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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    am i missing the joke or one actually carries a lady in their back whilst doing push ups? morning somali maxamed
  2. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Lily, bisinka uqabtay lol. you should see my colleagues, the shock of seeing so much subag.
  3. Juxa


    caanaha geel waa daawo.
  4. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hello Ms DD, i am fine macaanto, ii waran adiga, maxad qasaysaa? got oodkac from syria macunaa mise waan iska dhaafaa
  5. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    I would have thought, fu-fu qoftan iney gymka isla aadi lahayen! i guess nin somali competition majecla
  6. towbada iyo towfiiqda allaha na waafajiyo aamiin. sadly this is going to be first ramadan without mom.
  7. fu-fu leen qabow waligey kujiray, qaxar iyo abaar isma arkin alxamdulilah. whats with the indho sarcaadis adiga thanks MMA
  8. Juxa


    bob & fu-fu samir iyo iimaan insha allah, wiilka dhintayna kitaabkiisa midig allaha ka siiyo. ehaladuu katagayna samir iyo iimaan specially the sister. may allah ease her pain.
  9. wax aan elergik ku ahay majiraan, waa turufokuteen:) anyways iisoo sheega marki adi iyo nuune imaaneesin, wadankan nama wada deekhee
  10. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hellooo paragon. jumca kariim:) i knew Ms DD iney dhiigeyga tagay, wayyy o wayyy
  11. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Burcad inaan soo xareeyo..at least his money! Ms DD in that case may i direct you to my hometown of xaradheere, land to the loaded somali navy:) ps: maxaa karsan maanta? bariis ma iga dagayee
  12. ^^^ mahubtaaa? anyways i dont see why you have to chase that dream, it is time to let it go and accept you can neither run, pass, or score in any match. of course i say this without malice both to you and nuune hello MMA, yes walaalkey ibna aadan iswaayay bey joogtaa, gone are the carefree student days. xamaal baa dadki latagay
  13. MMA maku danbaabi kari lakin it is funny to see or even hear nuune iyo tuujiye playing banooni.
  14. Xalwo maa Alcuruba ka keenaa? when you do, yahooy isoo dheh tuujiye, qaab daro iga dheh
  15. Juxa


    lol@Nuune, waan soo dhaweeyay lakin. i swear i never heard Abb looga hadh inaad tahay. thanks yaaqey, waan kuu soo qeylo dhaamin lahaa ps: xoolihii qaran (aka keydka radio mugdisho iska soo celi)
  16. Juxa


    Ms DD, waa inaan ufariistaa oo jilibka ulaabaa. insha allah i will write the lyrics for you time permitting unless oday paragon iga hormaro. waves@Blessed, hello abaayo macaan, i miss you too.
  17. Juxa


    hello lily cadeey.
  18. Juxa


    Ms DD, abaayo i remember the original circa 1972. i never bother with the covers. best person to ask is nuune, i remember he had radio mugdisho collection.
  19. Juxa


    aboowahaa inaad tahay sow ma ogid dhaxal awoowe inaad tahay sow ma ogid isaga inuu kuleeyahay sowma ogid. inaan ku adeegoo ayahaada taliyaan axdi kugu marayaa arligeygoowwwwwwwwww i thought hobalada waberi sing it
  20. Juxa

    Paragon vs

    actually it is karaamo to be called eedo, habo, abti or adeer. sadly i see certain people getting offended with such a respectable titles. guulahaa haduu ku daayo, wallee gu'gagan ku deyn! aaheey
  21. Juxa

    Paragon vs

    thanks paragon. it is good to see qaraabadi hore too! we are the oldies now i think i should ask for eedo-tag.
  22. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    nothing at all paragon. you know waalida waxa ubadan clever men/women. iska jir Ms DD, i went to bed at 8pm that night and spend the whole sunday, daliigin my feet. next time may i suggest something more relaxing like bird-watching. ps: i just noticed meelkasta in quful la iga saaray (funnily sol weyka fakatay). just thinking how to unquful things.
  23. Juxa

    Paragon vs

    lol. paragon bus buu soo raacay/isku ciriirshay then he got massive space all to himself as he was carrying a rugsack. inta kale all in his head
  24. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    -Been mad at someone for something you dreamed? yes, for the last 2 days, why? it is completely normal. waves@Ms DD. adiga iyo boring kala dheer.
  25. Juxa


    Hello Rudy ina diiriye:)good to see you again, still rocking miyaa? lakers won? mayeee. did Kobe Bryant dominate the court? iga farxi