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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. i already like Maakhir-lady. she also writes ambigious and defensive so most likely my kind of person. bal tell us bit about yourself? forget about the old men in here, caajis baa hayee ps: welcome welcome
  2. people people, stop the goodluck chants. meel hoo ubaahan hadal waxkama taro ileyne. Ngonge we will find something you can do, bal imow friday insha allah.
  3. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    cacheap = cajiib miyaa lol alright then, sharoobada iyo kitaabka hala isku dhinac wado
  4. guys, val's wedding deserves a topic of its own. it is not everyday when gabadheena gets married. Mabrook to the happy couple, may allah bless the union. Sayid meesha dhan iska saartay, i guess you dont want Ngonge to raise more, hayaba. i think with everyone's support we could make amazing difference insha allah
  5. Ms DD the idea is to make it an annual thing, and insha allah next year it would be bigger and better. Ps: chubacka, we do expect to see you. i will pm you
  6. Ms DD if only people listened to me, somali dhan baa nabad iyo harmony kunoolaan lahaa ps: my instruction was for A & T to pay xaal, i.e, set dirac ah and set dahab ah.
  7. Ngonge what you mean good luck, we expect your contribution :rolleyes: xoog iyo xoolaba. to the rest i truely hope you will help us. it is great cause.
  8. kissing feets waa too much, not to mention ibti wont like it i think latest dirac and lovely set of dahab would do, unless ninku uuyahay bakhiil sida lagu yaqaan dadka ka yimaada meelahas
  9. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Johnny you need quraan-saar. Ibti i do like america's next top model. once of the contestants was a lady called FAtima from galkacyo. boy she was handful. diracad bey aheed. ps: speaking of diracs, ibti what time do you finish today? all last night i was dreaming your abbayah
  10. Hambalyo to A& T and KK. May you be fair king and queen of sol having said that, this doorasho has shown indeed the root of all problems of somali-weyn are MEN. you can see how the ladies campaigned with integrity and dignity. for that reason alone, i propose all future governing should be done by the nobal somali women, meelkasta ey joogaan. once again hambalyo
  11. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti loooooooooooool haa runtii. i am too feminist for that boodhshiidh.
  12. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    lol yaa quuq ugu wacaysaa? morning ibti and J-ko. i always wanted to go to those places, sounds fun. better i would like to be a judge in them, maybe N-G could be a co-judge but i believe he has a grudge against good looking people
  13. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    morning N-G. did you ever participate then?
  14. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    loooool@Ngonge, what can i say, we do multi-task but there are no secrets, you just refuse to see what we do. we wrote it on the board giggling at the thought of sayid modelling? nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
  15. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    samawada means peacelover or a person that brings peace forth. ibti dont touch anything until i get my pick
  16. i have no clue when it comes to nuune's jiniyo. ninkaan tusbixiisuu qaatay, wabillah towfiiq
  17. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    samawada is a lady. yeah ibti and faheema, like lily i cant wait to see the new stuff
  18. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    morning geela and lily. nin noolbaa yemen kudhexmaqan, anyone kasoo gala yemen?
  19. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    the required notice depends on lenght of your employment. usually it is a week for every year worked, unless your contracts says otherwise. cirbada daawo lagu sheegay ngonge
  20. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    JB maadkajoogtid. Ibti cut the iron whilst hot waaye sheekada faheema. but seriously it is gutsy to leave secure job and look for something better
  21. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    and what will you do with the rest of your time? anyways, am in mess today, room got repainted, new carpet etc. qolka dhan waa hazard socota
  22. odayga waa naajis naajiskiis. you got to admit he is brave obama inuusan somali aheen. dhag iyo dhafoor baa dhirbaaxyo loga dhufan lahaa
  23. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    why are you quiting your job bisinkee? unless you have better offers in that case make your position untennable. morning folks
  24. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ~Norf regular trips to and from the airport waa the dubai curse ibti, dont delist me bal! atleast aniga i dont cancel on people last minute unless there is something really wrong like dadka qaarkood oo aan wada ognahay oo ka yimid Q-town
  25. nuune it may happen due to severe hardship umada heysato anyone notice how the women garbasaar iskaga xijiyeen ninka