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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. ^^i have a delightful 15 year old nephew as well. He won't eat unless lasoo hoos dhigo cuntada. I clash with him alot as he sees me nothing but cash cow and calls me only when there is new game or trainers out. Last time I told him no, I won't spoil someone who won't contribute to the world. We are now looking for something voluntary for him to do I blame the mothers Salaam aleykum everyone
  2. Juxa

    Eid Bonus

    JB yep i know what you mean, but insha allah kheyr. Malika, the climb waa too steep for my expanding jilbo.
  3. Norf ha igu qasbin inaan vankeyga soo qaato just to prove you wrong. take the kids to central london then, it is work day so quite in the mid-morning
  4. Juxa

    Eid Bonus

    Last bonus was 2008, hada the annual increase baaba dhib ku ah, all they say is waa recession and we have to safeguard the future jobs etc. i know waa crap cause they always off to holidays, cruise ships bla bla, marka iyaga uunbaa cuna the profit
  5. Lily waa turkey, ma soomaan, but boy do they celebrate Eid. they were lovely as they cooked for us ( a group of 7) a full ifdar.
  6. JB i told him there was massive Eid in the Park event and he declined ( it is 30min drive from him caajisloowga) so next option waa ruwaayad no? Malika i am good alhamdulilah, excited about eid and demanding new dress and the likes:)
  7. lol@malika, accept your return Norf well in that case east london ruwaayad baa ka jirta, that is closer to you
  8. I went to a friend's house yesterday, she had a baby but cooked 6 course meal afur ah. it was delicious and i cont eat it. Darn it if ey somali ahaan lahaayeen saxan baa hore uqaado lagu dhihi lahaa. anigoo gadaal u fiirinaya kasoo tagay
  9. Juxa

    Eid Bonus

    meesha in bonus laga bixiyo, altho not everyone gets it, from your smile i assume inaad heshay fat boorso cash ah
  10. There is Eid in the park, for prayer and fun, at Ealing common park, organised by Alquba mosque
  11. Val your pay will be enough for the upkeep of our bilic, yacni the cost of diracs, man/pedi, hair etc prison ward@qori, funnily the first job i applied after graduating was for her majesty prison service:)
  12. ^^ maxaa waali ah? ma adiga mise inaga mise most likely ngonge?
  13. Juxa

    Eid Bonus

    bonus? is that based on the hard work mise everyone gets a bonus over there? i like what i am hearing lol
  14. JB lucky you Norf, roobka adiguu kula socday since you announced your arrival roobka ma istaagin salaams to everyone
  15. salaam aleykum all roob iyo raxmad maanta alhamdulilah
  16. ^^^you are not taking this seriously Dadka aad magacowday lilaahi bey ubadan yihiin. Who is representing reer laqdabo? Make this realistic Dowlad ah that includes reer rabsho, reer haadhaad, reer khafiif, reer shaxaad, reer jaadwade, reer buufis and finally reer ismiidaamis
  17. This is great congrats to the students for their hard work maasha allah
  18. Blessed I planned to explain things by the book, balse dagaal xunbaa la isiiyay. Dadkeena have misconceptions about many things. They claim rights they do not have( xaqeena waaye) or admit guilt they should not have. I will come back to discipline insha Allah
  19. Val lol thanks, ishaad ka tuurtay (now he will say he did not get it)
  20. London and that would be wonderful, if you marry islamically and with registered mosque, that is all the legality you really need most people dont know the name of sheikh that did their meher?
  21. Faheema not yet, maybe have not looked a my phone yet lool. Anything exciting happening?
  22. lol@encouraging....ar somaliyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, allow alle can a person be encouraged to divorced? and what would be the gain except one way ticket to jahanamah
  23. lol then jidka u istaag....seriously some people waxay istaahilaan inla garaaco mercilessly.