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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. waji dhuuban oo dheer, maa foolxun? akabar oo yiri ninki maybe folks are harsh on the girl because of the beauty contest?
  2. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    he does what WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT? I will speak to him, i dont suppose you have his number lol. i thought the whole interviews, including yours was supposed to be part of the programme they were doing for TV.
  3. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hello ibtisam. your friend should shame him! waa ***** sheemaha. she should ask all the time and effort she wasted on him plus VAT.
  4. ^^ anigaa ka marqaati ah you are true soomaaliyad. I think baati is comfortable thing to wear around the house. the darn thing would probably make you fall down the stairs. having said that, ma waxa ileedihin kuligiin pj and sport wear baad guriga kujoogtaan
  5. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Afternoon people. waa la isoo dhacay maanta, bloody embassy forces people to take pictures in meel eela leeyihiin deal. waa daylight robbery. bal maxad sheegteen?
  6. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    lily sees the whole world beautifully. it is cold and windy and cloudy, just come back from work-lunch but it was cunto saliid badan, if that is what i wanted i would just eat the usual bariis or baasto. salaama beeblo and happy friday
  7. Juxa


    a friend of mine is best buraanbur-boodo i ever met. she tried to show me lakin it seems once i start i get 6lugood that refuse to cooperate. better sacbis from distance and look pretty on the video:)
  8. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    fufu if you dont do as the wife says, what was the saying! gaw maleh gash maleh i think if women ceased to demand things, men would lose their purpose. malika, it looks that i too would be stuck in london this year. better book my holiday so i can get ramadan off. tusbax inaan qato waaye planka
  9. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Malika i envy you. i hope you have lovely break. FUFU, everytime i hear a guy saying ooh gabdhihi waa materialistic, i feel ouch. I hate men who whine, warmaxaad iisheegaysaa if you can not provide for me. if you can not match or exceed me. greed is another topic altogether. lakin nin penny xisaabinaya in my books faaiido maleh. kadheerow. that does not mean women, old or young should abuse and take advantage of a man's generousity. and before you jump and throw yr bakoorad, anigu ceeb bey ila tahay asking nin to give me anything. it is his duty to provide, if he cant, let him leave the lady alone and allow her to find mid ogol inuu bixiyo the lifestyle she wants.
  10. Juxa


    wow buuxo, so nice runtii. lakin cidaan guursaday ha igu faanin, they already full of kibir:) sadly i can neither verse or jump buraanbur
  11. ilaah idinku dhaarshee ma gabadhan baa foolxun? nuune, cagti joogsan weysaa marbey ceeb la kulantaa iska bixi xaalka. koolkat has the evidence
  12. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Cynical, ninka quruxdiisa ma wajiga lagu xeranaa, foolxumadiisa isagay dhibeysaa no Jokes aside magalada dhan isla qaabdaran, i keep seeing rag mid-life crisis kudhacday, leaving the family and sporting 20-something girl. i wonder what the catch is? i hear older men are more obedient oo hadhicin hajabin bey kuleeyihin. morning intii kaleeto
  13. Juxa


    ^^afka suubso, waaxay naago (grrrrrrr) wakaas wakaas wakaas. ulululululuulululu
  14. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    adiga ninyow fakarkan iyo falanqeyntan badan iska dhaaf. just hore isku tuur and see how it goes. ma cumrigaada alle ku xeray, it either works or does not (sorry for the off-base venting) hello trollers, bal warama?
  15. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    i am trying to book annual leave ramadanka so i can make samusas in peace
  16. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    haa, if i wanted to bake yaaqshiid dhax fariisan lahaa ( i probably cant now courtesy to alshabab) lily i envy envy aan ku dhahay. rome here we come...we going right? by the way ramadanka goormuu bilabanaya
  17. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    why would anyone want sunshine? to me it means hayfever and torture ibti dont be like lily, she loves sunshine.
  18. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    yes sir, i am back in the office, no point being ill if you still workinggggggggg at home. am dreaming of africa, a life-style i could easily enjoy
  19. i really hope she gets the assistance she needs. whatever happened to that guy in MNPL, he used to help people get treatments in mayo clinic among other places. waayahan warkiis ma maqal.
  20. Juxa


    i am with C & H on this. if anything being married is a source for dhabar-xanuun. all the shopping, cooking and cleaning one has to do. tut tut tut. Ibti, may i suggest pain clinic, if the physio does not work.
  21. i think we are the only ayeeyo koris in this place. intooda kale charing cross hospital kudhasheen and not geed-hoostiis
  22. it is scary concept, having nuune fly a plane whilst he listens to cumar dhuule you know inuusan miir laheen markuu maqlo kaban
  23. paragon, innagoo kala maarmin kola hayga maqnaan:) where is nuune yaaqayow?
  24. Juxa


    Sayid i remember there was a sign. if you invited us contaminated building, walee dagaal naga dhaxeeya. paragon, i wont visit the GP now, meesha dhan ba bacteria socoto aheed, it was full, this bug is getting out of hand. maraq ari,filfil leh caba.