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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Juxa


    Iska xu-xumeeso until you find something better Hayam. Times are tough marka you wont want to be unemployed. Tuujiye simbataatiko inaad noqoto allaha kugu duwo:)
  2. hambalyo dabshid. kuwii isku waara, gabar iyo caano, gabar iyo malab insha allah:)
  3. Ibti, it is great story, i heard it from my ayeeyo but the version i heard was: cakuye boholaha xargaga nin xiimahayey xidhaan nin duulahayay dabraan
  4. Juxa

    Male-free Zone.

    Alla wuxu (the men) dhago adkaa, allow yaa dhangadeeya, faro jirjirna ugu dara grrrrr!! salaams ladies, i could not resist to say quick hello, long time no see. i brought daango and suggest lily makes delicious sweets. whats with ladies corner with no food bisinkee???
  5. ^^ caqligaa kugu necbahay lol
  6. ^^ You know I did. Funnily enough I do enjoy being out and about and not constantly thinking of targets.
  7. War inanki walala tagay oo yala tagay, shaqo baa la tagtay!! I work between 9 -10 hours a day now and never on weekends. During my stint as workaholic, I thought it was normal because everyone in my company did the same. The work is hectic, demanding and never ending. In fact it became a cycle I could not break. Granted I became efficient, organised but my workload increased too and my boss suggested I should get access from home if I wished to work on weekends. That is when the penny dropped. My dear Zu, work can become an excuse to avoid certain aspects of your life, you miss out on many good things in life, and your family miss out having quality time with you. It is matter of prioritising, kaligaa meel fariiso and think. What is important to you? Achieving success through a career or being an all around successful man, i.e. comparing career, family life and social life? Maybe you should start slowly: 1- Do not take your work home, 2- Your affair with the laptop must cease, leave it at work. 3- Have time for your family, friends and actively pursue that gorgeous xalimo. 4- If all above fails quraan halagu saaro
  8. Bal yara aayara! oo gabadha maasha allah dhaha, si eysan beritoole iyadoo wada barbararan uga soo toosin hurdada. That aside, this is remarkable young lady, very accomplished indeed. Her beauty is just xoogaa suubis ah, besides most ladies i know wear fitted shirts, t-shirts, tops, etc (albeit under the cabayah or Hijab) marka lets concentrate yes, anywhere below the chest cavity
  9. Xalima, abaayo go for it! A career in law is not that boring, and it is constantly changing, so you are bound to find something that catches your eye. Be prepared for long hours though. guriga aadaa is frowned upon. About your designs Could i model the diracs for you
  10. Isse, I think there would be alot of support available to any somali couple or family wishing to become foster parents. Years ago i read brent local authority will even provide for housing, training and transport for somali foster parents. Having said that, i think many local authorities will be willing to finance or support young professional person (married preferably) if he/she set up an emergency centre to place somali children until permanent housing is found for them or they placed back with their parents. At the moment there is huge void. ps: saw a 7 year old child on the tube (wajigaa saliid u marsaned, so he must be somali) with a white man in his 40s. I was very concerned but did not say anything to make sure he was ok(I regretted it alot).
  11. Yes sue, I agree. they need alot of time and devotion. It is very sad to see these children moved from one foster home to another. Most likely with non muslim, non somali. A social worker friend once told me there are over 100 somali children in different foster homes in North London alone. Somali foster parents are non-existant and the community hardly bothers with those innocent children. I think even folks on income support can foster as the local authority would provide for the children. They would thrive with married, loving families.
  12. XP, life is for living abaayo and if it does not kill you it makes you stronger. I totally agree with you, you should let it all go and cut the dead weight (as anne robinson would say). dont waste your waqti with second guessing yourself, regretting or analysing things of the past. put on your indho-kuul, lip gloss isku jiid and like the queen you are hold your head high. insha allah, if one door closes 100 baa furanta as my ayeeyo used to say. big hug to you and waa inoo markale in long forgotten avenue:)
  13. Indeed allaha ugargaaro, we all need allah's mercy. at the same time, one can actually help that sister and her kids. just a thought
  14. Juxa


    Juxa: oo hobaleey hoobaleey, hobaleey hadaba la, ima soo wacaninoo, leyma soo wargalin waxa isoo waalay, buuxaan walaalo nahay waterlily: waxan lagu soo wacanoo, lagu wargalin oo waa wareegtayo, waabkan laga heleyn hada hada hada wakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  15. allaha unaxariisto. samir iyo iimaan brother sophist + family
  16. Juxa

    Chasing Safia.

    bob dont make us wait
  17. ^^^^^^^^on the contrary dahling waterlily. waa kee dhaqtarka qorey macawis for men only i find macawis very comfy garment, colorful and somewhat ended up owning not one, or two but few. mostly belonging to my brother of course but as he never wore it, i thought i will put them to good use, the quality ones have delighful feel and color ps: welcome back wildcat, good to see ya again
  18. Juxa

    i am back

    ws wr wb, qacqaac wlc back brother? how was yr trip? kuli shaxshax sow maaha. qacqaac aduunyo dadki ka dabo timid soomaaha, lakin kuli qeyr, adigana how have ya been?
  19. may allah grant him mercy, xiin sorry for yr loss brother. police brutality against somalis is increasing
  20. fartoun mabruuk sis, may allah make yr union a happy one and your husband kii lagu nasto a word of advise, be consistant, dont do things out of xiiso, but rather out of love and remember true love is not the butterflies, the kissy kissy lovey dovey stuff, its acceptance, support and companionship. it is your home, your life, give it priority and insha allah allah will help ya with the rest. good luck
  21. afkaaga caano lagu qabey is a maahmaah to praise when someone utters words of wisdom and nails the truth of the matter, it means i cont have said better
  22. Juxa


    sister rahima, salaams horta, teeda kale i did not advocate for women losing their self respect or being threated as sex object. i am for empowering women as much as next door halima, however what i said is the truth i was emploring practical solutions on how to limit faarah's wondering eyez. i do agree with you on the point that it goes both ways, looking attractive for each other that is however most physical changes occurs to the women, all i am saying is naa ha iska seexan, isku dadaal and keep him occupied. ninka hadii uusan ku rabin, marnaba ma celin kartid,but prevent him having too many opportunities to go and hunt if its possible. if not, let him be, dhib ilaah ma keenin
  23. Juxa


    WOL, i agree with ya sistah, it is about time we take part of the blame, why the typical somali family is breaking into pieces. we need practical solutions, yes a man has right to 4 wives, and yes it is a fact we do not like, so do something about it, provide what he might be lacking, or curious about, ragu waa caruur, enough toys at home and he is yours truely on serious note, we need practical marriage guidance, the religion is nasteexa, but most of the time its interpreted in a way we consider unfair, so first women should educated themselves of their given rights in Islam, second we should create a heaven at home, if the above fail, kick him and replace like yesterdays dirac life is for living, ilaah dhib ma abuurin
  24. Juxa


    sorry a little off topic, somali women are partly to blame their husbands leaving. truthfully the minute the i do's is exchanged she lets go off herself, fat and unattractive often forget to comb her hair for days, producing like lo in texas. so first sign of trouble silly faarax isagoo awalba labo cago ku tagnen runs to next best thing untill the circle is repeated resulting many angry wives, displaced children and confused men. it is sad. but a married man should love his wife and kids, and should remove himself from temptation, if wifey has become boring talk to her and say (naa sida isku dhaan) alternatively encourage her and show her by example ps: this in love dude, should first try to sort out what is missing in his current marriage? maybe we need RELATE counselling somali style :confused:
  25. Juxa


    fartun thanks for sharing your good news with us. i am sure joyful news is very welcome and mabruuk. may allah bless your new family