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Everything posted by Honesita
Ameenah.....thanx sweetie.....u know i wouldnt be back if it wasnt for that lil' talk we had....i realized i missed this place...!!! ManOfWisdom......i'de like to know why was i called a fool...!! Seems like it was a little out of context...dont ya think...!!! Can anyone imagine waking up oneday to realize that there was nooooo one in the world had loved them...!! Salaamz
loool@Sue....i can almost feel ya explode with maddness girl....!!! Personally....i was very interested in reading the 'Brothaz' point of view in the 'Sistahz' according to their ages.....and to be honest, i was not offended by any post above, for the simple fact that they were honest...!! Sue....u know if we the -women- had the chance to discuss our male prefrences we would be a lot meaner and sorry to say, a bit un-realistic...!! B.S. Sorry Kheyr...didnt mean to post in ur women-free zone...!! Salaamz
Fools fall in love cuz they got nothin' better to do....!!! What r we gonna do without loving someone.....its a self fulfillment thing....if one love story doesnt work...it aint the end of the world, move on to the next one...!!! I realized that love is really BS....i was in love a couple of times...and now i cant even remember how it felt....i'm waiting for my next victim... !!! Salaamz
It most difinitely does not apply to Somalis...!! Somalis have been in America not more than 12 years....and to be honest, we r almost doing better economically than African Americans who have been here for hundreds of years...!! Yes, we might abuse the welfare and low income housing systems....but we do that for a limited time....until we get something better...and we move on.....Afro-Amer. on the other hand abuse the system for looooong years...and they still cant move forward....!!! U will see Somalis getting welfare, living in a low income house, and not working...but instead, going to school fulltime.....saving money....and supporting their immediate family members...!! To me, thats the best community support...when u take full responsbility of ur family here and back home...!! We might have lost generations....but its few compared to the good ones who r trying to make a difference....here and back home..!!! Let's not dream of having a good status in America.....cuz this is NOT home.....we have a home...this is home temporarily....!!! Take advantage of the opportunities...abuse it if u want....but never dream of staying here forever...because then, we'll be lower than the lowest class.....!!! After 400 years, the African Americans r still being discriminated against....and like the article above said, r being slaved mentally, after they were freed physically.....!! I dont know about u guys, but i dont see us somalis (except for few) ending that way...!!! Opinionated....yes u might be around many educated african americans...but they r few compared to their population...!!! Yes White pple have un-educated, terribly poor ones....but the educated ones out number the unedacated...!! That is not the case with Afro-Amer....its the oppisite...!!! No need to be disturbed bro....the above article stated the truth about African Americans today...it might be racist...but hey...its honest..!! This black woman once told me she was ashamed that her kids at home r NOT allowed to watch the only Black tv station....BET....because....Go Figure...!! Salaamz
Say What.. :eek: ..r u out of ur mind....!! The highest i ever went was 100.....and God knows how shocked and terrified i was......!! Salaamz
Hey if 14 lb = 1 stone, then u're friend is in real trouble cuz she's 28 pounds under weight...which is not good at allll...!! U can be 28 pounds over weight and still look good, but be underweight and u're in serious trouble...!! Tell ur girl to hit the gym, dont think that gym is only for fat pple.....by going to the gym her appetite is gonna open up and she'll eat more..somethin' liek that...!! I know my cousin wanted to gain weight and she started working her butt off at the gym, she gained 14 pounds in a month and half...which is excellent...!! Salaamz
Shahaadada maahanee waxkale ma anaa wakhti u hayn lahaa....!! Mandheey u're soooo funny walaahi..!! Salaamz
Ixna isuumaaliyiin naas 3'urabaa jidan walaahi...!! Baladna wa kharabnaa...niruux bilaad annas wi nishtiki...!! Xad ja wa tharabna cala iidna wi gaalina nitlac minha...la, so let's stop the complaining...!! When it comes to racism, i think we r the most racist people Allah ever created, iska daa color iyo diin la isku naco, we discriminate against each others because awoowgeey iyo awoowgaa....and let's not deny that fact...!! A somali will tell u he's bette than another somali because he's reer hebel and the other is reer hebel...!! So why does it bothr us when an Arab calls us Cabd....it does not bother me at all....cuz i know i'm Cabd, Lilaah only...!! The same way it does not bother me when another somali thinks he's better than me cuz of his qabiil...!! And let's not assume America is better, ya'll know the white man always comes first, then the ni66er...!! Like Shyhem said we might get some benefits for being foreigners, but we're still looked down on...!! America is land of a better opportunity because of its policies, but i difinitely dont think the people r any better than Arabs or even Somalis..!! Salaamz
Salaamz lil jamiic, walaahi mushtaaga ana lil carabi wi li biyixku carabi...!!! Nukatkum xilwa kitiir.....especially Jeddawi....keep them comin' please...!!! OG-Girl.....saxiix innu maafi mustaqbal yifrix fil duwal al carabiya, bas sadqiini habiibti....hina awxash.....just like OG-Moti said, the beautiful life is just a mask they put on.....reality hurts...!!! Although, if u're smart u can get the best out of life if u live in America and keep in mind that this is home, TEMPORARILY, and that building our real home -SOMALIA- is what we need to strive for...!!! Marra seceedi rikib fooq iduulaab, leeeesh? Cashaan yiguul li miraatu 'ya watya'...!! Salaamz
May Allah grant him the Firdous...!!! One of the signs of yoom al Qiyama is the increase of sudden death, if i remember right...!!! So let's pray that Allah does not take our lives before we are ready to meet him, and go through his judgement...!!! Salaamz
Honesita: Atisoneh. Sounds like an ancient egyptian name...! Salaamz
The fact that he's MUSLIM should make ya proud of the sistah, OG,Moti..!!! How many sistaz out there r marrying non-muslims, instead of u congradulating her, u're tellin' her this...subxan allah....!!! I thought u were talkin' about marrying a combodian, now for god's sake i'm glad some of us r still sane...!! LovelyME......Congrads sistah, Allah yibaariklik you and ur future husband...!!! Salaamz
Maybe cuz they discuss PROVEN FACTS... :confused: !!! Salaamz
Hibooooo...good to see ya sistah.....missed ya lots, and i gotta admit that i do agree with u on some points......!!! The hadeeth if i remember right is 'Alnadaafa minal Imaan'...!! I did also realize that a lot of our people smell bad, but if u look at it, its usually 'shiir' and 'breath' issues...!!! When u go to the masjid, especially in Ramadan, u'll smell Sambuus iyo basal from every woman, wheather she's wadaad or not, i even smell that on my coat sometimes...!!! And its all a matter of preventing it, not really cleaning it...!!! I thought of those tips for us to prevent smellin' fishy dizzy...!!! 1. Brush every morning, and before you go to sleep. FLOSS every morning. Not flossing is the major reason for bad breath sometimes. 2. Take a shower with not just a soap, but a perfumed shower gel, they're fresh and the smell is not strong at all. A perfumed lotion would also help, its not strong but dont put it on ur face. 3. Buy a DEODERANT, dont wait for Hibo to give it to u as a gift. 'dont just buy it, use it'. 4. Make sure the rooms r always closed when cooking. Because the smell will stick to ur clothes. Dont go out with clothes u've been cooking with. Dont wear clothes u'de go out with if some1 is cooking. Open all the windows when cooking. Salaamz
Hey, VA is the place to be....its beautiful, the pple r nice, u get good jobs that pay well, and beautiful weather...and i think its worth the expenses....but when it comes to a somali community, i'de say they're extremely weak in that...!!! So i voted for Columbs Ohio, even though it aint all that...!!! Salaamz
I missed the 2nd question....cows drink milk... what an idiot i am....anyhow i continued till the end and i figured out that the driver was MOI...!! And also, i thought the 'greenhouse' was made of 'gas' not 'glass'....!!! I could be anotha dummy on that one too though...!!! Salaamz
I'm so behind, i have not seen the dude on tv yet.....and too late cuz i got my cable cut off today....!!! I've also noticed that most of the famous somalis that were listed above r married to non-somalis, and most of them to non-muslims...!!! Do you have to merry a non-somali to be successful in life....!!! Salaamz
I'm a capricorn....and hell no i aint killing my self....!!! Salaamz
So that was 'S' Salt 'n' Pepper Now 'R' Salaamz
Haye.......meeshan maskax wareer aa ka socda...!!! Anyways, Ameenah....u shouldnt be doin' this to us sis.....i'm curious as hell now.....and i cant think of any answer....i was never good at brain crab....!!! This is a crazy thing i thought...she had a dream that she met a hunk at her mom's funeral, but her mom was dead already so she killed her sister so she can meet the guy she had a dream about in her sister's funeral...!!! :confused: Salaamz
Haye...maanta islaamaha la iskugu tagay...!!! Anyways the truth must be told....we women suck at driving....we make all those stupid mistakes when it comes to changing lanes, yeilding and passing other cars....but let's tell the truth again....its MEN who get most tickets and its MEN who usually get their license suspended....!!! Pple know me as a Ms. Speedy...but ALXAMDULILAAAAAAH...i have yet to get a speeding ticket....and my male cousins who complain about how fast i drive r full of tickets....come to think of it, they only complain cuz they're jealous....yeah....that must be it...they're jealous...!!! So r u SHYHEM....u jealous baby...lol!!! Salaamz
Ya'll need to get over it.....i swear....somali situations do not bother me at all...simply cuz anagaa isku keenay...and dad wax ay isku sameeyaan way ku fiicanyahay...!!! Anyways what really annoy me is the way MUSLIMS r being opressed all over the world and how the MUSLIM countries dont have the power to stop it....or maybe they do have the power, but r not willing to use it...!!!! Salaamz
Interesting.....everyone said they spoke Arabic....i'm hoping u guys r not considering reading the Holy Quran and the sentence "ana yatakalam al carabiya" enough to make u a fluent in the language...!!! Anyways i speak Somali, English, Arabic and took 2 years of spanish.....!!! I was thinking of further learning spanish....but cant think of a reason why i would need it in the long run...!!! Salaamz
I have not been following the news for the past 2 weeks and i was getting most of my info from friends and family...!!! Yesterday i was at the dentist and the dentist assitant came and i was hoping 'ilaahoow dadkan igu bilaabin war with Iraq questions'...not that i didnt care or would be too scared to share my opinion, but i didnt want my teeth to be messed up, u know..!!! The guy says 'yep, the deadline is up tonite at 8, but they wont start bombing cuz they wanna do it at a time where the Iraqis r not expecting it', then he asked me 'u're muslim right?' and i was like 'yeah, i'm muslim', then he asks again 'when is ur holy day of the week?' and i said 'friday', then he says 'yeah, they should do it on a friday', i was shocked, walaahi i wanted to spit on his face, my mouth was numb though, i didnt want my teeth messed up, he continued sayin' 'the japanese hit us on a sunday'...!!! Americans r mean walaahi......they might say yeah the innocent lives and everything, but walaahi waa hadal....this is a war agains Islam and Oil....no war against Saddam or his weapons....!!! I was at Barnes and Nobles last nite, and every other book was Anti-Islamic...what is going on...!!! I didnt not try to watch the news and i am not planning to...!!! But keep up with the prayers...!!! Salaamz
May Allah grant the Iraqis the victory.....it might be unbelievable, but i believe Allah has the power to do the unbelievable...!!! I learned when i was younger about a battle in the times of the prophet where the Muslims were very few in number compared to the Gaalos...and they won...with the help of Allah...he sent them Angels that faught with them...!!! Even though it might be hard for Saddam to win this war...i would honestly appreciate it if he caused some major destructions to the Americans and of course our worst enemy...Isreal...!!! Salaamz