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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Ibti wow, bal be safe or maybe take a friend for company insha allah
  2. Ibti enjoy the wedding, take a book and read it unless you will be driving yourself.
  3. Norf, stop missing and start enjoying ceeryaamo land Ngonge you is lucky sir, very lucky
  4. Ngonge yes, alhamdulilah, iska waran adiga? hurdo la aan iyo adiga yaa raayay?
  5. wow meesha cunaqabateen baad kasoo saarteen wallee
  6. Salaam aleykum people. Hello Paragon, i hope you enjoying your time at home, hooyana nagu salaam insha allah
  7. haa, what ngonge said waa runtii, although many companies are now giving 2 weeks paid leave to fathers. guriga jogidiisa waalagu waalan Hi faheema, how is the new shaqo?
  8. Norf that is what i was thinking, he should have at least 2 weeks off soomaaha? Ibti, hambalyo to your sister, kheyr iyo barwaaqo insha allah. have a safe trip
  9. Ngonge already back to work? no paternity leave? I am not forgetable nooh and i dont like trips, i prefer to stay indoors and eat
  10. It is full house, val, malika, ibti..........hellooooooooooooo salaams aleykum all by the way why are you lot going on trips knowing i am on my way, needing northern hospitality if there is such a thing@ibti
  11. IBti, she is from gibiley, so not suju at all:) waa ina adeertaa..
  12. Juxa


    Bob waxa ka fiirisaa FB? good luck with the job
  13. salaam aleykum people lost my lander girl, she is off to greener postures. sofar all i did was transfer one file after another:( i am going to miss her for she was highly competent and hard working
  14. maasha allah, kii dalkiisa iyo dadkiisa anfaca insha allah!
  15. Allow kuu naxariiso oo qabrigaada kheyr kaa sii very sad indeed lakin ninkii nasiib leh baa lagu aasaa dhulkiisa
  16. JB allaha unaxariisto marxuumka, i am glad he is now finally laid to rest faheema bash bash iyo barwaaqo, roob baa da'aya
  17. Salaam aleykum all bal warama? Alpha sidee wax ujiraan, bal cowdibileyso
  18. I don't. Odaygaa igu soo shuba but I guess it's over £1.44 a litre
  19. lol@yawn how do we entertain you lady?
  20. Waa runtiis, only nin geesi ah baa gafkiisa qirta I hope inaadan gacan maran sorry ku dhihin oo aadan na ceebeyn
  21. salaam aleykum all and happy friday:) bal warama? my jumce is normally relaxed balse this morning i am running around, got hearing isniinta and need to vacate it, bloody accountants will not draft my cost schedule grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. now i understand why ngonge is so mean
  22. yes i noticed maaddeey's special salaan lately as well! bal yuusan malika hagbada uxumeyn faheema, it is not that cold, it is very warm for october actually. time for you to visit us no?
  23. Ngonge i wont have a break down, meeshaan aabahey malahan, besides i am beyond waqtigan is muujin lahaa. a wise islaan said aduunyada la isma raaciyo waves@faheema
  24. Malika maya, shaqadaa waashay, took on too much, then did not tell anyone iney struggle gareyneyso, then had mini melt down
  25. war wiilka u tartiibiya I do like the special kind, one minute i feel inaan ku garaaco shabuug, next minute faatixan u aqriyaa blesssssssssss Ibti, waad dayacday wiilka, you should have helped him to settle and be one with the people