in executive decision-making. About 55% of Mogadishu is, incredibly, in the hands of the government now. Mogadishu residents are increasingly flocking to government-held territories in Mogadishu. This is partially due to Al-Shabaab’s harsh treatment of civilians, which was recently admitted by one of Al-Shabaab’s top leaders by the name of Shangole! The Al-Shabaab and their ilk, the usual anti-peace forces, are losing ground. Another evidence of this is Hizbul Islam surrendering to Al-Shabaab, for a better chance to survive together their current misfortune. The Somali National Army is on its way back, like the phoenix rising from the ashes! With better and regular pay and deserved attention from their superiors, the morale of government soldiers is higher than any recent times! Moreover, soldiers are once again under strict military code. 4 soldiers were so far court-marshaled, found guilt and executed for a conduct unbecoming of a soldier! On the other hand, all indications point to about mass desertions of Islamists’ foot soldiers. Many youngsters in the rank of Al-Shabaab would be hard pressed to stay with or give their lives up for a doomed and discredited organization. Why continue doing that, when they can be part of a proud national army! What a difference leadership makes! The Somali-American dominated technocrat government, led by Mohammed Farmajo, is indeed succeeding where many governments before it could not. The simplest explanation is that Somalia has finally produced leaders who understand that it is not about them. It is about country and people! So, how could possibly Somalia benefit from starting from scratch with a new government? I do not see any how! We have a government, however imperfect! Electing a new president and parliament is not an easy affair. If anything, it would be a source of a new conflict or division, within what is now the TFG, as many groups and individuals scramble for power! There are no guarantees either on electing a better bunch than are in office now. “A bird at hand is worth more than two in the bush.” What Somalia needs is a stable government, without the uncertainty of “transitional” hanging over its head! This is not to suggest a government in perpetuity. But, in a country like ours, we need a government which will see through the mammoth task of pacifying the unyielding-to-reason violent Al-Shabaab. Surely, Al-Shabaab is not electing a new lot as their leaders every 2 years. They have command and control stability. The government, under the difficult circumstance, deserves the same chance! Stable countries in the world cannot even afford such abrupt changes of the guard; let aside a country starting from nothing, and in war, like Somalia! That said, the one area in current TFG government which badly needs reform is the parliament. The parliament is dysfunctional. It would most likely continue to be so as long as there is someone the like of Sharif “Sakin” at the helm! That post badly needs a young technocrat, like the ones in the cabinet. Somalia can no longer afford a conference for “Mr. President” pageant, for every Dick and Harry to flex and prance for the title. Enough of that! Let Sheikh Sharif and his Somali-American technocrats continue for another 2 years in a permanent government, with no transitional label that is, to successfully execute the war against the radicals! In an emergency situation, like in Somalia, there is simply no logic or utility to change political horses in the midstream. Once the war is over, and then it would be up to all Somalis to elect in peacetime a truly democratic government.
Political infant and minor Farmajo told off by Faroole
Somalina replied to Fiqikhayre's topic in Politics
:D:D -
Sensei;688822 wrote: Very true, I could not have agreed with you more. One functions and the other does not, fasiro adiga keebaa kee ah. Adiga fasiro this: Soomaliya (qabiil walba) v 1 sub sub sub clan. Igu soo noqo markaad fahamtid waxad isku meel inaad dhigtid rabtid. Garacad iyo Eyl are located where? Ku noqo micnaha functions, soo laabo markaa...
Sensei;688813 wrote: I thought Shariif cadde's gov was structured upon qabiil. lol..barlamaanka TFG v baarlamaanka Farole isku meel ma dhigi kartid. Wasiirada TFG iyo wasiirada Farole isma barbar dhigi kartid. Maxaa kale aad dooneysa inaan kuu fasiro? adigaa mudan...
Kulmiye;688798 wrote: Soo dhawow Miriam, welcome and dont be afraid to engage in all subject matter:) lol... It is an old thread.
Duca kuligeen waan u baahanahay ee soo badiya bal. Xaji, dagaal uun baad la soo shirtagtaa, ee see wax u jiraan? Faroole maa wax isku tihiin? lol...
Dowladda oo UNICEF ku wareejisay Gaari ay Shabaabku ka dhaceen Munaasabad hey’ada UNICEEF lagula wareejinayay gaari horey ay u bililiqeysteen maleeshiyada Alshabaab oo ay ka qeyb galeen masuuliyiin ka tirsan doowlada KMG ah ayaa maanta lagu qabtay garoonka diyaaradaha caalimga ah ee magaalda Muqdisho. Munaasabaddaan oo si heer sare ah loo soo agaasimay ayna ka soo qayb galeen xubno kala duwan oo uu ugu horeeyo ku simaha wasiirka arimaha gudaha iyo amniga qaranka ahna wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaraddaasi Ibraahim ***** Yarow, gudoomiyaha gobolka Sh/dhexe Cali Max’ud Caddow, Maareeyaha Hay’adda duulista iyo Saadaasha hawada Max’uud Sh Cali Dable Beylood, Taliyaha hogaanka Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadaha Janaral C/laahi Gaafow Max’uud iyo xubno kale oo munaasabaddasi lagu casuumay. Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sh/dhexe Cali Max’uud Caddow oo ugu horeyn halkasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in 17-kii bishii May ee sanadkii 2009-ka ay maleeshiyaadka koxda Al-shabaab si xoog ah uga kaxeysteen xarunta hay’adda UNICEF ee magalada Jowhar ee Gobolka Sh/dhexe xilligaasi oo ay Shabaabku si xoog ah ku galeen xarunta gobolkasi ee Jowhar. Cali max’uud Caddow ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay in gawaarida ay markii hore ahaayeen labo hayeeshee haatan ay si nabad gelyo ah ku soo badbaadiyeen mid ka mid ah gaawaaridaasi , isagoo intaa ku daray in ay ku dadaali doonaan sidii hantida kale ee Dowladda iyo kuwa hay’adaha ay horey maleeshiyaadka koxda Al-shabaab u boobeen dib ugu soo celin lahaayeen kooxahasi boobka geystay. Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarada arrimaha gudaha iyo Amniga Qaranka Md Ibraahim ***** Yarow oo isna munaasabadasi ka hadlay ayaa talaabadasi ku tilmaamay mid aad u wanaagsan islamarkaana ay gaarigaasi ku wareejinayan madaxa hay’addda nabad gelyada Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Qaramada Midoobay ee marka magaceeda loo soo gaabiyo loo yaqaan UNDSS, Jorge Fuentes. Ugu dambeyntii waxaa halkasi ka hadlay madaxa ha’adda UNDSS Jorge Fauntes oo arinkasi uga mahadceliyey dowladda KMG Soomaaliya iyo intii gacan ka geysatay. “Mahadsanid Mudane Wasiir, anigoo ku hadlaya magaca hay’adda UNICEF waxaan dowladda ka guddoomay gaarigaan oo ay dib noogu soo celisay, aad baad u mahadsan tahay mudane wasiir adiga iyo gudoomiyaha gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe aad baad u mahadsantihiin” ayuu yiri Jorge Fuentes. Maamulka Gobolka Sh/dhexe ayaa noqonaya maamulkii ugu horeeyey ee dib u soo celiya mid ka mid ah gawaarida ay hay’adaha Samafalku lahaayeen ee ay kol hore maleshiyaadka Al-shabaab boobka u geysteen. :cool::cool:
As Al Shabaab intensifies its fighting and moves to muzzle Somalis displaced by ongoing war, hundreds of Mogadishu residents on Wednesday participated in a large demonstration against the militant group. Chanting anti-Al Shabaab slogans, raising placards written with “We don’t want the mad and cruel militants” and “Stop harassing and intimidating people and open access for the needy Somalis to get assistance,” demonstrators marched down roads in Mogadishu’s government-controlled districts.. Speaking through a megaphone, Habibo Adow, a Somali woman, talked to the demonstrators, saying they had come together to express their feelings as the country suffers through severe droughts and Al Shabaab blocks aid agencies from helping needy Somalis. “We are calling on world nations to act quickly to help the Somali transitional federal government dislodge Al Shabaab militants and assist the drought affected people,” Adow said. Warsame Mohammed Jodah, the deputy mayor of Mogadishu, told the crowd that complaints of internally displaced persons have increased in the last few years after Al Shabaab banned more than 20 agencies from operating in southern and central Somalia. Jodah said the administration of the Benadir region is committed to prevent and remove obstacles preventing relief agencies from providing assistance. It is the second anti-Al Shabaab demonstration in Somalia in less than 48 hours. On Tuesday, dozens of local residents in the village of El-arfid in the Middle Shabelle region in southern Somalia demonstrated after fighters loyal to Al Shabaab torched several bags of maize. Witnesses told a local radio station that at least 50 local inhabitants were arrested by Al Shabaab during the protest. The militant group has since declared a curfew in the village. Read more: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/briefs/articles/90031373?Mogadishans%20demonstrate%20against%20Al%20Shabaab#ixzz1BVXMunkt