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Everything posted by Somalina

  1. Johannesburg, S. Africa (HOL) - A conference to discuss the fate of the beleaguered Somali republic kicked off on Monday in South Africa’s capital Johannesburg, where more than 40 Somali delegates from across the world gathered to discuss the fate of Somalia. The conference organized by the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD), a South African-based civil society organization, sought solutions for Somalia’s aggravating situation where the interim government’s term is due to elapse in few months time. One delegate told Hiiraan Online that the conference is all about what next for Somalia after the expiry of the term of Transitional Federal Government (TFG) later in August 2011. Delegates are also discussing, inter alia, the Somali peace process and the challenges facing the war-ravaged nation at this point in time when Western-backed TFG forces are battling with opposition groups particularly in the restive capital Mogadishu. The ACCORD initiative seeks homegrown solutions for homegrown problems as discussions heighted the need for Somalis to front for their own answers in addressing a conflict that has devastated their country for more than two decades now. Opening the discussion at Moloko Hotel in Sandton neighborhood of Johannesburg, the Executive Director of ACCORD, Mr. Vasu Gounden, outlined the need for a proactive approach to end the crisis in Somalia, including the need for concerted Somali efforts. The ongoing deliberations in South Africa which are expect to end 1st of June, are part of efforts aimed at formulating resolutions at the end of the current transition period, the putting in place of a new political dispensation in view of the extension of the term of the TFG and the need for international community support with the ultimate objective of pacifying Somalia. “It is also very interesting to note that there was heated discussion at conference about how to setup a new agenda that reflects the situation in Somalia” one delegate told Hiiraan Online.
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;725153 wrote: Dee wa run Midba baxay midba hadana meesha qabsaday wa fact jira oo meesha ka jirta. Haddii loo ogolyahay Ethiopianka iney dictator u dabaaldegaan, Somalida degan ma loo ogolyahay iney July 1 u dabaaldegaan oo ay calankooda ku dhex ruxdaan Hotel Man-soor?
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;725137 wrote: halkeed aragtay anigu u dabaal degaya dictator awoow, masmuuliyin Ethiopian ah ayaa u dabaal degey lolz Sowtii adigu kulahaa Passerby dictator baa baxay mid kale ayaana booskiisa ku fadhiistey, haddaba warku wuu iska cadyahay awoowe.
  4. lol@JB You're wrong on this one again!
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;724910 wrote: I don't see what is wrong with this, Somalilanders celebrated their 18 may in Ethiopia ,, Somaliland just returned the favour. Hee awoow maxaad tidhi Maxaad dictator ugu dabaaldegteen awoowe? Btw, you're a day late.
  6. Che, 2008-kii party-gii la bilaabey, ayaa la dhameystiraaye lee sannadkaan. Fiiri.
  7. Che -Guevara;724821 wrote: loool@Somalina...Is Salaax is still giggling. Zenawi is happy his minions in Hargeysa and Garowe are celebrating this sh!t. :D Probably in his room crying.
  8. May 29th, 2011 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Xaflad lagu maamuusayay sanad guuradii labaatanaad ee ka soo wareegtay xiligii awooda laga tuuray sanadkii 1991-kii Madaxweynihii hore ee dalka Itoobiya Mingistu Hayla Mayran, ayaa maanta lagu qabtay Huteelka Maansoor ee Magaalada Hargeysa. Xafladaasi oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen jaaliyada wadanka Itoobiya ee ku dhaqan Somaliland iyo safaarada Itoobiya ku leedahay Magaalada Hargeysa waxa ka soo qeyb galay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada, Shirgudoonka Golaha Wakiilada, masuuliyiinta sadexda xisbi qaran iyo jaaliyada Itoobiya ee ku dhaqan Hargeysa. Wakiilka Itoobiya u fadhiya Somaliland oo furitaankii xafladaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay munaasibada labaatan guurada ka soo wareegtay markii tallada dalka Itoobiya laga tuuray kaligii Taliye Mingistu, waxaanu tilmaamay in shacbiga wadanka Itoobiya ay halgan dheer u soo galeen. Wakiilka Itoobiya waxa uu sheegay in tan iyo markii dawlada uu hoggaamiyo Rasyal Wasaare Malas Zanawi la wareegtay talada dalka ay gobolka u horseeday nabadgelyo iyo horumar, waxaanu xusay in xidhiidhka dublamaasiyadeed ee ka dhaxeeya Somaliland uu marayo meel wanaagsan. Wasiirka Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar oo ka hadlay xafladaasi ayaa sheegay in xidhiidhka ka dhaxeeya Somaliland iyo Itoobiya uu yahay xidhiidh adag oo ku dhisan iskaashi dhinacyo badan leh. Waxaanu tilmaamay in dawlada Itoobiya ay iska kaashadaan dhinacyada nabadgelyada, ganacsiga iyo ladaagalanka Argagixisada. Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi waxa uu sheegay in shacbiga Somaliland ay Itoobiya abaal weyn ugu hayaan sidii ay u soo dhaweeyeen xiligii taliskii Siyaad barre uu duqaynayay dadka rayidka ah eek u dhaqan magaalooyinka Somaliland. Gudoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada Md. C/Raxmaan Maxamed Cabdilaahi (C/Raxmaan Cirro) oo uu weheliyay Safiirka dawlada Itoobiya si wada jir ah u jaray Keeg ay ku sawiran yihiin calammadda Somaliland iyo Itoobiya oo loogu tallo galay munaasibada sanad guurada labaatanaad ee ka soo wareegtay xiligii dawlada Raysal wasaare Males Zanawi ay la wareegtay tallada dalka. Cumar Maxamed Faarax Somaliland.Org/Hargeysa
  9. More to come yaa Jacpher, ee brace yourself. The new governor and mayor of Galkacyo will IA make it to this list
  10. He says he's "ciyaalka xaafada". " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  11. Aaliyyah;724769 wrote: Somalina the point isnt how many people frm konfur live in laascaanod iyo agagaarkeeda. After all somalis do mix...there are ppl from LA who reside in xamr today and there were many more who resided there prior to the war. Rather, the question is..kuwan who gave them the right to register anyone? they just need to remove themselves!..that is it!..and the civilians have every right to be there regardless of where they hail from! salaam Aaliyah I was curious, and I wanted awoowe inuu ka jawaabo.
  12. Gimbot 20 celebrations held in Hargeysa and Garowe. Aabe Zenawi is pleased with his children.
  13. Xagey ka degan yihiin LA barakacayaashan Koonfuriska ah? Waa imisa tiradooda? Xaabsade waxuu yiri iyo waxa jira ayaa laba wado ku kala socda.
  14. Jacaylbaro;724540 wrote: Haday xabashidu xafiiskooda ku qabsatay maxaa ku jira ??? ,,,,,,,,,,, sow ciday rabaana ma soo casumi karaan ??,,, Universal tv. :D 11:31
  15. Whenever you are ready. No rush.
  16. Mandera inspires Hargeysa miyey noqon markaa. Habiba ha la iska ilaaliyo.
  17. Ardayda Jaamacadda Muqdisho oo maanta u fariistay imtixaankii Finalka ee Semestarka labaad ee 2010/2011 Sabti, May 28, 2011 (HOL) – Jaamacadda Muqdisho ayaa waxaa maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 28/05/2011 u fariisteen imtixaankii finalka simisterka labaad ee sanad wax-barashadeedka 2010/2011. Imtixaankan ayaa ka dhacaya dhammaan xaruumaha jaamacadda ee ay ku kala leedahay magaalada Muqdisho iyo degmada Boosaaso, waxaa imtixaanka maanta u fariistay kumaanka ardayda ah ee wax-ka-barata kulliyadaha iyo qaybaha kala geddisan ee jaamacadda. Madaxa qaybta imtixaanaadka jaamacadda Muqdisho Dr. Maxamed Xasan Nuur ayaa ugu hambalyeeyay ardayda jaamacadda Muqdisho munaasabadan dhamaadka sanad jaamacadeedka 2010/2011, wuxuuna ku amaanay ardayda dadaalka ballaaran ee ay muujiyeen wuxuuna u rajeeyay guul iyo horumar. Jaamacadda Muqdisho waa jaamacad leh aqoonsi caalami ah xiriirna la leh jaamacaddaha ka jira Qaaradda Afrika, xubina ka ah ururada jaamacadeed ee caalamka ka jira. Imtixaankan ayaa ku bilowday jawi wanaagsan, iyadoo maamulka iyo macallimiinta jaamacadda Muqdisho ay Alle ka baryeen inuu sida wanaagsan ee uu ku billowday uu ugu dhammaado. -------- Good luck with your exams brothers and sisters!
  18. Really? ------------------ Hijab: The Muslim head scarf. By MUCHIRI KARANJA Posted Wednesday, May 25 2011 at 23:41 Should you venture outdoors in Mandera Town, beware of a woman called Habiba, wearing a hijab. Habiba will tell you tales of how she killed Americans in neighbouring Somalia and how she is on the run from the al Shabbab, if only to squeeze a beer out of you. There are only two pubs in the town — Border Point One, and Members, otherwise known as Animal Farm because it is next door to the KWS offices. Mandera County is, after all, largely Muslim, and many residents frown upon alcohol. But scores of non-Muslim folk, mostly civil servants and quarry workers, still crave a drink. So every evening they flock to Animal Farm, a church-like building on the outskirts of the town and the area’s biggest bar. The place fills up quite early. By nightfall, there is hardly any sitting space and thirsty patrons jostle for drinks at the wire-mesh counter. With temperatures still hovering in the 30s at night, even the coldest drink feels warm to a newcomer. There are very few girls inside the bars. Those who do go there, like Habiba, make a unique clique. It is strange enough to find a pub in a largely Muslim town; even more strange to find women wearing the hijab to venture inside. Unlike city bars and restaurants that play music to lure patrons, evenings in Mandera are a rather quiet affair. Conversations grow louder as the drinks flow and one word you are likely to hear is al Shabaab, the name of the Muslim extremist group battling it out with the forces of the Somali Transitional Government barely one kilometre from Animal Farm. The drunken guy nearby — especially if he notices that you are a stranger (and strangers at Animal Farm are easy to spot because they always appear to be disconcerted) — uses the name of al Shabaab to prop up his macho image. By nine, the evening begins to wind down for the spectre of al Shabaab works better than the Mututho laws to inhibit the night owls of Mandera. And with truckloads of armed soldiers in town, the locals know when to leave them to their night patrols. But the evening lasts longer in the second Mandera pub: Border Point One, so named because it is less than 500 metres from the Kenya-Somali border. Border Point-1 is the unofficial police bar, strategically located next to their post. There, the boys in blue gather every evening for a drink and such is the demand for a cold beer that by 8pm there are no glasses left. With the constant threat from Al Shabaab, the ever suspicious policemen of Mandera drink with one eye on the beer, the other on the gun. Source: Daily Nation