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Everything posted by Juxa
bisinka, i wont be suprised if you wrote the notebook part II.
ibti thanks abaayo, today is sh!!tty day istaqfurullah and i feel very JB salaamulah yaaqey laguu xiis, laguu xiis, waiting for the garowe report, before aan la ii tarxiilin lakin adiga waaba cabsatay so i am assuming meeshan freedom of speech malahan.
you want reer hargeysa inaad qiiq iyo jaad iskugu darto. tut tut cadow iga dheh. where is the troll corner, waan waayay then again i forgot my glasses
ladies of quality wont touch nin club ka frequent gareeya koleyba, nor would they give second look to nin date gareeya ajnabi or has milleage lagu keenay munkur. ibti i think labadeena are reer-baadiyo
qoftan made you sound like iney adigu rooxaan kuheyso lol and yes qaabdarada wala sheegaa lama qarinkaro. Siren is on mission:)
I think KK and I were twins in past lives walahi, as soon as i saw the topic sheekadi sanbuuska igu soo dhacday. First Mustafoow you are not helping your chances, inta kaa qaldan bal aan kuu list-gareeyo. - looking women at shiisha places or night clubs - dating non-somali - being member of dating website. now walaalkiis, the above is not how to find respectable, lovely young lady. if you want good match may i suggest inaad busta iska jafto first, change your ways. best way to meet a lady is through family and friends, also at school/uni etc. oh yes SOL is full of great girls, maasha allah if i had a brother to spare walee midbaan cagaha dahab ugu xeri lahaa( yes they are that good)
Bob is kind, he always speak kindly of people. now with me waa sheeko kale, fu-fu waa qaabdaro walaalkeed, need i say more. fufu bilaa caleek waraaaaaaa. what happened to paragon? why dagaalka bisinkee? must be the hay fever yaah? yarka shaah iyo canjeelo isku dhufo, cure is guaranteed. Siren, bank holiday weekend, waan isku qoronahay, i am taking you to wadaadki ceegada dadka ku qabanayay, if it does not work, i propose one way ticket to dhaqan celis camps, lakin i fear waxaan la maqal ama la arag inaad dadki soo barto. to the rest waa la doogiye yaan la dacaroon!
^^ why change the magac? we all know you real enough to ruffle last remain hair on Ngonge's jeego.
lily have fun, and say hi to abaayo for me, tell her to come back to civilization. ibti, ima adan weydiin ciilow wey, i was hoping to do bit of suuro then strut my stuff on the catwalk. hello cara-mia
If Siren is londoner, then perhaps few muxadaro will do the trick or maybe an addiction to sweets. Siren ina keen, waxan ku geynayaa mid southal laga sheegay oo ceego kugu qabanaya,tiriq to dispell jiniga ( i suspect waa fetishkiisa inuu dumarka jilbaabkooda ku ceejiyo)
geeli reer hebel makugu soo filnaan wayay bisinka uqabta! men with kub(maasha allah)
am sure she is. oo xerta paddington daadsan miyu ku jiraa duqa?
leave where? when? why was not i told :mad: kama helin this new lily, malika note that please:(
meeqa ka dhiman 5pm. cant keep eyez open adinkana hyper iyo jumco sheegaysan ladiesssssssssss
uunsiga waxa laga qaadaa asthma. i need to buy idan before ramadan:) fufu someone told me you were member of xerta sheikh muxyadin cali ee sanca, marki danbe inkastoy noqdeen jabhad.
Ngonge that was tusaale for your benefit wah. strange as it is, i would think you would fit in xer. i like jimco kajimco jimceest(e. marka jumco mubrak. muranle yaa arkay maanta?
xer or xerta like xerta macalin nuur waa group of men who dedicate their life to workship. they live in xero:), learn the koran and do nightly/ weekly subac etc. they live on donations from hmm how do i explain, dadka taabacsan xerta and that is it. ooh everywhere they go, waxa la siiyaa bun iyo canbuulo. they do like kurus-geel.
wsalaam dabshid. hello hello liliyoos.
ibti i worry what all this duugis doing to your spine.
fufu, your fav sheeko yaah! sorry yux. it is beautiful day, sun shining,skies clear, what more can one ask?
fufu, suaashada janbal usoo gali, meel usocoto maleh wah. ibti, sometimes u just overtired, no amount of sleep will cure it, you need to get away.
no ibti, this one is member of the finsbury park mosque i believe. she is newbie and probably will make big sanbuusa:) anigu i am on strike, marka no sanbuus making sanadkan
how can such a beautiful lady like you be depressed, sheydaanka iska naar. faheema, smart car sounds great lool, this was family wedding, otherwise i would have refused, teeda kale if people come to your wedding, there is this bad dhaqan that you have to go the wedding of their cats xitaa. ps: buraanbur cusub baa soo baxay:)
Siren i propose to book you to priory clinic, you would make facinating study, i mean maskaxdaada waxay kusocotaa 200MPH. now in each of your talo, there is one or two crimes, each offence carrying atleast couple of years in prison. atleast usheeg wiilashan what happens to somali-men/aka lafoyar foodley in prison. Rohypnol :eek: :eek: qofyahay dabyar ma shidatid, anigu 20% man baad tahay dhihi lahaa