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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. what is the point yaa JB? it will be another 50 years before xalimo agrees one wedding 4 wives wali ilbaxnimadaa lama gaarin unless of course aadka timid s-land, i remember kii marrying 2 at once
  2. kooleey abaayo gabadhan hanaga siin burger iyo wax qalalan, i rather you drive beat up honda. bal ii waran? how is kanada? quraac maxa karsan
  3. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hahhahaha arac, alla maxaa ceelka lagaga direy biyo waxbadan. you right walaley even as a kid waan iska sheko jeclaa i hope you feel better soon. bal wax cuncun
  4. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    walee wad ila aragtay! skydiving sheekudu wey dhaaftay hada waaxay dhafarka adigu?
  5. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    xaasidsanidaa who can drink zanjabiil? i will just suffer in silence unless ibti and co offer to bring me maraq with filfil. online girlfriends suck! faraha uunbeey kaa jecelyihin
  6. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hargab lee ii waran? why online on beautiful saturtay afternoon yaah
  7. koolkat waan ogahay inad 09 gaari ah lasoo baxday! having said that, waad ogtahay i would never ever deny hooyo somaliyeed ever. i just keep seeing all the brokeness because of ayuuto and caruurti not having toys, clothes and the daily meals is chicken burger qalalan and bread. just pointing out to the cons.
  8. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    you lot trying to tip sayid over the edge, hadaba cag uunbuu ku taaganyahee. sayid i got the message, how could you do that to ibti? hello trollers, yaa soo jeeda?
  9. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    moving offices. boxes everywhere taloow hadaan kufo kawarama? Barwaaqo atleast he was keen and wanted RESULT. dont dismiss him for his qaabdaro, it is kind of cute. sayid waa cawo-caashaq hello ibti, how did habeenhore go?
  10. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    they could not afford me, waxa lagu dhameeyay fii-sabiililah. anyways i offered you TOL for rent, atleast Ngonge all reer burco iyo hargeysaa kadanbeeya eventho by his own admission he does not care for them
  11. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    it is very sweet tho, some guys dont even have the guts to ask. did you say yes? proposal is a proposal waad ogtahaye, besides i just saw to die-for dress
  12. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    oo hada sayid waxa lagu nacay is waxba mayaalaan tuuladiisa, no fish, no petrol or dhagax as in JB's case. hade ninka tol la aanta yaan lagu nicin, if all fails my tol can be bought for $$$$ or second hand speed-boat, ileyn we have business to run.
  13. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ms DD, have them and iikeen, anigaa free kugu heynayee, and dont worry like ibti i wont feed them with hot chocolate, i have years and years of experience. Ngonge i dont suppose you will be asking me, sheh, val or Ms DD to babysit
  14. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    how about hadii aad sharoobo siiso. hello sheh, take back the fairy godmother thing, take it back aan kudhahay and find me something more suitable
  15. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    lol walee inaad tahay tricky. khayr take them for long walk, they will have good night's sleep and dont give them too much macmacaan and sugar.
  16. oh yes i forgot to add, hagbad is best way to also stay under the radar. i mean if you have savings of over £6000 it will affect your CEYDH bal maan hagbada iska dhaafo, anigaaba layaaban dulmigeyga. yes Ms DD to each their own cafis bal
  17. aah i miss this name, bless, soo noqo wacan oo wanaagsan. it suits you to the dhibic
  18. vote for A&T hard to refuse nin kuleh liibaana
  19. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ngonge, i know few ladies that married cause it had to be done, they were bored with the questions/proposals and just agreed to make them stop. hello lily
  20. Ngonge, i just highlighted dhibatada ey leedahay hagbad. waxkasta have pros and cons and of course one is entitled to voice concern or indeed extreme dislike to ayuuto/hagbad ps: no one is bigger supporter of anything women or traditional somali than moi. val, westernizedka dhuuxa kaga jiraa no amount of affiliation to the east matirtirayaan. humble ladigri odayga, indeed gaastariiga uma fiicna xanaqa badan
  21. Blessed, caqligan kugu jeclahay, i have not succumbed to the ayuuto phenomina yet! i am firm believer of other methods of savings and investments. Humble you used to applaud efforts of westernized islaamo, alleylahe waxbadan baa isbedelay
  22. it is been long time since i heard good for nothing westernized somali women. ilaa iyo hada mafahmin the concept of westernized? bal DD iyo Blessed iisharxa. ayuuto sucks, if you dont like it kaalay cadcad iigooso
  23. iska daa wiilka, xasaasiyad xun baa heyda eh! hello blessed, i keep seeing walahi caruur dayacan and ladies constantly complaining lacag maheystaan oo waxa laga rabaa this month's ayuuto money, at the same time waxay kujiraan 20k ayuuto ah. the other thing that upsets me is mashruuca eyku fuliyaan most of the time ends up being a failure. or they buy houses they wont live in next 10 years. sowkama fiicna if that money was spend enrolling the kids into private schools, teaching them languages or hiring private tuitors. markaa after 10 years caruurta kugadaysa that villa in boosaaso/burco. ps: blessed meeqa kuumaqan hadaba?
  24. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti hi, ii waran? sheh was bored, daacad kama eysan aheyn.
  25. heedhe tartiib, you almost falling over your own words. i thought we are discussing an issue and everyone is entitled to their opinion. what is with this denial etc aadku qafiiftay? or failure of an individual as opposed to collective responsibilities. all i said is the benefits of hagbad does not outweight disadvantageka caruurta aheey, meelbukta iyo farbaa is og