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Everything posted by Somalina

  1. It is Beledweyne, here is an an aerial view from the top of the city.
  2. Waa la geynaa inshaAllah. Qurba joogtada hawlo badan ayey ku jiraan ay dadkooda wax ugu qaban lahaayeen. ------------- Gaari loogu deeqay Jaamacadda Hiiraan University Sabti, 23, Oct, 2010 (HOL) Jaamacadda Hiiraan Unversity oo si caad ah howlaheedii waxbarsho u bilaawday ayaa waxaa maanta loogu deeqay Bas ka caawiya Jaamacadda qaadista ardeyda wax ka barta Jaamacada oo ah kuwo kala taga Xaafaddaha kala duwan ee magaalada ka kooban tahay. Sida uu HOL u sheegay Ibraahim Cali Saney oo ka mid ah howl-wadeenada sare ee Jaamacada Hiiraan University, waxaa Bas-ka ugu deeqay Jaamacadda shaqsiga lagu magacaabo Rashiid Camalow, isaga oo intaa ku darray in Bas-kan uu mar kaliya qaadi karo ilaa 60 Ardey. Marka laga soo tago maamulka Sare ee Jaamacadda sidoo kale waxaa gaarigan siweyn u soo dhaweeyay Ardeyda wax ka barata Jaamacada Hiiraan University, kuwaasoo sheegay in uu ka caawin doono gaarigan loogu deeqay ilaalinta waqtiga maadaama Jaamacadu tahay mid ka durugsan magaalada islamarkaana aysan suurtagal u aheyd Ardeydu in ay gaaraan Jaamacadda xiliga loogu tala-galay haddii aysan helin gadiid ka caawiya arintaa iyada ah. Sikastaba waa markii ugu horeysa oo deeq muhiimadan oo kale leh la gaarsiiyo Jaamacadda Hiiraan University oo dhawaan laga hergaliyay goballka. C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online Beledweyn, Soomaaliya
  3. Buufis adiga lee ku haaya, aqri waxaa soo qortey if you need proof. FYI: I post lots of different topics with different dates on them.
  4. Again, this aint the politics section, it is the general section. Waxa ku haaya ma fahmin weli. Ama 9 year old article ha ahaado ama 30 year old video ha ahaado why does it bother you so much? is it because waxba uma ogolid gobolka Hiiraan (first the water filteration, and now the university)? Once again, this thread is about Hiiran University, and not about Shariifs, TFG, Alshabaab or ONLF supporters.. I hope inaad xanuunka kaa haaya Hiiran iska daaweyso (waxyaabo aan qarsoomin ayaa jira). Cheers!
  5. You still haven't answered the question. Why is that?
  6. No, aniga waxaan aaminsanahay in 16 or 17 uu qaan gaaryahay, laakiinse taasi uma dhiganto in lagu qasbo wax uusan raali ka ahayn ama loo dhiibo mas'uuliyad uusan xamili karin. Caruurta la dagaal gelinaayo, ma ogyihiin in ay dilooyiin dadkooda oo 100% muslim ah? brainshwashed teenagers waaye waxa qaska wada maanta. Mid yaroo 15 jira oo "amiir" ah markuu ku dhaho "waryaa is toosi, si qaloocan u socotayee" haddii kale waa gowrac, aawey caqligii qaangaarnimida markaas? Adiga laakiinse su'aasha lagu weydiiyey kama aadan jawaabin weli. Wiilkaada 15 jirka ma gelin lahayd dagaalka maanta? hopefully this time we'll get a straight answer.
  7. Aniga waxaan ka hadlaayaa Farmajo iyo xukumadiisa. Switching allegiance tartiib tartiib eh! adiga banaanka iskeen maalin walba. Ganbar ayaa laguugu fadhiyaa just incase...hmm...loo baahdo.
  8. The new TFG waxaan kuma saqajaamaan. Somalina iyo wasiiradeeda wey ka soo horjeedaan caruurta la dagaal gelinaayo.(waxan camal ka heshaa inaad aqrisato eh!). Arrintaan waxay ahayd waxyaabihii ugu horeeyey ay dawladan cusub ka hadashey.
  9. What are you on today wiilka xeebaha ka soo dega? When did I mention TFG on this thread? this is about Hiiran University, not TFG and certainly not AS. Now, what were you saying again? p.s. Sharif supporter soo matihid adiguba? mise waa inkireysaa now, ha igu qasbin inaan qoraalkaadii hore soo qufo.
  10. The Zack;705518 wrote: Isn't Beledweyne occupied by the Shabaabs? BTW, that dude was a gentleman, holding the door for the hot hijabis. Masha'allah. You keep repeating that everytime you see the name "Beledweyne" written on these boards, so let me ask you, what is AS going to do? close the university?
  11. Hiiraan University Construction has kicked off Hiiraan University Foundation Sunday, July 13, 2008 Hiiraan University has a kickoff in building its first campus in Beledweyne, Somalia, after it marked its third year from its initiation. Not long ago, it was a mere thought of Somali scholars in North America and Europe. Today, it has become a reality. Shortage of funding and unstable circumstances in Somalia could be to blame for the delay and modification of the project. Only one third of the pledged money has been received and the construction was put on hold for over two years. Now that an important step has been taken, the dream of establishing this university is in insight. In April, 2008 the construction of Hiiraan’s First Post Secondary Institution started in the midst of political and security challenges in Hiiraan. The campus will feature eight teaching and learning classrooms, an administrative center, a multi-purpose hall, a staff room, library services, and other accessories. There are also future plans to accommodate labs, multimedia production facility, sports facilities, and a computerized system which will enable staff and students to have access to online resources. The faculty of agriculture is scheduled to admit 50 – 100 undergraduate Somali Nationals in January, 2009. Located in the Upper Shabeelle agricultural land and situated in the hub of livestock trade routes between south, west, and north, the Faculty of Agriculture has the objective to emphasize the development of agriculture, food, and natural resources. It will offer traditional agricultural education, while it will expand academic and research focus into such areas as the production of specialty crops, nutrition and health, and the protection and enhancement of the environment. The college will also extend to include a multitude of cross-disciplinary approaches to food management, processing, and promotion. All facets of the curriculum are sensitive to enhancing the critical balance among economic viability, community development, and environmental wellbeing. Depending on the availability of funds, the university will undertake expansion to build a residence compound for both students and staff. The goal of the university meshes well with its obligation to the Somali people as a whole by serving as a touchstone for creating highly trained agronomists. The availability of agricultural experts is fundamental to promoting sustainable food production systems, protecting human health, developing academic research, and among all the development of think-tank. The public remains our most important supporter. In order to continue to move forward with the completion and expansion of Hiiraan University and also to transform the lives of Somalis for the better, a generous support is needed. Hiiraan University would like to take this opportunity to express its heartfelt thanks to those who actively participated in all its fundraising events and to express its sincere appreciation for their efforts in supporting this important mission. The University is encouraging those who didn’t pay the pledges made to fulfill their commitment and pay out their dues to Hiiraan University accounts at Amaana Express (Xawaaladda Ammaana) anywhere in the world. There will be no service charge. The support from the public is critical. Inquires/Notifications of donations could be directed to Chief Fundraiser: Professor Ahmed Warfaa, Treasurer: Bashir Duale,
  12. I was kidding about The_Zack (that was for qudbadiisii ayaan horeeto about caruurta la dagaal gelinaayo). Caruurta iney dugsiyada ka kaxeystaan waa wax la hubo, caruur aan qaangaarine iney dagaal geliyaan wey qirteen already. Sheekadaanse war uma haayo, wey soo baxaysaa goor dhow koleyba.
  13. General Duke;705437 wrote: While I am not a fan of the current TFG, I must applaud the coverage of Liqaye and my Somalina. Well done people and keep it up.. Thank you Jerry (from the Tom & Jerry show).
  14. Zack iyo Aweys Iblis waxay u yaqaanaan caruurtaan "mujaahidiin". Ha idinka saarto.
  15. Dhagaxtuur: “Xeebaha Somaliya waa la wasaqeeyay” Muqdisho: (Sh. M. Network) Wasaaradda Gaadiidka, Cirka, Dhulka, Badda iyo Dekadaha ee dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ayaa sheegtay in la sumeeyay Xeebaha Soomaaliya, iyadoo dhinaca kale tilmaamtay in nadiifinta Xeebaha ay kala kaa shan doonaan Hay’adaha ku shaqada leh badaha. Kadib socdaalo kala duwan oo ay maanta kusoo mareen qaar ka mid ah Xeebaha Magaalada Muqdisho Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan Wasaaradda Gaadiidka, Cirka, Dhulka, Badda iyo Dekadaha ee dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa ay sheegeen inay aad u wasaqaysantahay Xeebaha maanta ay booqdeen, iyagoo tilmaamay in dhibaato wayn ku qabaan dadka ka kaluumaysta xeebahaasi. Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaaradda Gaadiidka, Cirka iyo Dhulka ee dowladda KMG Soomaaliya Max’ed Cismaan Cali (Dhagaxtuur) oo ka mid ahaa Mas’uuliyinitii maanta socdaalka ku tagay qaar ka mid ah Xeebaha Maagalada Muqdisho oo Warbahinta kula hadlay xeebta deeganka Jasiira ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in dhibaato ay ka jiraan Xeebahaasi islamarkaana Kaluunkii ay doonyaha Jalaaban lahaayeen ay badda soo tuftay iyagoo meydad ah. Max’ed Cismaan Cali (Dhagaxtuur) ayaa sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay inay dagaal u gali doonaan sidii loo nadiifin lahaa dhamaan Xeebihii ay socdaalka kusoo mareen, wuxuuna tilmaamay inay lakaa shan doonaan Hay’adaha ku shaqada leh arimaha badaha ee hoostaga Qaramada Midoobay. Xeebaha Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ka muuqda wasaq faraban iyadoo qaar ka mid ah Kaluunkii ku jiray ay daadsan yihiin dhulka, waxaana taasi ay ku micneeyeen dadka ka jilaabta xeebaha Soomaaliya biyaha oo wasaqaysan iyo Maraakiibta waawayn oo mararka kiimiko ku daadiyo badda.
  16. Aaliyyah, is deji horta, cudu bileysana. Marka kale, wax cadeyn ah ma haysaa in Dahabshiil ay ka qayb qaateen xasuuqa reer SSC?
  17. I suggest that you ask your grandfather about your dad's contact info. Haddii kale jaaliyada beesha ka soo jeedo aabahaa la xiriir by phone, they should be able to help you out.