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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    mabrook stoic, may allah bless your union. i can see you have no intention inaad xalwo nasiiso. welcome to the married-hood
  2. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hahahahahaha! Ngonge ninyow what do you eat? surely you cant eat ceesh, fuul iyo dacamiyah daily. ramadan and malawax, with macsaro, easy on the sonkor and kalaankal.
  3. shakes her head at my fellow islaamo blessed n KK. men should be seen as money vessels. ( i kid, i kid). haye lets all be sensible and spend less of coffee and dinners. i bet KK would refuse the limit her spending habits on shoes.
  4. how can a married woman have money problems? where is the money-well that is called husband? have not had money problem since age 16, when i realised pocket money was not enough for my patat-oorlog (chips).
  5. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    che, give back lily! i hate sharing her runtii. Ngonge of all those years hanging with maryooley and you lack basic afsomali. not to mention i fear you guys cuno macaan ma cuntaan. ibti you my fav burcawiyad (assuming you are, you did not sound like them), well adiga iyo blessed:)
  6. Ngonge, yaa kudhahay marriage saves money, allahu akbar, your spending doubles. Che and abti, my fellow laziyaal people, you can save alot by taking packed lunch to work, coffeega iska dhaafa or make it yourself at work. as the money sent to back home, it adds to alot walahi specially to those taking over from late parents. big shoes to fill and families to feed. gone are the days £100 ka qeylin jirnay a month:(
  7. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ngonge maad iska dhaaftid reer koonfurka, else malawax afka laguu saari maayo. macsaro is sesam oil. i refuse to tell your burcaawi self malawax
  8. loool@BOB mardhaaf sheekudu waa aah afkaada aan tiriyee allow alle
  9. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    i am not sure walahi if she is back, will buzz her hadhowti. cakes hmmm yumyum
  10. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    why gabadha saacada ugu waalatay, talow maqofbey rabtaa iney hurdada ka kiciso.
  11. Juxa

    Online Dating

    che, waa runtaa, it also varies family to family. anigu where i come from, muslin uun keen bey aheed, altho preference was with mid layaqaan meeshuu ka yimid (somali ah). at this time i think alot of families have qaraabo ajnabi ah. Ms DD, maamadaa waa runteed
  12. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ms DD, yaa kudhahay domestic goddess maaha? lol. abaayo i learnt to cook from hooyo, she insisted it was useful skill, i mean what if you wanted odayga inaad sumeyso etc. hate cooking lakin, jikada la iguma arko inta badan. Ngonge darisnimadu waa muhim
  13. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    i can tell you how to make caano-baraawe, all you need is milk and heyl and sugar. qalaas. buufo baraawe, you mix like normal muufo/canjeelo aka you make cajiin, add eggs and sugar(brown) let it set and bake it like muffins. tammy's way is good too. iisoo sheeg markaad xalwada sameynayso and if ey kuu toosto, i might change my mind and pop in
  14. Juxa

    Online Dating

    lool@beenta daa i agree with you abaayo! i cant imagine faarax la aantii lool, jafjaf xoogan industrial kind haba ubaahnaadee. i think many parents biggest fear is their daughters bringing ajnabi, muslim or otherwise. they prefer mid ey af-fahmayaan caliyoow kaalay southal igee dhihi karaan freely.
  15. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ramadan would be a breeze aan kudhahay, i expect adigoo gaduudatay inaad soo labatid. askarigina igu salaam. am due to visit meel idiin dhaw last week of ramadan insha allah, markas baan idin soo wici (not visit) just wicid:) ibti ninkii walaga furfuri layahay footagekaada, i saw him thursday, he promised monday wuu kula joogaa (postman waxba makeenin maanta)
  16. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Wsalaam Ms DD, ii waran? hope you having fab time out there gabareey. JB, majirtid, majirtid aan ku dhahay. Ibti,, i was happy with an event we did last year, some guys contributed generously if i may add all the way from canada maasha allah but the girls, wow, i was glad they have not bough dirac that week, such was their generousity and the money went to mogadishu hospital. at the time dagaal xun baa socday. this year it would be great if 2 proper ambulances could be purchased.
  17. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    JB lool kala hadal waligaa isla hadalkiina wuu kuu dhimanyahay. ibti it would be nice odayaasha sol if they donated their shiisha money for a week, ileyn they will be fasting! somehow ragu waa gacan culusyihiin. apologies to the ones i already know give.
  18. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    JB, that sounds great, let us know and if you touch a single dhoolar, i will break your jilbo gaagaaban. ibti, if faheema does it kaba sii fiican, if not waa odaygii sayid inla sugaa intuu kambinka kasoo noqonayo
  19. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti, i am thinking of something big, aiming for proper ££££ you know. i dont mind where it goes as long as it is deserving. where is faheema when she is needed
  20. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti, well since you are doing something, why dont you think big so that you get more cash for donate for masakiinta yes? and you need to put something on paper to make it legit soomaha, the books must be balanced. teeda kale i found it very sad nowadays one must spend money on entertainment that could easily go to dadka ubaahan, i object to that.
  21. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti would be nice, lakin hurry up and put your ideas on paper
  22. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    lol fufu relax, gotta protect il-famiglia waad ogtahay and i am glad you grew out of your weird teenage ways. both bob and i are happy with the transformation. ibti, walaaley since ramadan is coming, where is kii sayid ahaa, lets do something to benefit people back home for Ciida insha allah. where are the connected people, get moving and stop being lazy please. would be great if we could organise Eid clothes/food for kids in displaced camps
  23. Juxa

    Online Dating

    qeyrka kale iga sugeyso maxay tahay?
  24. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hahahahah@bargaad, what is that ibti? fu-fu adiga iyo islaamaha maxa idinkala heysta? qof aan ogahayse ma ogtahay your unholly ways? compiles lists of D-lawyers, known for assets securing? ps: horta somali wives dont go after a man's assets (shops, business, cars, properties) why why?
  25. Juxa

    Online Dating

    sits back and watches. been uun ha isku sheeginina, i wont hesitate to qarxis dad aan ogahay