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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    and it is finally a full house, salaama inta iga koreysa. ibti got a quote of that thing, i am worried to forward it to you, called again and asked for explanations. somalis should not run a business, waa qabyo.com
  2. lool^^ Wizard welcome to SOL, Ngonge iska ilaali.
  3. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    wiilashu waa wada royal, just caloosha hala ilaalsho
  4. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    subax wanaagsan people, bal ii warama? i am back to my comfy chair finally. waxa layiri oday la yiraahdo duceysane baa soo baxay, cajiib. hadalkeey cabir yaa ku yiri bal. sayid somali aka mr qardho, sidey umuuqato you want us to do all and claim contribution, allahu akbar. i expect xoog iyo xoolo ibti, no email from ninki dufta cadaa, going to ring him later, somali lama waco mornings, waa wada hurdaan
  5. this is selective reading waalan. children entails wiil iyo gabar. and you should lead by example, so maalintaada kasoo tuur baasto kulul
  6. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    JB you could squeeze life out of ibti with one hand. how can she rattle your cage bal. inkastoo violence answer aheen. sheh you need inlagu baaniyo, have you been having afdaar alone because you can hardly eat anything on your own. you need baanin
  7. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti obviously adigu you make people walk. walking on empty tummy is not cool. i hope she does come out atleast one evening during ramadan.
  8. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Lily it is going great but i am having concentration problems. shall we meet soon if we can drag you out one evening? Ngonge, perfume ma uro. maybe waxa kuusoo uraya waa one man show.
  9. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti naga daa mauritius, they will force feed you adigu hello lily? ii waran? hope you doing well and enjoying ramadan! any news, bal dhagta wax qeyr qaba igu sheeg
  10. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    fu-fu that is where you wrong. granted over the years we have been brainwashed with nin somali is our ONLY option. it is not. i think somali ladies should encourage healthy competition with other muslim communities, i mean why limit ourselves huh?
  11. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti i hardly ate shalay, i was in lectures all day and got home late. ma aqaan walahi, in all i slept less than 3 hours, balaayo ibursanaysay xalay dhan.
  12. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    yaa ku diidi kara adigoo ina hebel hebel ah, besbaas indhaha uga shub. hardly slept xalay, i kept having nightmares:(
  13. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    fu-fu, most somali men cant handle runta ibti tells it as it is, very shocking sometimes, marka chinese muslin ah mala helaa now that she is put off the hairy hindi
  14. it is always agreeable as long as the lady gets what she wants (majority of women are quite reasonable me thinks) hi val, how is the trip coming along?
  15. Ms DD abaayo you live to far and faheema is considering my adoption papers. jiq hakugu ahaato. Ngonge yes, children should be taught how to cook whilst in guriga hooyadood. it is an important skill, if she/he decided to cook for their spouses hade waa optional. fyi i hate cooking
  16. marriage is over-rated. there should be viable alternative. sodon goor la fur baa silac kunoosha dhaanta ( i think i made more butchery of the maahmaah)
  17. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    salaam aleykum people bal warama? i can see certain people have been very active shalay, lakin what is this breaking news of che having bidaar? hello ibti,sowma ogid hindida are hairy, waxay kugu dilayaan waxing, armaa la qaatay lugo-yarta. but i agree with one thing, stay away from Ngonge brother, muran buu kugu dilayaa. 2.5 hours of listening confidentiality lecture, dont they know! somali beynu nahay there is no such thing :rolleyes:
  18. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ms DD, caqligan kugu jeclahay, carry on oon ku dhahay. have you ever seen ibti scare men with combined ages of 133 years old? i have and it is not a pretty sight
  19. ibti abaayo certain people claim koob shaah ma samaynkaraa in an attempt to remain forever youthful. my 11 year old niece can make basic food and sandwiches. i think wiil iyo gabarba should know basic cooking and cleaning by the time they are 10. speaking of cooking, i am going to ask faheema to adopt me
  20. could it be they are REER Boqor. Kool salaama kadheh abaayo, walahi i had same upbringing, each and everyone of us had to cook, clean and iron in turns. then home work, then dugsi quraan, then timaha jareerta oo la shaleyo. hada waxaba soo baxay kuwa leh, button my tops
  21. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    walee inaba caadi maaha wiilka if only skinny cali lived, if only he could repeatedly tell her suuro gal manoqoteen la aantaa.
  22. I admit i did not read all the posts. gabadha cusub soo dhawaaw and ramadan kariim. madaxa ixanuuna when i see 21 year old saying i thought i would be married with a kids bla bla bla and she wants to learn cooking for husband. life would probably disappoint you alot, but if you want to cook, cook for your family first. kaalaya young ladies guriga hooyadood shaqo kama qabtaan miyaana? are they left to day dream about husbands all day long?
  23. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hello people. ibti sorry to hear about your patient. hello DD cooking with the hubby, how romantic. speaking of romance xalay waxan daawaday ali iyo awrala, courtesy to kind ibti, who watched me giggle like school girl. got to revive the topic