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Everything posted by Honesita
Originally posted by Blessed*: Assalamu Alaikum.. Watching this. Very useful. Ramadan Kareem, brothers. I hope it's your best ever.. And I MISSSSSSEEEEDDDD YOUUU sistah!
Assalaamu aleeykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh... Ramadan Mubarak everyone... May Allah allow us all to reach the month of Ramadan, may He accept our siyam, qiyam, dhikr and ducaa... may He grant all of us alFirdows alAcla! Ameen. Another resource I benefited from: heartwheeljournal.co m... youtube heart wheel and u can actually watch videos of Sh. Muhammad Alshareef... Fi Amaani'Laah
^^^ I listened to this lecture series by Muhammad AlShareef about the Four Imams.. He mentioned how Imam Abu Haneefah rahimahu Allah was really good at debates and how he never used to lose debates... As he got older though, he stopped debating and someone asked him why? He replied saying that in thier days, they used to debate with the fear that the person they are debating would say something that would take them out of the fold of Islam... They cared so much about the person they were debating... they wanted them to stop their deviance... He said how now pple debate with the hope that the person they are debating with will say something terribly wrong so they can prove their point... I hope we realize the great lesson in Imam Abu Haneefah's statement and stop arguing while wishing the other person is misguided... The purpose behind everythin we talk about should be guiding others not causing them further misguidance..! This might not apply to this specific thread, but i've seen in it in mostly discussions that involve Islamic topics....it's really scary walaahi...!! Fii Amaani'Laah
I just thought of this interesting story my brother told a while back... There was this rich man who had lots of wealth...he was not happy with his sons and so he planned to make sure they did not get his wealth after he died, so they found out about it and plottd to kill him... They decided to not kill him and just bury him alive.. So they announced his death and put him in that box thingy that they put dead pple in, and they marched the city with his body to show pple he died... The king questioned why there was a crowd and he was told the rich man died.. So when the crowd was right under his balcony, he stepped out with his wife to take a look... At this time, the rich man in the box started screaming and saying that his sons were plotting to kill him and that he was still alive... The King heard this and ignored it... His wife asked him if he was going to do something about it... He said "are you ******, you think that one rich man is telling the truth and all these pple are lying." Moral of the story was, just because everyone says something is a certain way way it doesn't mean they are right....!! Fii Amaani'Laah
There is a difference between Hijab and Jelbab, both have different definitions according to Islamic sciences... I'll try to find that insha Allah... And, there are two verses that came down at diff times asking the women to cover.. Insha Allah I'll look for more evidence for this... but these are the two verses.... وَقُل لِّلْمُؤْمِنَاتِ يَغْضُضْنَ مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِنَّ وَيَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوجَهُنَّ وَلَا يُبْدِينَ زِينَتَهُنَّ إِلَّا مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَلْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ عَلَى جُيُوبِهِنَّ وَلَا يُبْدِينَ زِينَتَهُنَّ إِلَّا لِبُعُولَتِهِنَّ أَوْ آبَائِهِنَّ أَوْ آبَاء بُعُولَتِهِنَّ أَوْ أَبْنَائِهِنَّ أَوْ أَبْنَاء بُعُولَتِهِنَّ أَوْ إِخْوَانِهِنَّ أَوْ بَنِي إِخْوَانِهِنَّ أَوْ بَنِي أَخَوَاتِهِنَّ أَوْ نِسَائِهِنَّ أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُنَّ أَوِ التَّابِعِينَ غَيْرِ أُوْلِي الْإِرْبَةِ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ أَوِ الطِّفْلِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يَظْهَرُوا عَلَى عَوْرَاتِ النِّسَاء وَلَا يَضْرِبْنَ بِأَرْجُلِهِنَّ لِيُعْلَمَ مَا يُخْفِينَ مِن زِينَتِهِنَّ وَتُوبُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ جَمِيعًا أَيُّهَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like palms of hands or one eye or both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc.), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc.) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husband's sons, their brothers or their brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islâm), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allâh to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful. (An-Nur 24:31) يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ قُل لِّأَزْوَاجِكَ وَبَنَاتِكَ وَنِسَاء الْمُؤْمِنِينَ يُدْنِينَ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِن جَلَابِيبِهِنَّ ذَلِكَ أَدْنَى أَن يُعْرَفْنَ فَلَا يُؤْذَيْنَ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ غَفُورًا رَّحِيمًا O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e.screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allâh is Ever OftForgiving, Most Merciful. (Al-Ahzab 33:59)
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Nin boqor ah baa beri jiray ,,,,,,,, Then wuu dhintay ,,,,,,,,, Looool, sheekada dhamee nooh, mala xabaalay? Fii Amaani'Laah
Lol this is so funny.. It's not good to expose your sins...but do you sometimes find your self smiling or laughing about the old sins you used to commit...not that you would do it again...you might have even repented and felt bad about doing it... But, it really brings weird feelings and smiles to me.... Subhanna Allah I had a friend talk to me oneday about how she had this one sin that always made her weak.. She'll promise herself, make tawba and then she'll find her legs taking her to it... I was so curious to find out what it was.... I'm sure it was not so horrible to many pple's standards, but to her, it was killing her... I don't even know what it was, but I told her everytime you are about to do it, think about the punishment that comes with it....when nothing else stops you...i hope fear does...!! Fii Amaani'Laah
^^^ I guess right now i'm taking classes with AlMaghrib Institute... I love it to be honest with you... you learn a lot Masha Allah.. If i were to study in depth though, i'd wanna go to a Muslim country.... It's possible to do it here too..but my mission is to leave... then maybe look at the possibilities where ever i go.. Thanx though.. Fii Amaani'Laah
Salaamu Aleeykum Shouldn't we first talk about the difinition of culture, tradition and Islam first before we talk about whether or not the Hijab is in our culture or not... All i see is a whole lot of talk so far... Hijab is not a Somali tradition, the guy is right... It is also not an Afghani or Arab culture either.... There he was wrong.. The Arab women in Jahiliya (ignorance days before Islam) did not wear Hijab. They only did it when commanded by Allah and the Messenger salla Allahu alayhi wasallam. This makes it an Islamic act... When Afghani, Somali, Arab and even European or American women wear it, they don't wear it because it is in their culture, it's because of Islam. Which is also why you see Arabs, Afghanis, and Somalis actually have traditional clothings, and they are almost never Islamic in the sense that they do not fulfill the requirements of Hijab. So really, i am not questioning whether what he say is right or wrong...i'm just questioning his purpose of differenciating between Somali culture and Islam... What point is he trying to get across... Is he calling to stick to culture or stick to Islam or is he simply an Anthropologist who is talking about cultures...i'm quite buzzled!! Let's not question his Aqeeda either... he only talked about clothing and culture, it is not something that takes you out of the fold of Islam...!! Fii Amaani'Laah
Originally posted by UK_ROSE: I don't think its funny at all, in fact it's really disturbing. There is a xadeeth for our Prophet (SAAW) saying " mn Tashabah bi Qaumin Fa Huwa MINHUM" i.e. Who ever resembles certain people then he is one of them! another Saying " Lacan allahu Al Mutashabeheen mn anisaa bi alrijal, wa al mutashabeheen mn al rijaal bi anisaa" . Lacna is upon women those who resemble men and those men who resemble women. This guy might not be gay Physically but indeed he is doing actions of women. May allah guide him to the right path. Lol, i'm sorry but i thought this was funny... Subhanna Allah the whole thing is haraam, why should it matter if it is tashabuh or not... It reminds me of a joke i read somewhere, these two somali men were robbing a house, one of them picked up the Quran and he accidently dropped it, the other one got so angry he took a gun and shot him....he then said, "how dare you drop the Quran." Love of the Deen... Fii Amaani'Laah
Kimiya, girl it was not only the taxi driver, remember everytime we talked on the phone i'd tell you "abaayo please Somali ku hadal" I miss that Somali accent of yours... I'm really happy for all of you who made a move to the UAE, i seriously would love to live there. Leaving the UAE in 95, i really don't have much memories of it except for the fact that i absolutely loved it... Now I hear Dubai has changed so much...my two brothers went back for some bussiness of theirs and they both were very disappointed... Dubai has become a very commercial place, expensive and over populated like they said... But apparantly Shariqah and Ajman are supposedly better off... I asked my brother about any Islamic institutes one can enroll in over there... and he said he did not know of any... I find it a little odd.. It's a Muslim country...there must be some sort of a higher level of Islamic education... Let me know if you know of any reliable ones please... Also, i always hear it is better to get a job offer then make the move...do you guys think that is true... What would you recommend? And what kind of work experience or level of education do most employers look for? Fii Amaani'Laah
Brother Ameen, jazaka Allah khair for your wisdom... I won't say anything about this Aqeedah or that Aqeedah, but walaahi it is dangerous to also believe in an Aqeedah that is cut and paste!!! People are ignorant not because they don't know how to read, it's because they refuse to read while knowing how to read...!! Modesty, you raised an important issue in saying that you never see a 'wadaad' smiling... Subhanna Allah, many of us look up to the 'wadaads' for our knowledge and judge Islam based on their actions. Where if we were to read about Islam, read the Quran and the Seerah, read the books of the early pious generations of Muslims, we will see how the so called 'wadaads' should act like... Instead of saying this is what we see them do, we would actually be able to correct them... Wadaads are not infallible. Fii Amaani'Laah P.S. Yeah we heard of Sufi and Salafi, but subhanna Allah, did Bush dictate the term Wahabi to us now?
Salaamu Aleeykum Khayr, brother allow me to disagree, it is not only the rules set by revelations that tell humanity what is wrong and what is right. When Allah subhannahu wa ta'ala created mankind, there was that fitrah he created us with... Remember the ayah that says Allah took bani Adam and asked them Am I not your Lord and we replied Yes. (7:172). According to what i know, this fitrah is the same reason why in every society and culture on the face of earth certain things are looked down upon, such as stealing, killing and disobedience to parents. Sista Cambaro....you mentioned the only good contribution democracy has is making sure polititions dont opress the people. Today i was watching the news and i guess this one official at the Pentagon is being blamed for saying that the US had proper knowledge that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and Saddam had ties with AlQaeda. The CIA obviously had information opposite of that but regardless the USofA decided to go to with Iraq according to the claims of this 'one' guy!! This is democracy, and if the way with Iraq was not oppression, I don't know what is!! Fii Amaani'Laah
Wow, i truely miss the genius threads in SOL... Sorry, don't mean to be rude, but have you locked up your brain in a can of tuna the morning you started this thread brother? While starting this thread, why didn't you also start a thread blaming your family and friends for letting start this mess.. Sorry, but it's seriously too funny to be taken seriously!! Fii Amaani'Laah
Yeah but Imobile is not as trendy as Iphones!!! We were talking about the Iphone in one my bus. classes and the teacher was telling us how the ceo is projecting that 10 million, yeah 10 MILLION, customers will buy it as soon as it comes out. I double 10 million customers will be ready upgrade their contracts and thus they will actually be paying early termination fees with the wireless providers they are with adding to the price of the phone... This thing is hot, really, i'd buy it, but only if Cingular offers me a job...!! Fii Amaani'Laah
Salaamu Aleeykum You know i listened to that lecture like 10 times...subhanna Allah, anyone who has a little tiny clean spot in his heart must get affected by it. We actually got an audio only version of it, burned it on CD's and gave them out at the Eid prayer....walaahi i encourage everyone to do the same, it won't even cost you much to buy the cd's and burn them and give them out.... The sad thing is that many of our Somali youth are turning to the streets....i understand when the African Americans did it as in many cases they were forced into it, but these Somali youngsters who are turning to the streets are not hungry or poor, their families have money to feed them and cloth them and even spoil them, but then they end up getting in petty crimes, for what? I really think the issue the brother raised is having role models and the youth is missing that in their lives. Yeah it might be identity crisis, but it is also lack of role models....when you know you have great people that you look up to, you'll always think about the long term goals you have to be somewhere close to that icon that you look up to.... If you look up to 2pak and Biggie, I pray to Allah you don't get gunned down while preparing to gun down someone else... Seriously, i ask everyone to do as little as they can to make a difference in the youth's lives, you don't even have to form organizations and stuff, just focus at the youngsters in your home, your neighbors, anyone young you know of.. The reward is with Allah, so imagine the multiplicity...!! Fii Amaani'Laah
Salaamu Aleeykum I can reccommend some English lectures and refer you to a somali one i saw before. English. www.audioislam.com www.uponsunnah.com www.aswatalislam.net www.islamway.com both arabic and english. Somali. www.maktabada.com I'll say those are quite reliable according to my humble knowledge and insha Allah they'll benefit you. My favorite speaker is Abu Ammar Yasir Qadhi. I can guarentee you anything by him is good insha Allah. Wallahu A'lam. I also listen to Muhammad Alshareef, Yaser Birjaz, Abdulbarry Yahya, DAUD ADEEB, Yahya Ibrahim. And if you know Arabic, Sh. Albani rahimahu Allah has mannnnny lectures online. That's what I usually listen to. Fii Amaani'Laah
Originally posted by illegal some-alien: does it matter? its their loss. Salaamu Aleeykum (allow me to disagree) Yes, I think it does matter. Muhammad Alayhi Salaam is the example that we follow in Islam. There is a hadeeth that i heard before but i cant find it or its authenticity where the Prophet alayhi salaam says that our example is the example of a man who builds a huge fire and he wants to throw himself in it and the Prophet is holding him by the waiste so that he does not fall in it. It's a beautiful hadeeth masha Allah. Basically the message of Islam is True Salvation. My point is, "We are not doing our job in learning and teaching Islam, Dawah starts at home, those leaving Islam to Christianity seem to be the most ignorant about religion, it's purpose and mainly about Islam, and the fact that they are no longer worshipping Allah the proper way should be a wake up call to us, insha Allah." My two cents...Wallahu Ta'ala A'lam. Fii Amaani'Laah
Originally posted by Abraar: She looks at me surprised (of course never having heard me be so positive about the prospect of marriage) and says, but wouldn't he be a bit too old?...and I'm like r u kidding mom! To spend the rest of your life with such an caalim is a blessing only few saalixas are endowed with, imagine the constant state of iman rush ( ), she smiled and said 'walee waa runtaa macaane, that in itself is imaan'...In all seriousness, I do honestly love him for the sake of Allah (SWT) and all the culamaa who continually awaken us to our duties to our creator, to ourselves and to humanity in general. Without their enlightenment, where would we be? what would be of the whole ummah? May Allah (swt) reward them immensely, increase them and their loved ones in His blessings and success in this dunya and the akhira. Ameen. Salaamu Aleeykum I totally feel where you are coming from sis. Walaahi, I cant describe in words how I feel when i hear certain lectures and certain speakers break down Islamic sciences for you. This sudden EmanRush is litterally felt in your body, the goosbums and your eyes just getting wet. Abaayo I took Fiqh of Love: Marriage in Islam with Sh. Yaser Birjas....i was talking to my friend about the instructor today and walaahi for a moment I just felt like "Ya Allah I just want to marry a man just like those shuyuukh" Yess the saalihaat usually get good brothers, that is why we must become the saalihaat. May Allah make it easy for us and reward us for it. I'm so mad I missed the first weekend of LOG and I dont think i'll get the chance to take the seminar again, but I'm doing the Revision for it now and its great masha Allah. AlQadaa' wal Qadar is something I'm hoping to start listening to insha Allah when i'm done with the first part of Aqeeda, I'm planning to memorize the stuff u know...lol.. When Sh. Yasir Qadhi lectures, I usually get into this mode of wanting to tell everrrrryone i meet what he said, but it does not usually work, i aint that good u know...lol. I just can not think of any blessing that is greater than the blessing of Islam and iman. Wal Hamdulilah. Fii Amaani'Laah
Salaamu Aleeykum Very sad walaahi. If you guys look at the history of Islam, from the day it started, there was Shaytan and his awliya (helpers) committed to destroy its followers. But regardless of their attempts Allah says: ÙŠÙرÙيدÙونَ Ù„ÙÙŠÙطْÙÙؤÙوا Ù†Ùورَ اللَّه٠بÙØ£ÙŽÙْوَاهÙÙ‡Ùمْ وَاللَّه٠مÙتÙمّ٠نÙورÙÙ‡Ùوَلَوْ كَرÙÙ‡ÙŽ الْكَاÙÙرÙونَ They intend to put out the Light of Allâh (i.e. the religion of Islâm, this Qur'ân, and Prophet Muhammad SAW) with their mouths. But Allâh will complete His Light even though the disbelievers hate (it). (As-Saff 61:8) There is always this revival within Islam and Muslims. Which is why I never lose hope in the mercy of Allah and his guidance. Fii Amaani'Laah
Salaamu Aleeykum Brother, jazaka Allah for watching it. The philosophers part was interesting, but seriously the rest is da boooomb....so insha Allah, Allah will give you more time to watch it. It's the message at the end that really made me feel like "we are not doing enough as Muslims." As for the philosophers that you mentioned, Allah Yahdeehum. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi was one of the people that led me to discover Islam, and it is about his eloquent speech and logical flow that is straight up from the Quran and Sunnah, may Allah grant him jannah. Fii Amaani'Laah
Originally posted by Viking: Honesita, Islam does not promote slavery nor does it permit people to have sex-slaves. The term ma malakat aymanukum has been used several times in the Qur'an and when used to refer to the Prophet, it means the wives who he didn't pay a dowry for. Here is where Maria Qibtiya comes in, she was a gift from the Coptic leader and therefore she was considered "what the right hand possesses" meaning no dowry was paid. This is evident in Al-Azhab verse 50... O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy RIGHT HAND POSSESSES out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee;... Salaamu Aleeykum Just to add to the above, the same verse that you quoted dear brother says (whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whome Allah has assigned to thee;...) Akhee, please ponder over that and tell me does prisoners of war mean anything else but slaves. Fii Amaani'Laah
Originally posted by Viking: Honesita, Islam does not promote slavery nor does it permit people to have sex-slaves. The term ma malakat aymanukum has been used several times in the Qur'an and when used to refer to the Prophet, it means the wives who he didn't pay a dowry for. Here is where Maria Qibtiya comes in, she was a gift from the Coptic leader and therefore she was considered "what the right hand possesses" meaning no dowry was paid. This is evident in Al-Azhab verse 50... O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy RIGHT HAND POSSESSES out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee;... The Qur'an also tells those who don't have means to marry to be chaste in Surah Noor... And let those WHO DO NOT FIND the means to marry keep chaste until God suffices them from Hiss blessing, and who ask the TERM/fate/destiny (yabtaghoona alkitaba) from MA MALAKAT AYMANUKUM, so WRITE with them (fakatiboohum in AAalimtum), if you know any good in them, and give them of the wealth of God which He has given you; and do not compel your girls to prostitution, when they desire to keep chaste, in order to seek the frail good of this world's life; .... Some scholars say that Maria the Copt stayed a concubine while others say she was his lawful wife. But is it perceivable that the Prophet SAWS engaged in adultery and even had children out of wedlock? She was the only one [besides Khadija] who had a child with the Prophet but her son Ibrahim died at an early age. -------------------------------------------------- Was Maria the Copt a Slave, a Concubine, or a Wife of the Prophet? Slavery already existed long before Islam. It was a system whereby a human captured in wars or kidnapped could be sold as a “possession.†That term applied to both sexes, not to women only. In some cultures slaves were considered subhuman and treated brutally. In Europe, for example, Romans threw Christian slaves to the lions while the public cheered; female slaves were thought to have no souls and were tortured mercilessly; slaves lived in degrading conditions; both sexes were forced to offer sexual favors to their masters; and as “possessions†they had no choice, no will, and no rights. Islam recognized the human rights of slaves and encouraged Muslims to set slaves free. Islam prohibited adultery and homosexuality, and prevented forcing female slaves into sexual acts against their will. Islam encouraged educating them, setting them free, then legally marrying them and giving them their moral and financial rights. The reward for this—as mentioned in Prophetic Hadith—is eternal residence in Paradise. Maria (may Allah be pleased with her) was not a concubine; she was a slave owned by Egypt’s Christian governor, who offered her and her sister Serine—among other presents—as a “gift of good will†to the Prophet in reply to his envoys inviting him to Islam. On her way from Egypt to Madinah, she was curious to learn about “her new master†and listened to his Companions talk about him. As a result, she became Muslim before meeting Muhammad. Scholars’ opinions vary of her status afterwards; here is the opinion I support: One of the prominent Al-Azhar scholars, Sheikh Abdul Majid Subh, states: “Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), instead of taking concubines, entered into lawful marriages based on reason and wisdom. Maria the Copt was given to him as a present, but rather than taking her as a concubine, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) married her, thus elevating her status by marriage.†Source! Salaamu Aleeykum With all due respect to the source you posted, they are not providing legitimate sourcing themselves. (((((((One of the prominent Al-Azhar scholars, Sheikh Abdul Majid Subh, states: “Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), instead of taking concubines, entered into lawful marriages based on reason and wisdom. Maria the Copt was given to him as a present, but rather than taking her as a concubine, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) married her, thus elevating her status by marriage.â€)))))))) The Shaykh does not say his source. And Islamically, fatwa is not given by the opinion of the giver. It is what is present in the Quran, Sunnah, Ijma' or Qiyas. Go back to the Seerah of the prophet of Arraheeq al Makhtum, the Sealed Nectar, page 571 of the Arabic, it says right there that Mariya alQibtiya was his concubine (Sariyah). She was one of 3 others mentioned in the same paragraph. It seems that we are not on the same page. I am only answering whether the prophet had sexual relations with a woman that was not his wife (according to the question the sister asked in the begining of the thread). And the answer is YES, she was lawful to him because she was HIS concubine. Go back to Tafsir Ibn Katheer, Tabari and Qurtubi, "Ma malakat aymanukum means women owned as slaves", sorry i cant find it in English, if you are interested in reading it in Arabic, go to www.thenoblequran.com Surat alMa'arij, alMu'minun. Whether slavery is right or not, whether we can go back to it or not, is a totally different topic and i have no knowledge to speak of it. I only know about the Prophet Alayhi Salaam's wives and slaves. Fii Amaani'Laah
Originally posted by Didi Kong: Historically during the dawn of Islam it was customary for people to have slaves and part of the deal was that Islam would abolish this practice eventually, that is why a lot reward was attached to manimutting slaves (evidence is from the hadith, some of you don't believe in it). But the issue here is as Honesita said back in the day men could have relations with their slave women without having to marry them. Of course this doesn't apply today. That is why there is a difference between 'wives' and 'right-hand possessions' in the quranic verse; the right hand possessions are the slave women. Salaamu Aleeykum I agree with your statement...maybe i did not clarify that it does not happen today and that slavery laws in the Sharia almost lead to the abolishment of slavery. But if we were to have a legitimate jihad war today, and the Muslims win, does that mean we are not taking the losers as slaves? I don't think we are allowed to kill them, so what else other than enslave them. Allahu A'lam Man, me need to learn this subject insha Allah. Fii Amaani'Laah
Salaamu Aleeykum Khalaf...walaalo when a man has a slave woman, he does not have to marry her to have sexual relations with her. According to the link (and many other sources of Seerah) i've posted above, PLEASE READ IT, the Prophet Alayhi Salaam and many of the Sahaba did practice this. Sayyidna Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam did as well. There was nooooo marriage between Muhammad Alayhi Salaam and Mariya AlQibtiya, she was HIS slave, concubine. So unless you show me an evidence of otherwise, then I have nothing further to say. No hard feelings, it's just a discussion. Fii Amaani'Laah