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Everything posted by Atirisho
Bannaanbaxa Baydhabo loogu soo horjeedo dowladda dhexe
Atirisho replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in Politics
The corrupted single-clan government of Mogadishu continues to alienate more and more Somalis. What is the point of shooting and killing peaceful protesters indiscriminately? Is this how HAG government plans to win the hearts and minds of the Somali people? The so-call Somali president should be impeached or he should resign immediately if he cares about the interest of the Somali people. -
Cambuulo iyo bun;976733 wrote: LOL waraa Al go to xamar and see it by your own eyes i can guarantee you the only thing xamar lack is a bit of stability other than that its not a big difference between xamar and hargeysa inaar ee sidaa ula sooco. I hate when people who never set their foot in xamar badmouth it. I have been to Xamar and make no mistake; It is the hell hole I always believed it was. I don't know the Xamar you are talking about, but you can't with straight face say that the only thing Xamar Lacks is stability. The cities entire infrastructure was completely obliterated. Even with peace and stability Mogadishu has a long way to go. The moment I set my foot at Adan Adde airport, I sensed this dark cloud hovering of over me before I even saw the rest of the city. I felt an imminent threat and everywhere I looked there were AU troops armed to the teeth. The airstrip was dusty, and pavement was cracked and it was in desperate need of repairment. The airport's security give people, specially those from the diaspora hard time. Not that I expected any special treatment, but those guys are savages and they don't know how to treat people with respect. Xamar isn't what people like you make it out to be. Hargeisa's airport isn't better either.
This Xaaji character is dreaming. Does anybody else see right through him or is it just me? Why should Puntland contribute military forces to Southern Somalia when Puntland his facing an imminent and ever looming threat? Puntland is fighting piracy, terrorism and domestic threat. Running to Mogadishu and the South and fighting wars that is not theirs is not really wise. Thousands of AMISOM troops and other peacekeeping forces are already stationed in the southern, more troops are not really needed. When Abdullahi Yusuf (AUN) was the president of the Transtional Federal Government, Puntland contributed more than 3,500 well-trained and well equiped soldeirs to TFG, some perished and never to returned to their glorious state and see their families again. Puntland's security was weakened, which gave Somaliland an opening to attack and take advantage of the opportunity that presented itself. Somaliland are apportunist! (nothing new here) and I doubt they are not keeping an eye on Puntland nowdays since Puntland is working overtime to strengthen its security sector. You being a Somalilander, want exactly what happened in 2007 to repeat itself. So cut the act and come out and say what you intent to say. Last time I checked, Somaliland was still part of Somalia. How about they too contribute and help their countrymen?
If he is elected as the speaker of the parliament, it would be nothing short of tragedy. Hardly anything would change after the transition period is over if they are entertaining the notion of electing thugs like Ali Khalif Galeydh
Deegaano hoosyimaada Galmudug oo Alshabaab ciidamo katirsani ay la wareegeen. Posted by nbi on May 13th, 2012 Wararka lagahelayo Deegaanka Budbud oo qiyaastii 100 Km dhanka xeebta uga began Koonfurta Gaalkacyo ayaa sheegaya in halkaas saacadihii lasoo dhaafay ay gaareen ciidamo katirsan Xoogaga Alshabaab kuwaasoo halkaas imika kusugan waxaana ay Wararku intaas kudarayaan in ciidamada Alshabaab ee halkaas qabsaday ay kayimaadaan dhanka gobolada kudhow Mudug iyadoon la shaacin halka ay ku wajahanyihiin. Wasiirka Amniga ee Maamulka Koonfurta Gaalkacyo Abshir Diini Cawaale ayaa Warbaahinta gudaha u xaqiijiyey in si rasmi ah Ururka Alshabaab ay u qabsadeen deegaano miyi ah oo Budbud ku dhow Waxaana uu intaas kudaray inay Cabsi ka qabaan in ciidanka Shabaabku ay Galmudug kusoo durkaan taasoo uu ku tilmaamay inay tahay Khatar culus oo dhanka Amaanka ah. Abshir Diini Cawaale ayaa sheegey in Maamulka Koonfurta Gaalkacyo uu u diyaargaroobayo weerar uu ku qaado kooxahaas ka tirsan Shabaabka ee soo galay Koonfurta Mudug. Xafiiska Wararka Puntlandi, Gaalkacyo http://puntlandi.com/?p=33239
Islaan Bashiir iyo Mayor of Mudug Mr Tigey visit Balibusle
Atirisho replied to kingofkings's topic in Politics
Mashallah. dhulkaan waa dhulki barakeysna.;) I heard a lot about it but never seen it before today. I know understand why they call it Bali (busle). -
Holly cow. They all look a like. There is also 8 girls in the pictures. At least I think so.
Please someone shut him up. I hope he dies in the most horrible way imaginable. The fact that he is calling people to destabilize a stable region and bring death, destruction and mayhem in their front door is just very shocking. You can't use Islam as a tool to further your evil, twisted agenda. Al-shabab will never prosper in Puntland unlike southern Somalia where it is more diverse and complicated. The worst they can do is resort of hit and run tactic and plant bombs in Puntland's large city. If they do that, the public will see them for who they truly are not that they already don't. Puntland should not show them any mercy. Imprison and prosecute anybody who is suspected for having ties to Al-shabab.
King: How does one survive assassination? You mean assassination attempt?
;) Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish;)
^^ It is sad and unfortunate that Somalis will attack their brothers and neighbors and create chaos and mayhem in a stable region.
The Zack;812848 wrote: Atarisho, Is it fair to say that you are rebuffing the "murtad" part of the article. Let's just say the guy wasn't murtad. Now, do you agree that he has murdered thousands of innocent Somalis right in their own homes? Moonlight, Well, he wasn't. As far as him murdering people goes, no I can't agree. I always saw Abdullahi as an Inspirational, gracious, wise visionary leader, who endlessly and tirelessly fought for this nation. Abdullahi Yusuf only fought the evil forces of satan such as Al-shabab, Al-itixad, Hisbul Islam and any other extremist groups who were using Islam as a tool to further their twisted, barbaric, inhuman agenda. I don't think the issue is Abdullahi Yusuf being Apostate or a murderer, the issue is far more complex than that. Throughout history, Abdullahi Yusuf's failures was magnified and his accomplishments were minimized. It is unfortunate that people he fought for are ungrateful to him. I guess he will be awarded hereafter.
My god. Here come round three. illahay dagalka ha qaboojiyo. Somalis will be the ones loosing their lives.
The Zack;812825 wrote: First off we are not here to discuss about Ceydiid or Shariif, this thread is clearly for Yey. You should know that we discuss one topic one time here, we don't like to jump around all over the place . I will provide Sh. Cumar's response, the question is will you respect that. I bet you will claim other Culumaas have said otherwise LOL. Adeer this is simple logic, it aint rocket science. The man MURDERED more than 6,000 Somalis in their own homes via the Xabashi tanks. Some of his words were "Baddaan raacineynaa". You can't defend the undefendable. Pray for him instead of trying to hide the crimes. You are dodging my question. Would you ever call the people I have listed Apostates or not? Your answer will give a sense of who you are. Again, I don't think You, Sheikh Cumar Faruuq or the Culuma you speak of have to the right to call someone murtaad. Abdullahi Yusuf is no longer with us, leave it to his creator to judge him and just leave it at that. If you are using the argument "but he murdered people" as an excuse to justify your unfounded accusations of the late president, I am afraid that is not good enough reason. A lot of Somalis have murdered people including the people I have listed above (I am not way saying that Abdullahi did) and I don't see people calling them apostates. I see Somalis calling people of NE names, and accusing them of things that wouldn't otherwise be allowed has it been any other people. Somalis murdered other Somalis more than Xabashi did. To blame everything that is wrong in Somalia on Abdullahi Yusuf and Habashi is rather preposterous.
Let me ask you a question. Do you consider Caydiid, Sheikh Sharif, Ali Mahdi, abdiqasim Salad Hassan, Xabsade apostates or is that title only reserved for Abdullahi Yusuf? I still what to know what Culuma you are talking about. You dragged Shiekh Cumar Faruq (AUN) name into this, but you are yet to provide an evidence. You can't denounce someone of their faith and come here with hearsay. Abdullahi Yusuf (AUN) talked about people like you who called him apostate. It is unfortunate that people have to resort to that but I hope you understand that you are reducing this danbi. The man was born muslim, he lived as one and died as one. Anything else said about him doesn't really matter!
The Zack;812646 wrote: ^LOL. Sheikh Cumar Faruq baan weydiin laheyn laakiin wuu dhintay. Allaha u naxariisto. I just want who you think bestowed the power upon Sheikh Cumar Faruq to call another Muslim murtad? Was he a god? Who gave you the power to question another person's faith? Daadkaan Yaab Badaana. Danbigaa iska Dayaa. Shiekh Cumar Faruq (AUN) waa marxuun, just leave him be and don't use his name to take cheap shot at another dead person.
I thought the second on was just Hilarious. Reer Mudug waa dad yaab leh.
burahadeer;812041 wrote: ^^ none of thes 2 words r somali! muraayad=arabic ukiyaalo=italian. I am well aware of that but I was laughing at Xaji Xunju's Murayad=Ukuyaalo comment. I thought they were completely different. Murayad=Mirror and Okiyaalo (not ukuyaalo)=Sun glasses!
Somaliland vice president opens Shifo hospital in hargeysa+PICS
Atirisho replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Looks very decent. Good job. Building schools, hospitals and orphanages is very important. -
AMISOM, Al-shabab claim victory over a deadly fighting in Mogadishu
Atirisho replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Al-shabab never admit defeat. They always claim victory even when they are flashed out from their strongholds. I hope things calm down. -
I must admit, I only understood maybe 20% of the words listed here. The northern dialect is very complicated. Murayaad = Ukiyaalo ;)
I personally think Abdullahi Yusuf (AUN) is deserving of all the admiration and love he recieved from Somalis regardless of clan affliation. He was indeed brave man and he struggled for his country his entire life without asking for much. He fought the worst devils in Somali history, Al-itixat and Al-shabab and that alone is a huge accomplishment. There is no denying it, Yeey one of the greatest Somalis that ever lived. I admired this man and praise should be giving to the people who deserve it.