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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    macmac to you too, i did not do much dhunkasho at all, the kids were too dressed up to bother hugging and kissing their auntie. xalwo macunteen?
  2. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    i can see the wadaado ineysan wali imaan:) Eid mubarak guys
  3. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    morning trollers, the honeymoon is over. just got in with 400 plus emails to go thro
  4. Eid is all about family and friends. mine memories resemble that of malika, waking up to the lovely smelling house and ciid mubarak sounds ringing from every corner. Eid celebration is tradition that must be passed on
  5. Juxa


    Eid wanaagsan people
  6. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Salaams people and happy Friday.
  7. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ms DD hahahahaha we need dirac club. shame really once worn they end up in boorso taala atticka why do i have the feeling in ibti laga dhaadhiciyay ugliness is ok as long as you got colgate smile to flash. heedhe concentrate on finished product and close to complete package
  8. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    i wish one of you would volunter to take the darn diracs to harqaanka hello che mahadaad soo toostay. CH being able to stare until the other person breaks the connection is an art form and battle of wills you will need it marka practice
  9. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    it only makes you look pregnant if you are carrying 4kilo sokor ah in concentrated place, little xulus, albeit round is hot
  10. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    no lily, it wont be weddingka aad ubaratay this will be unique, after all it is ibti's and she wont be marrying ngonge brother
  11. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ms DD hahahahaha dont mention business and quick ££. anyways my new mission is to sagootis ibti asap. you see i got dirac kabaxaya fashionka mardhaw and i would like to rock it. sheh, that qufac does not sound right, soo bax GPga
  12. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    just to wipe yr ookiyaalo duqa, for the rest you need tiishuuu. i hardly ever carry dalad, ruins the outfit and you look like qof kala daadsan. edit: ibti hello, i succeeded when Ms DD and her romantic notions failed, yaah, geesi baad noqotay, for first time ever you are noticing men, albeit from small pool with great teeth.
  13. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti ramadan has been great to you, one blessing after another, indeed maasha allah and all the tooths dont get me started Ngonge carry dalad and spare hankie to wipe your glassess hadii kale Ms DD will be feeling sorry for all the afar indhood
  14. Juxa

    SOL 2009 Awards

    fu-fu cago dahab yaa ololo kugu haya, wardigan iyo rooxaanta waa how he wins the votes
  15. Juxa

    SOL 2009 Awards

    siren for the obvious reason fu-fu, i did not want all that hard work on murqo to go unnoticed
  16. Juxa

    SOL 2009 Awards

    yep the Siren, how kinky. you got to admit the girl aflagu hadlo alaa siiyay
  17. Juxa

    SOL 2009 Awards

    ibti is daacad. i am sad ibti is involved in what val terms and quite rightly so as musuqmaasuq.
  18. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    indeed men should experience the miracle. i dont understand what the fuss is really. someone beat ngonge? how?why? when?
  19. Juxa

    SOL 2009 Awards

    exactly val, we all know soler are not capable of democracy, in fact kuligood waa diktaatoorayaal (i dare you to pronounce that ibti) my objection is being called a female
  20. Juxa

    SOL 2009 Awards

    good question cynical! why am i in the list? how could you call me a female?
  21. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    lol sheh you met mo the dhuuni:) and when did you stop loving ibti, the man would starve her. i agree with all the ladies, having a child is like having suicidal thoughts. i have witnessed close to 9 births, to the point i understand the terms now. lakin ngonge may have a point, women do forget xanuunka as soon as they count the faraha and cagaha and check the big forehead for damage. i think somalis should embrace small family, 1 or 2 children, altho ceydh wise it is bad economics ps: somalida dhan baa cuqdad kaqaba c-sectionka cause they plan having 12 kids
  22. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ngonge, i expect nothing less but xaasidnimo from you. sheh did you see ahmed mise mo?
  23. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    sayid dhaaf dhibka, yacni haku danbaabin. thanks girls, ibti i agree with you, a child should have strong meaningful name.
  24. lately folks tell all sort of stories. i admit there is prejudice lakin physical inlala galo waa bit too much. pretty lady, 3 husbands sofar hmmmm. mid wuu tagay, midna dirtey and this one reerkii baa diidan
  25. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    val, 6 kids waa record, cumri dagdag bey kugu ridayaan start with one and see how it goes:) hello Ms DD, i am habo and eedo both, sometimes to same kids. johnny was fasting, i remember asking him about what he had for afur, i guess the invite was for yesterday