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Everything posted by Juxa
Kool_Kat;843481 wrote: Juxa, for someone who's very sweet and nearly melts around children, you sound so harsh! I think maanta aad baad udaalantahay, sweet iyo aniga (kala dheer) balse i do love kids, who wont! My point macaanto is for reasons only ayeeyo sokereey can understand, to me is very very important a man works. As you said a career break or extended leave is a possibility but i wont recommend '' i quit so i can be with my kids'' Kids need mustaqbal, they need education and decent life style. For that abaayo aabe needs inuu subixi kalaho, macawista xeyd-xeydto oo uu shaqo TAGOOOOO ps: i am all for 4 maalmood aan shaqeeyo, adna sedex maalmood shaqee ( just so that hooyo can keep her sanity) see i am having very macquul day, 20 min left and off to home
kids are resilient, they will bounce off and be fine (look at me maxaa iga halaabey huh)! KK , taking extended leave or a career break for specific time is different then quiting and not working at all. to be reasonable how about he works 4 days, and has 3 long days to spend with the kids! sayid do you expect us to sanction inaad shaqada iska dhaafto? hell no
he can love his kids after work and at weekends? what you people trying to say? huh
ma cumreysan kartaa whilst the people you claim to lead are starving?
whats with the tuulo- dropping ninyow! stop using lovely poems for sinister purposes, ana waan kaa leexanaa <<<<<<<<<<walks off in a huff
Maaddeey i is not from suuq bacaad, i just understand your qaabdaro i did not need to seek the sourse or the gabey origin wah..............waaba aqaan aan taaganahay:)
not only did i understood it but long ago, i knew it by heart i assume you understood, ninka ciil inuu qabo oo uu aarsan doono one day! is that how maaddeey's group are feeling now? betrayed? outnumbered? tricked?
it is famous gabey, wuxuu ku qornaa buuga suugaanta ee iskuulada laga dhigi jirey no?
i expect content nimadaada is over-flowing now!
Norf i cant wait for the bloody football to finish grrrrrrrrrrr the dutch were rubish
waxaad noqotay cynic which in turn explain your xaraar/qadhaadh
^^ allaha ku caafiyo, take some painkillers
maaddeey maa lyrics soo qorey? allow alle
^^ adigana sidoo kale salaam aleykum people, bal warama, beautiful and sunny day in londara maanta no?
NGONGE;843146 wrote: ^^ Too much worry about pointless things will make you ill dee. I don't want to bring on my own demise. By the way, how 'posh' are your new offices? First you only worry when aad wax ka qaban kartid second the new office is very, very posh, bang in middle of gray's inn. i already identified one tall, lanky, awkward faarax giving me a look of maxaa meeshan ka sameyneysaa, i gave a look back that said, you must be admin-support!
Meest dromen zijn bedrog ma maqlinoooo
^^ adiga waxa tahay on mission.......just to avoid ulcers, stress, buufis and other waali related illnesses btw i now understand what it is like saacada inaad xisaabiso, dhirir badanaa the day waves@buuxo
Ngonge waala boobeey
i like their kindness, the fact aysan aqoon xumaan iyo xinn midnaba:) lakin hal ceeb bey qabaan, they dont understand the concept of saxan, saxan ku gud
lol bal intuu TOLKA raadinayay ma uusan sameyn connectionkii uu utagay typical faarax, cant concentrate on the business at hand. soo celi $1500 kugu baxday, waxad tahay qasaaro
Sayid, of course you have enemies, it cant be easy being stuck between puntland and sland? ps: yaa daga qardho horta oo loogu tagay meesha
i personally like dhac iyo boob (runs in my blood) lakin in SOL i was told to manage my boob tendencies, and now waxaan baa yimid stealing avators! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ama na fasaxa aan wax boobnee ama naga dhacsha sheemayaashan
hore baa loo yiri, markii waxwalba ok ama normal kula noqdaan,,,,,,,,,,,,,adiga dhan waa laguu yaabaa!
Sayid yes, Injunctionka laguu sheegayo waaba carbal ifiiri btw somali ma eysan aheyn waves@serenity, had you not been every continent, i would have invited you ee naga tag