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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hahahahaaha ibti, daalki baakugu soo baxay finally. aniguba kusoo wacay xalay, i just assumed you were in the undergroud as i am used to you being out and about in unholy hours. jumco wanaagsan to the rest
  2. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ^^ this is why i am emigrating to little tuulo with one kaniisad, one shop and one apotheek/pharmacy. 9pm...time to go home whilst singing tubeec's cabaad iyo calowlyow night folks
  3. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    nuh, barristernimada waxa ku fiican MARX ookale. by the way shaqada does not need me, i know many many young capable ladies already in the field and few about to qualify as well. i need quite job, which allows me to enjoy my morning xalwa and qaxwa in peace. i was also day-dreaming about moving to holland (pretty village and plenty of KAAS)
  4. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    A&T said isku tuulo baad ka timideen, since i know you hail from ceel-mariid i assumed isagana sidoo kale. iga daa waxan aad iga d.a.b.o wado. i want shaqo-bedel cause i need a change. J11 if you had the shahaado and were reliable you could earn potentially £150 plus travelling cost per session
  5. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    tuuladii ceel-mariid aheed nooh.
  6. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    sue lool afsomaliga wali adag miyaa, i said TB infection is wide-spread within somali community, specially in the west, just like qabiil is. Nuune, according to sayid, atleast he has tuulo. sayid says men like you and A&T first need to iney original tuulo soo xureeyan then chat about qardho. che i feel much better, had a cake. hello J11, horta do you still go meelahas to support reeraha? if yes shahaado mauheesataa
  7. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hello sue, qabiil somali xididadu iga jiraa sadly so is the TB infection waxaba ugu daran kuwa jooga in the west. hello che and johnny:) sayid, without concrete evidence i say in your dreams.
  8. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    heartless^^ i need a cake massive triple chocolate cake. i accept delivery. ps: i realised today, it is not for me, i need different shaqo walee.
  9. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    yes, i agree, i dont know their reasons but they should have come, be it cousin, sister, brother, someone should have. period. and there are kids, alot of them, all young. i am back to london maxaa iga rabtaa? dont tell me to meet ibti, i cried and my mascara spoilt my pretty face. ibti would be displaying her new shipment marchandise, so i wont meet her
  10. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    adigana warkaa kala dhigdhigto kugu nacay! i blame your lack of somalinimo. i think somali badan baa aaminsan caruurta wey iska korayaan and when they do, iyagaa soo raadsan aabaha familkiisa. the fact is, none attended. ps: my brain amaan sii, yaan kugu sanifine
  11. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    lol no, just a case of mine, wife is non somali, man died, qofna ma imaan maryooleey ah maanta. felt so sad walahi, so sad, my heart is aching, she had to go thro all that alone. ps: why are you pretending inaad tahay dhaayman iyo luul and your phone rings constantly. apart from ibti i think you might be what ngonge calls saaxiiblaawe ps: ibti has grudge against us traditional wives.
  12. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    why is sayid pretending inla soo waco. anigu koleyba sooma wactamin, i hate calling. ibti you shont upset the Mrs and please since we share names dont incriminate me ps: just came back feeling emotionally wreck, i even cried, how unprofessional. somali families kheyr maleh no moral support to non-somali wives. i think faaraxs should be very careful, if they die, their families would abandon the wife and the kids
  13. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ooh u want him to model. Am not suprised. With his constant dieting and hate for obese people:) Hello fufu
  14. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti if the hearing drags on I won't make it back on time. islaanta looks fab and has coveted job. What more do u need? Morning ibti and nuunka
  15. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    morning people. Woke up at 5am to catch early train to leister. On time but found out my case is listed for 10.30 Lugooyo.com. On positive note I met islaan kala xeran oo meshan ka shaqaysa. Having coffee with her soon
  16. ismahaan yaan lagu waayin. G G ladies can pm ibti and swap email address or phone numbers. you wont need tag names. non-UK residents, it would be wonderful if you lot do similar appeals and raise funds. if not adiga iska soo £100 dahabshiil we have great system in place, any funds raised would go directly to established and reputable organizations. no lacag would go thro the hands of reer qardho, reer burco etc. insha allah there will be transparency and accountability.
  17. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    call the patient first, then the police or next of kin.
  18. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ngonge is coming, or else! Ibti, i dont understand the need for segregation, this is just an hour or so, and ladies can always sit on one site or at the back. i already sent a draft, now just calculating income and capital gains tax, not sure if i will ever need it after all somali baan ahay, majeclin inaan bixino canshuur
  19. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    speaking of help, little shinbir told me you are boorsoweyne aka accountant, and i am likely to fail the subject.
  20. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hahahahhaa why do i have the feeling you want to grap popcorn and watch chick-fights sadly neither of us is the usual girly girl with cidiyo dheerdheer. having said that, i am struggling with certain piece i have to write, see i must an acceptable way of writing for certain reer qardhood oday.
  21. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ngonge, ma aragtay, being subtle is not her forte, anagoo dhan bey fat noogu wacdaa har iyo habeen. little she knows in 5 years time she would probably be obese herself
  22. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti it cant be gone, why did you not put something aside for moi? i left work around 8pm. i am just going to take what ever you took, serves you right. hello kheyr, i dont know, what do you think it means?
  23. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    afternoon all! Pucca is still into khamees wearing koreans! bless hello ladies? malika, ibti wont entertain us shubby girls, she likes supermodel skinny
  24. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    yes yes hello geela. ma ii faydaa? i think aniga kaliya kuharay, just finishing off the day.
  25. heart-felt mabrook abaayo. may allah bless this union inkastoo aadan nasiin time aan isku diyaarino emotionally for your impending departure. aniga koleyba runta iska jeclahay, contrary to the beautiful pictures islaamahan kusiinayan, by islaamo i mean Ms DD and KK. waanadooda maxuma, but i would also like to add, marriage is not THE answer to all, be clear about what you want. husband to be must understand, labada qof waxa isla joogaan ama israbaan as long as each receives what they WANT. runta runta runta kugu ogahay:) mabrook again, let us know what you wearing . most importantly is there going to be XALWO?