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Everything posted by KritiKal-Mind

  1. Somali ruthless warlords likely to retain their familiar attitude. Oct 20 2002 As Somali peace conference is being held in Elderot in Kenya, most of the Somali people are caught with surprise whenever they hear < we are here to form national government and peace will prevail > a long term familiar slogan used by the ruthless warlords, who have not eliminated the nation as whole but also tarnished the country’ international image as well . The victimized innocent Somali nationals have every reason to doubt the ongoing peace deal and where it is supposed to end up, because they witnessed more than ten venues of it’s kind, that all in vain none has been fruitful. As widely acknowledged every failure must have some sort of obstacles, consequently it is quite odd for the concerned parties not to heed the advise of the honest renting experts. In the last decade the international community seemed to have turned a deaf ear to the constant brachial warlords call in which they consistently demand both military and political backing. As matter of fact it is now obvious that the world’s previous position towards Somali warlords has changed up to certain level . Despite the fact that the semi-cannibal warcheifs are locally and internationally regarded as non patriots whose view is base on ancestral genealogy which fuels and flourishes in the nasty clannish views, yet the world tends to be justifying the abuse agony and catastrophic damage inflicted to the vulnerable Somalis by power thirsty war criminals. Furthermore organizers and financiers of the ongoing peace meeting are indicated to be in favor of wicked destroyers. The motto of Somali leaders is < kill millions to earn millions>. As known by the all involved in disorganized national up rooting syndicate, a number of the Somali political Mafia financially benefited from the civil strife. It is extremely hard for one to convince this ill-fate country’s so called leaders to bring about any sort of positive change, because most significant figures involved in the war crime activities are outcome of combination of various factors. In this respect almost every war agent is under pressure of certain evil producer networks including some unknowingly appreciated by sincere folk men. Unfortunately, killing with no apparent reason, torture rapping, taking hostage, abduction and all forms of brutality seemed to have become a part and parcel Somali’s social life. There can no be conceivable justification for a political aspirant to publicly order his aides and loyalists to carry out a campaign of eradication of fellow specific ethnic group. The adult inhabitants of the most eastern country of Africa are likely to forget the term government refers to ,because it is already more than decade since they last saw or heard any sort of that word. Let the realistic peace loving nationalists pause and think profoundly about the future of Somali child or teenager who have never been to school or even seen any kind of governmental institution, including police, post .bank, parliament traffic civic councils e.t.c How do you think that they will be able to adjust to normal basic human social life let alone fast moving global development? It is common knowledge that coup de’ tat, massacre, genocides. Misruling, and corruption is curse descended on African governments, which gradually developed into major pillar of their political existence. For instance in the 1994 genocide Rwandans, most of them Hutus killed about 800,000 Tutis and moderate Hutus, more than 300 people an hour were killed by use of machetes. Clubs and guns as massacres raged for 100 days sparked by presidential plane. Rwanda is not the only African country where such terrible event took place ,.those experienced the same tragedies include Burundi, Ethiopia , DRC .among others. With all these burdens the concerned rebel leaders ‘dream came true when they fulfilled their pledges they vowed while in the bush. They replaced the ruling clique but the governmental order and national institutions were kept intact. Unlike other fellow African counterparts Somali’s rebel group’ ambitions vanished in the Horizon and their main failure is attributed to lack of moral authority and political will to form new government after their predecessor ‘removal from power . In the hey times a Somali c poet composed touching verses < a man opposing something yet does not have alternative to offer carries empty mind > If you step back in our historical track, you find that central figures of the ongoing Somali reconciliation conference are those who led the country into the political utopia, which ultimately resulted in, the everlasting anarchism. Something must be seriously wrong with leaders who keep their people blood and flesh in dark space beyond the human traits. The question I would like to pose to international community and all concerned organizers of the Eldoret meeting is what type of global assistances does Somalia need? Does it need a mere puppet government controlled behind the scene? What can be the pros and cons of such blind mission? Can it eventually help stop the heavily armed rival factional leaders constantly engaged in crimes against humanity? Will such government be able to revive the country that ceased to exist 12 years ago? Do the leaders to come have any sort of credit in the society. Definitely, it is complicated and puzzling to have genuine answers to these questions. Sizeable number of political anlysists believes the Somalia is currently is not in status quo, which can create, atmosphere where the imposed leaders could be urgent remedy. Therefore, the suggestions are indicating that a political stability might not be found unless more stability is achieved, Somali people are I in the middle of both political and emotional crisis, they should be morally treated. The community is in desperate need of tremendous instructions of human values. A great deal of confidence would be restored if these threats are dealt with accordingly. The warlords and so-called civil society activist should be instructed to exist without exploitation of their sincere loyalists. FAISAL ISSA SULEIMAN Email:
  2. Cant_remember, Not you fault. What will one become when his/her freedom is taken away? It as simple as that.
  3. I suggest it will of much importance if you frequently visit Somalinet's forum. Thats the only useful thing in Somalinet Virtual Library
  4. “There may not be any country in the world that lives under anarchy except Somalia. In Somalia's case, one can claim that there is an existence of total freedom without any sort of equality in place. Somalia practiced "scientific-socialism" of Karl Marx during the years of Siad Bare's dictatorship. The concept of scientific-socialism brought about restrictions upon personal, economical and political freedoms. All citizens were to be treated equally in regard to Karl Max's ideology, but equality in that sense was incompatible with the situation the country was in.” Do you really believe that? Do you believe that currently in Somalia there is freedom? Freedom, according to the given definition does not certainly exist in Somalia. What exist in Somalia a feudal despotism where War Barons roam around the country and kill whoever come against their way!. That is not freedom. And equality goes out of the window. Under Siyad, the Somali government of the time did not excercised Marx’s ideology of eqaility. His ideology has never been implemented even in Russia where Communism where propogated. This is a common mistake that many Political Science students make. Kritical Mind, have you personally Das Kapital or Communist Manifesto? I suspect the answer would be no. I make such an assumption because you have made that common error many before you committed with oblivion. Marx ideology had been misunderstood because of the complexity of his writings; just like Hegel and Kant is difficult to read- He was influenced by Hegel. I am not Marxist, but I know little about Karl Marx and Frederic Engels’s works to say that Somalia and even Russia had never been fully embraced the Marxist ideology. Well, what have we here! Sophist, thanks for your contribution. Secondly, where did you get the idea that Siad Barre's regime didn't exercise Scientific Socialism in Somalia? You seem to have researched on Karl Marx with whom i'd rather say you admire his ideology, but then, you have little knowledge of Barre's Scentific Socialism practice. As far as Siad Barre is concerned, allow me to use a quotation from pieces of the history of Somalia "Somalia's adherence to socialism became official on the first anniversary of the military coup when Siad Barre proclaimed that Somalia was a socialist state, despite the fact that the country had no history of class conflict in the Marxist sense. For purposes of Marxist analysis, therefore, tribalism was equated with class in a society struggling to liberate itself from distinctions imposed by lineage group affiliation. At the time, Siad Barre explained that the official ideology consisted of three elements: his own conception of community development based on the principle of self-reliance, a form of socialism based on Marxist principles, and Islam. These were subsumed under "scientific socialism," although such a definition was at variance with the Soviet and Chinese models to which reference was frequently made. The theoretical underpinning of the state ideology combined aspects of the Quran with the influences of Marx, Lenin, Mao, and Mussolini, but Siad Barre was pragmatic in its application. "Socialism is not a religion," he explained; "It is a political principle" to organize government and manage production. Somalia's alignment with communist states, coupled with its proclaimed adherence to scientific socialism, led to frequent accusations that the country had become a Soviet satellite. For all the rhetoric extolling scientific socialism, however, genuine Marxist sympathies were not deep-rooted in Somalia. But the ideology was acknowledged--partly in view of the country's economic and military dependence on the Soviet Union--as the most convenient peg on which to hang a revolution introduced through a military coup that had supplanted a Western-oriented parliamentary democracy. More important than Marxist ideology to the popular acceptance of the revolutionary regime in the early 1970s were the personal power of Siad Barre and the image he projected. Styled the "Victorious Leader" (Guulwaadde), Siad Barre fostered the growth of a personality cult. Portraits of him in the company of Marx and Lenin festooned the streets on public occasions. The epigrams, exhortations, and advice of the paternalistic leader who had synthesized Marx with Islam and had found a uniquely Somali path to socialist revolution were widely distributed in Siad Barre's little blue-and-white book. Despite the revolutionary regime's intention to stamp out the clan politics, the government was commonly referred to by the code name MOD. This acronym stood for Mareehaan (Siad Barre's clan), Ogaden (the clan of Siad Barre's mother), and Dulbahante (the clan of Siad Barre son-in-law Colonel Ahmad Sulaymaan Abdullah, who headed the NSS). These were the three clans whose members formed the government's inner circle. In 1975, for example, ten of the twenty members of the SRC were from the Daarood clan-family, of which these three clans were a part; the Digil and Rahanwayn, the sedentary interriverine clan-families, were totally unrepresented. " (Source : Somalinet's virtual library, ) Sophist, what do you know of common errors done by first year politics students?
  5. This topic surely seems to be critically set. The topix title and the responses were commonly great. The arguements, though as usually to weaker sex give way to bad mouthing, atleast their reponses made some sense. revive this topic --- it is one the heated and interesting ones.
  6. America didn't help us, it indeed killed us. The only time when America volunteered to help Somalis, they poisoned us. They dumped their nucleaur waste in Somalia shiped in with the cover of the UN logo. Is that help?
  7. Freedom Freedom- Is there man born that lusts not after liberty? Freedom- Are there anywhere souls who crave not to be free? Those who would not look up to the sky and to God vow- One has the right to live one's life the way one chooses how? Freedom- Man's noblest dream beset with well intent restraints... Freedom-Is often lost midst " for your own good" refrains... My freedom taken from me in the name of so called " moral right" But to what end am I enslaved for someone else's fight? Liberty "adjusted"- for whatever moral cause, and though they be.. If I have no right to choose, I have not liberty- If I so choose the path to hell, I alone must so decide.... Else that we call our "liberty" mocks all those who ever died.... For Freedom. Freedom- Our natural right and yet so new a concept to our human minds! Freedom-Each owns oneself- so simple an idea- so basic- it defines All human interaction in that briefest, simple thought- "To live one's life as each one decides the way one ought" Freedom- It doesn't give the right to interfere by force or fraud- Freedom- It is not reserved for those who say they're serving God! Freedom.......The very word, and all the word implies Does not assume the one that's free is good or pure or wise! Liberty is for the brave and strong, the weak and coward too, And rich and poor alike, the fainthearted and the true- All can huddle underneath the banner bought and paid for by our blood All are free to make a choice to live, be it bad or be it good- It's freedom. © Norma Jean Almodovar- April, 1986
  8. Ladies and Gentlemen read the article below and tell me what you all think. "One of the great battles being waged today, though you don't realize it, is the battle between freedom and equality. There are several great forces attacking freedom and liberty today. One battle is being waged in the name of security, the other in the name of equality. We're not talking about equality under the law here. The idea of freedom and personal liberty is absolutely compatible with the concept of equality before the law. We talking about substantive equality. Equality of results, not equality of opportunity. When a person sees someone with more than they have; a nicer car, nicer home, better vacations, nicer clothes; they can accept the fact that the other person may have worked harder and smarter and made better choices; the choice to pay more attention to education, for instance. Or that person may view it as a question of equality .. of social justice, as the leftist socialist radicals like to phrase it. Its just not right that that other person has more than you do. Where is the justice in that? You should have just as nice a car as that other person, just as nice a home and you should be able to travel to all of the other places that person can. After all, that's what equality is all about, isn't it? Deal with it. In a free society .. some will have more, some a lot more. Some will have less, some a lot less. You just cannot have freedom and equality. Substantive equality is pure poison to individual freedom. American society is just going to have to chose one or the other. Problem is, envy and jealousy being what it is, the American people would probably chose substantive equality over freedom even though it might mean that they have somewhat less material comfort or luxury in their own lives if it would just take from the evil, hated rich all of the luxuries that they enjoy." By Dane Basch
  9. Nuune, I barely stated the consequences that are associated with both factors, it isn't about criticism my friend, it is about carefully choosing one option knowing that it will affect your livelyhood greatly. Just like you did, I chose Freedom not Equality, and there you and me are in the same category, can't you see? Stating the reasons why one choses one factor over another doesn't contribute to criticising anyone. Everyone has a choice.
  10. From Scorpion sista to nuune, First of all, Freedom and Equality are like you both limps, if one leg is hurt the other can't walk proberly. So, By choosing one from the other is not practicle but if it becomes one choice you have to make between life and death then, it wont be a bad idea to have one choice that you feel comfortable with. Equality under a freedomless state is slavery. And freedom without regulations and equality is anarchy and violence. So, the main reason why i chose to be free rather than to be equal was becouse, incase i die, I want to die a free man.
  11. Freedom or Equality? This is not an easy motion to debate on. Thus, this piece of writing will mention, discuss and bring forward the irrationality of choosing either freedom over equality or visa versa, without having a harmonious counterbalance between the two factors, implemented by a regulatory body. It will also include examples of countries which "total freedom" or "total equality” is in practice, where the search for total freedom led to total anarchy, or the pursuit for total equality curtailed the freedom in all areas of life. This short writing will be concluded with a personal view. The idea of choosing either one of these two factors will somehow seems vague. Equality without freedom is suffering and monotony (communism) whereas freedom without equality results anarchism/Libertarianism. There may not be any country in the world that lives under anarchy except Somalia. In Somalia's case, one can claim that there is an existence of total freedom without any sort of equality in place. Somalia practiced "scientific-socialism" of Karl Marx during the years of Siad Bare's dictatorship. The concept of scientific-socialism brought about restrictions upon personal, economical and political freedoms. All citizens were to be treated equally in regard to Karl Max's ideology, but equality in that sense was incompatible with the situation the country was in. A struggle for freedom started to take form just after 5 years of scientific socialism, opposing the total equality with which the state imposed upon it is citizens. And in 1990, after many years of rebellion, the citizens were successful to overthrow the "Scientific-Socialism" based government but unfortunately could not replace it with a fair government. Instead Somalia's quest for total freedom became worse than total equality. Equality in freedom can mostly be seen in democratic countries where, citizens are able to politically elect their leaders, express their views and economically have an equal opportunity, though that extent of freedom and equality is restricted by a state regulation. As humans naturally, we believe that it is rather better to be free than not to be free, and in some cases we don't consider equality to be of great worth. One good example that proofs that theory true is, the African slaves in the western world, who fought and campaigned to be freed from slavery and to see slavery business abolished all together. They were struggling to be free, without having in mind that equality is indeed necessary in their struggle. As we know they were later freed from being slaves and regarded as freemen and women, but the main obstacle that hindered their progress in integrating into their local societies was segregation. They were considered alien, regarded different, and denied equal opportunity. And that brought the need to again campaign for equality in all areas of life; the right to be treated equally, to be employed equally and to be accepted as part and parcel of the society. In conclusion, although it may not sound reasonable to choose one over the other, it is obvious that one can live without a regulation from the top. And if Adam and Eve were let loose freely into this world then, would it not be easy to be free from any regulation than suffer under a heavy regulation? It is much easier to be free than not to be free. It is better to be free --------------------- That was my choice. How about you?
  12. IF YOU DO NOT RECIEVE THIS FAX PLEASE CALL .....looooool Hehehehe....some people are nuts. lol
  13. Admin salaam first Secondly is this version in use or will it be in use at a later date? This new version sounds good to be true
  14. Shopping and girls are like chada na pete, but hoyo is encouraging ameenah to hook up with a faarax bacda ey ku xirantahay who is on the dole...thats not a bad idea. He needs a guide to site seeing.
  15. Oh! Was that the reason why Americans went into Somalia? If thats true then i think it will be a good idea to have them as our guests, coz we need the oil JamaaL-11 whats the address of sepado?