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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. very interesting indeed. allaha idin dhaafo kuligiin, haram-cas jumps to the mind <<<<<<<<walks away shaking her head :rolleyes:
  2. ^^ oo hada ma is dhiibtey wager. i see your cimaamad flying half mast this world is changing tut tut tut and i hate changes :mad:
  3. Juxa


    nafta arme kind , kom hier voor grote knuffeltje aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah seriously i been gone for a while, i really really hate the overcrowded tube, the smell is unbearable :mad: and the buses are not better either, pple eating kebab next to you, the coughing :mad: :mad: . atleast Eastenders is hotting up. salaams pple
  4. brother mudug(honourable name there) what exactly do u want from this lady? is it all game for you? or you just cant deal the other dude outsmarted you. nabsi ha galin, you did not like this lady to begin with and dumped her at first chance. if you genuinely care someone you will be mature enough to find it for yrself. hence let her go and get on with her life. games are no good, and you wont sleep better knowing you hurt someone bt your ego is bck on track. subxanalah, be fair
  5. Eid wanaagsan yaa somali maryooley, saqiir iyo kabiirba. may allah bless your homes and loved ones
  6. ^^^ sorry for your loss sister. alaha u naxariisto
  7. alaha u naxariisto, samir iyo iimaan walaalkiis.
  8. ^^^ ramadan kariim adeer baashoow now calling us buuryo-qab, is like ceeb no? war u dont need to gudgudid your daughter, it wont stop her from being shakshuuko. that is guaranteed. marka naga dhaafa dhago adeega, and dhaqan jaahilnimada, gudniin does harm people(women) unless your next claim is women are not human therefore their feelings dont matter :mad:
  9. sa wr wb, i could not believe my eyez walahi, subxanalah, this site contains(supposedly) most educated and informed somali brothers i have ever seen, yet this is their view about gudniin. eeboow nafuro. alle u baahne, ina adeer saan makaa dhab baa mise waa dheel? or you just being your old self. as muslims are we not supposed to follow the sunnah of the prophet scw? where does it say in the koran chop her bits off? can you foresee which girl is likely to go off trails and commit sina? and most of well, why blame the girls alone? answer to this problem which is clearly a social issue is educate your daughters and YES your sons, too. teach them the deen and make them understand instead of judging them and conspiring to hack them into pieces, traumatising for life. finally most girls that are in the suuq, they lack home support, frequently there is not FATHER figure. maybe the men meelkale baa laga heestaa and this is to compensate their sense of inadequateness, failing to protect their daughters. subxanalah walalayal,this practice is painful one, and does more harm than good. what hope do we have if you guys talking like this :mad: indeed i am outraged and in this condition unable to present coherant reasons why this practice should be stoped. PRONTO well done to all the sisters, educating and informing those misguided MEN. may allah show them the right way and stop them xaqa ay galayaan
  10. finally give credit where its due, i found seattle to be hippy city, alot to see, nice museams and folks are unlike the rest of the yankies very cultured beside the rain, which i found very homely and the traffic, seattle is close to portland (no taxes) and just 3 hours drive from BC. dont you just love victoria ooh pacifist adna kuman ilaabin, so thumps up reer seattle
  11. waxaan maqli jirey, balaayo sheeg, dagaalka sheegeesin aaway, ani mugoo ma u jeedi. aduunka nin aa gubey me thinks :eek: nagu kala wad ma jirtiine
  12. i am a housewife. you dont get higher position than that
  13. now now now, such a wonderful guy like you should not be left in a bus-stop, maybe inside the tube but never in the rain too bad tho, u went to london at a time of unrest, when too many dhoorayaal were qasing the city, insha allah next time, reer ukeey will have their old dignity back, those who strayed will get their senses back and we will be happy ever after
  14. legend of indho-yar, i notice u found the tirtirid button ani lee ha i tirtirin, calashaan dabeecada ka aradanahay oo waan xanaqi. lst.......the the love over-flow, learn my friend, we women simply are leaders, discipliners, teachers, lovers, mothers and that other word i cant write here tuujiye quuq badnidaa adi, time aa nabad doon noqoto la gaarey, calaashaan waa ramadan mar dhow. under-dog, how was yr trip? did any of the nomads invite you for bariis? or waa lagaa kala dhuuntey?
  15. i feel such a big person, every time i belittle a little person, my mantra in life qacqaac aryaa ku aaway? did not u need some help :confused:
  16. ^^^^^^ tuujiye, you should have gone when you had the chance man... madax adkidaa wali waa soo taagantahay. we the good people of sol tried our best to oust you. we did the subtle eviction, then we did the direct assault, yet meeshan yaad soo madax balaarantahay waraa qacqaac u had me going walahi. waa naxay, you asking for help. i sat down, said bismilah see wax u jiraan. now u gonna be cumar-beenaale. waa hayaay waa waraabeeey
  17. pucca enjoy yr caleemo-saar aka appointment
  18. ^^^ pookah, i vote for you. i will vote for you any day. let justice be served, give pucca what she craves. mod-ship. but why would you want to serve under rudy? he is woman-hater
  19. ^^^ i know sister, evil is everywhere, but i was referring to the fact, wasaqa waxa sameeyay qoorta lagu dhufanlahaa. being a foreigner, you are at the mercy of their ****** laws.
  20. this is indeed very sad news. may allah protect our kids. this is what happens in dhulka gaaleed, if we were in our country our kids wont suffer this way. ciiloow way walahi. ps: is not it universal law, the identity of minors in any crime including sexual assault should be protected? the father should sue the city hall, the police( interfrence with privacy) and the bloody school( duty of care or lack of it in this context) walahi.
  21. ^^^worth a try, but i wont hold my breath.
  22. ^^^ good to see ya again oday alle u baahne, walahi u made me laugh. meeqa xaal ahaan u rabtaa? i say yous is burcad tho!
  23. oh well, now we have something to look forward to. we have sport mad, season holder northerner, count on updates and in depth comments on english football. we have checkie aka sanbuus-isii, i wonder kaneeti wuxuu keeni doono sister Rahima, i dont know about other nomads, bt i find this lady truely inspiring, the fact she thinks before she speaks, backs her comments with fact loaded with well thought arguments, maasha allah, one can not help bt be in awe, alaha kuu siyaadiyo, aamiin dheh mojam and soma-inc, i will pay attention to your posts insha allah, so as to kool-koolin you guyz dont mind me, i had too much chocolate, hence i am writing gibberish :confused:
  24. hope i am not too late to extend my congrats to this wise and wonderful decision. love when common sense prevails. to the new moderators good luck. specially Northerner, Checkmate and Rahima, such a good collection of mature and intellegent people maasha allah.i hope u will bring fresh breeze to this place. congrats to soma-inc and mojam too
  25. waraa subzero fuleynimada dhaaf nooh, waxyahoow dufta cad leh, ee kan meel iska saar is legend of zu really that short :confused: