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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. malika, ibti and i are going to visit very soon. the rest, eat moderately if being deliciously fat upsets you.
  2. Juxa

    Ina askari

    welcome ardo, i hope you are not my in-laws in disguise:) iska ilaali wiilasha fudud, get close to ibti you shall be safe.
  3. is it denbi to say yac ^^^^ :mad:
  4. farancab, i do believe promoting within. mid somali ah lakin somalida dhuntay iska ah baan kuwa yaryar oo somali ah oo qafiif qaba udirey. he said thanks but lacagtooda waa sun (such was the headache they caused him) anyways if you dhaqtar indeed and new tuulo eysan kaa fogeyn qeyr baad sheegtay. waxan soo wareysan kool inkastooyo burcad tahay and probably will ask more ££ than the market value
  5. ^^ wallee mafayoobid. farancab where is geedhoostiis? there is a market for would be doctors:) before hooyo or eedo gets involved and gives you away without your consent
  6. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    lol the place is swarming with attorneys. waxa la dhahay muraadkaada something something waaloogu seexdaa, hade waxyar baa idhiman before i give her gacanta dhan now back to calculating pennies, aaway dadki xisaabta yaqaaney
  7. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    gabadha waxay raadineysaa ajar ee dhaafa. che that bull goring the man is giving me ideas. midbaan rabaa chairka ku fadhiyo inaan ku garaaco arrogant qumayo, jiq jiq jiq habeen iyo maalin.
  8. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    lool@xidid maxan nacay!! afur wanaagsan val
  9. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    lool@ibti, it does not pay to be nice. Ngonge if women were sane, who would put up with men? hello val
  10. Adam ik had geen andere naam. waadna ceebaysay reer holland are known for their command of good afsomali.
  11. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    no legend soo dhawaaw, Ngonge is bashing ladies as usual for our addiction of what he terms as XAFASH. treasure to us. hello malika, hello faheema, reerka kawarama? am doing my usual reer xaradheere salaam
  12. now i see, ibti and adam are friends. gartay
  13. hmmm let me see. dhago nug-laan = gehoorzaam in dutch. in english it means qof dhago fudud, does as he is told. lol@shariifka
  14. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    you will have to allow us certain powers.
  15. i may have looked like her, but that was before the braces and i never wore yellow uu maaha ee waa U sheeg
  16. ibti the best teacher of afsomali is nuune, dont be fooled by his afjinni thing (it is fetish). years ago he used to run E-afsomali clasess
  17. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    no i am not, in fact i dont have one boss i have severall :mad: dhagtooda iyo afkoodana isma maqlaan. but i am the boss at home i decide the color of the curtains as Ngonge may call it.
  18. adigo = adigu you have not attended your lessons shalayto iyo maantaba :mad:
  19. look now what you lot did...am starving and missing my aargalaan coffee as well. adam and nuune, i hope inaad besbaas ku sixatan caawa. ps: dhago nug-laanta baan kugu jeclahay.
  20. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    senior Jnr, i am shrink, haye ganbar makuu soo qabtaa do you feel like talking:) Scarface you are lucky ninyow, enjoy. altho aniga i decide hows and when of my working hours, hadana crazy deadlines force me to put in the hours and the enviroment demands it. marka cant complain much about it. i do take an hour break for salaada tho
  21. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    no, but if you tell me what they are i can squeeze them in:) instead of 9-8, i leave early today, actually i do my contracted hours, leaving early for me means 5 or 6.
  22. adam it wont work. had you put up a picture of xalwo, maanta midkeen baa la aasi lahaa. dont care much for junk food, and i dont have sweet tooth, ibti does. ps: oo hada murqo baan leeyahay baad leedahay? haye <<<<<walks away thinking i shall not be tricked, bingo wings dont equal to murqo
  23. it is official adam waa anoroxic!