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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Recently there has been many prosecutions of booyeeso related cases. Mainly involved of Asian and African employers bringing girls into the UK and using them as slaves. That woman waa wasaqad tho ufff
  2. Juxa

    Somali Bantus

    Malika yes they were called cida carabta but when saying cida J it was said with contempt even as children knew the difference Oh well I accept we can eradicate ignorance within the Walls of sol but we can shame deregotary conduct and behaviour by calling it what it is
  3. Juxa

    Somali Bantus

    No Jubba and shabelle dadka dhexdooda dega leh Somalia Inteena kale baa ah kooyto
  4. Juxa

    Somali Bantus

    Yes lads iyagaa loogu yimid. The Jubba and shabelle residents kasoo baar taariqda. Malika as a kid I remember the neighbours called cida-j. Instead of reer ali or Mohamed etc. I knew then it was wrong just as I know it now. Many of us do yet fail to raise their voices in their defence Bantu waa reer dhan just like reer waqooyi, reer koofur, reer Bari, reer bay iyo bakool ( who also suffered discrimination until they took arms) Run ahaantii Bantu people dhaankooda wey ku dhagan yihiin. They are kind and helpful and fun
  5. Juxa

    Somali Bantus

    I know you mean well but dadkaa iyagaa loogu yimid Somalia. They have suffered enough. Waala dhacay dhulkoodi oo la boobay beerahoodi As result of xaqii laga galay dadkii diidey Iney qaataan hub or were not strong enough to defend themselves waakaa Somalia degi la oo cudur, gaajo and dagaal dartii Somali oo dhan ey meel walba sharaf daro ku heyso Yaa malika are we not duty bound to say NO to xaq darida? Should we not learn from past mistakes? Mise waligeen awoowgeey baa ahaa thorough-bred baan meeshan lasoo cirid weynaan? We are not harsh. Waa in la is dabo qabtaaa... In fact yartan yar is getting off lightly
  6. Juxa

    Somali Bantus

    Lol@blessed This child hadii eysan intaan ku tusaale qaadin wallee waa loo yaabaa
  7. Juxa

    Somali Bantus

    Is it nin? I thought it was islaan falfalxun!
  8. Juxa

    Somali Bantus

    It's unacceptable waqtigan la joogo people make such comments. It is not ok and we should not turn blind eye to this islo-weyni illness.
  9. Juxa

    Somali Bantus

    Kaalay maxaa kaa qaldan? How dare you doubt inaan Somali nahay? Sow ma ogid in yasitaanku yahay wholly unislamic.... You owe big raali galin runtii to solers and to the buntu community
  10. She is Gorgeous Maasha Allah. Love the calmness and the way she carries herself. Very clear waaye Iney years of training and experience leedahay
  11. ^^ Still raali ahow adigoo dhahda laguu qaatay as aad ku qaldaneed your wadaad-lunsan comment stop madaxa aad dhulka la dhacayso and man up:) ps: is cafiya oo hawada nooga baxa, you overshadowed Serenity's return waves@serenity
  12. ^^ hadii aad sorry ku tiraahdo ma lug iyo labo baa ku go'i? guurmaad= goormaad
  13. Blessed waxaan maqli jirey adigoo yar inaad hooyadaa u saqiirto laguu qaatey! i never understood it until recently. it was a verse reserved with dadka laga yaabey, yacni qasaaradoodu badatay
  14. hump of geel is called KURIS:) waraada iska dhaafa oo waa friday, bunkana soo duba aan duceysanee
  15. hump of geel is called KURIS:) waraada dhaafa wiilka oo waa friday, bunkana soo duba aan duceysanee
  16. salaam aleykum, and jumce wanaagsan......
  17. salaamulah, malika wey joogtaa lakin sawiradii mombasa bey sugaysaa ee la soo dhaqso insha allah
  18. Carafaat civilized adigaa ahee orod ku dharag
  19. why buy just take katiinad jabiye and go to central stationka
  20. I was going to draft the email and charge him,,,,,,,,,,naga taga waad noo qoonsateene
  21. wat ben je dan? kindje? waaba ku sharfay allaha ku sharfee!
  22. ^^ learn to drive, it sucks being oday aan gaari laheyn salaam aleykum all bal warama?
  23. aah hou op adigana^^^ gabar hanaga soo doonan cause if i broker that deal/marriage you feel inlagu dhacay maalin cad
  24. ngonge why iigu maslineysaa dadka kale, sowtan nabad beenbeen ah kala saxiixanay! Carafaat wsalaam, soo dhaaf, we old people talk of cimilada because we zijn zaai en ..........
  25. ooh it is tough being a teacher, you need alot of dulqaad.