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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Somalina would never pretend I miss her illaah amarkii
  2. Somalidu waxay dhahdaa nin aan shanta kaa celin sharci kama celsho I will leave it there and hope no one attacks your nearest and dearest
  3. Years ago I was attacked by oday whilst at work. I was young, less lipy and actually nice at the time. I think he was not happy about some document the home office had etc and was not willing to accept my explanation. He jumped over the reception and went for my shirt. Luckily the place was full of people and he was held back. Police were called. I was more shocked than hurt and my boss insisted I pressed charges etc. I was sent home to recover but next day I heard that half my qabil men were searching for him, he apologised and said he did not know who I was... Need I say he won't be lifting his finger to another lady. Sayid I am sorry but he should be punished severily. You can't possibly understand how it feels when qofka xoog badan hits you. No amount of xarig would suffice for me I want him beaten, bruised and shamed
  4. XX sorry but those families I know of don't want to deal with ignorant, bigoted people. They do tend to marry from their own I talk of those in qurbaha lakin Ps: I agree everyone should marry qofka ay rabaan
  5. A little nice reminder for next time he lifts his hand to harmless woman be it his wife, daughter, sister , a nurse or a woman whose ideas he hates Lol@malika
  6. Ibti does want justice but she does not want to make a fuss
  7. Sayid I am truly disappointed Ninka doqonka luqada uu fahmaa waa inla garaaco kaliya. This particular doqon deserved in haraanti iyo feer lagala daalo In fact honor demands it on top of justice
  8. No I mean I don't believe you did not know Wallee radarkaada waa off lately
  9. I know you want to say it all, just spit it out You don't owe odaygan anything Shaqo la aan baa iheysa today
  10. Oh no nooooo Waraa I don't believe it nooh ee naga daa
  11. Somali names are back with a bang Some of my fav names have been mentioned masha Allah. Now I am spoilt for choice as I would never call my child anything but pure Somali name Ps my great aunt was called BAAR, lovely name
  12. Khadro should be warned of ninkan hooyadi nabaya I know few families from reerahan. Beautiful people and they don't want to mix with somalideena kale ee habaaran ( rightly so) I agree they are very good looking
  13. Well Aaliyah that may be IF and only IF she has said that
  14. Yes malika you and I both Dying of boredom, nasashadeydu waa 2 days top! Cold and rainy weather not helping either
  15. Ibti ma ciyaarto. Unfortunately it is true
  16. Talaago = talajad= firintijeer = fridge I thought I will help out with my cajuuso knowledge, carry on
  17. Waa fatashaari AKA afar-jeeble synonymous with dishonesty What's wrong with well fitting surwaal & shaati?
  18. He won't be hard to spot! I actually plan to find him and wack dhirbaaxo dheg-iyo- dhafoor reer koofur style Ibti does not like fuss I guess
  19. Thank you altho hadal uukuu ekaa markaad joogtay hargeysa, a slap or two should have done the trick
  20. But if he lied should he not be called wuxuu yahay a LIAR!
  21. Warheedhe ana bal jagooyinka dhexe igu dara! As a hippy I won't feel comfy with high level jago ee kursi qabow igu ogada
  22. Yes we can blessed. The man's behaviour waa unacceptable luqadiisa waa inlagula hadlo But then again I am neither peace loving person or from nabad doon qabiil Waan ka xumahay Alpha wuxuu Yiri I always thought the man understood the importance of aligning yourself with decent people