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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Juxa


    Loool@casper lakin the decent make up is expensive here, let alone xagaaa! iska dhaaf boolbarahooda ha marsadane
  2. ^^i did not get that Serenity sort that out, you dont want the birdie to die whilst stuck in your chimney...allow sahal I like the new businesses such as taxi company, how about mini cab, slightly cheaper version! I love the take away idea but who will do the cooking@Serenity
  3. JB it is not a new job, just away on loan:( I hate working in the city, the tube journey is horrendous, i actually had to walk in the rain this morning salaams sidiina kale soolama fiicna
  4. Juxa


    I was supposed to go into partnership with her, i feel iney iga hoos-bixisey:(
  5. Let ne help you, xeedxeedasho means getting ready, preparing for a task when it is used in normal, innocent context I am afraid on this occasion odaygan Wyre ah dulmi buu kawaday but then again A&T hardly needs encouragement oo waa one man liberation army Carafaat nonetheless a gentleman ma falaneeyeen waxas!
  6. My su'aal is why JB is not calling cunugan out? Kan waxan soo qorey, inaan kudhaho sheemo bey iga heysaa!
  7. Juxa


    aah lovely about time too:)
  8. ^^ wsalaam, ilaah maku soo nabad aruurshay JB waa ikan ee maxaa darnaa? maanta shaqo cusub baan bilaaboo waaba meel aan qofnaba ka hadlin, not a single hadal apart from subax wanaagsan
  9. Congratulations to ilmo-abtigiis and THEIR MOTHER! may allah bless you dhankastaba, guul, guul indeed i am off to tell kuwan habaryarta u ahaa ilma adeeradiin A+ bey keeneen adinkana fish iyo jibs baad cuneysaan:)
  10. ^^^ dad boqora ah dabeecad wise baa jira, maasha Allah Salaams and jumce kareem dhamaantiin
  11. Rant? Ma aniga? JB said there was big part of the story that was not covered! So don't shoot me for saying it BTW some of the kids sent back home be it Sland or Somalia are criminals with criminal records etc Yaa umaqan the locals? As you said ..... Seemed great idea at the time
  12. Of course he did! The interview was a formality
  13. Warheedhe I took 3 days off in anticipation of my new work placement but I am bored and it's raining outside
  14. Salaams all Just had pizza for breakfast
  15. The part that chews, drinks and smokes weed. The part that drive new cars, live massive villas unsupervised and corrupts local girls That part was not covered ma ahoo@ JB Malika is right those kids should learn a lesson and not be bank rolled by parents. In fact the parents their responsibilities bey iska dhaqajiyeen
  16. Abtigiis I never agree with you on my good days ( I was told amaansii odayga, more like wala idhartay) balse my previous post was about the question I feel Wyre decided inuu nagu ciyaaro
  17. So what do you want us to say? Ba'ayeey nolosha ka dhacday marki adigoo ina hebel ah waxa lagu weydinayo? Seriously ma anigaa walan mise Wyre overdosed on Casiir? Warheedhe makaa daacadbaa? Mise you intend to create heated convo
  18. You are very very silly. In fact your question ma istaahisho my time First a woman won't ask such a question! If she did show her your wallet ( do not commit a crime) If it was a man gafuurka kudhufo wasaqa
  19. She is my twin, years of coffee and cake and she picked my investigative skills Ngonge has famous magac, you may know him adigaba:)
  20. Big hug to you! I am done with saqajanka I won't know how to post pictures but first person I see coming your way will be carrying shipment of your favourite things unless you come over si aan kuu baaniyo.
  21. He meant NUXUR maleh NUX is child play word which mean NO Like You say HOO and someone replies NUX
  22. Loool alla run badanidaa! Bal istafurullah dheh Besides I won't want to qarxis my SOL friends that is why I won't add!
  23. Nin fiican bu ahaa Ileyn FBna waad taqaan