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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    lool waa habeen iyo maalin Ms DD wax ibaarbaaro aduunka ugu necbahay, not that i have something to hide mind you. i am open book. there is old saying, hadii digsi ****olan aan feydid without permission and get bitten by snake hade mac sokor CH we shall talk when you get hitched (runrun)
  2. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    this is burjiko calling dhari black Ms DD if my cousin uu wax baarbaaro wuxu kahelo isagaa leh. Luuq as in jubadda dhexe, it is indeed kaneeco land but full of history
  3. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ms DD waxad tahay meanie, oh well who am i kidding bash his bits with words, nothing less would do. Ngonge ninku ma gabadhuu maroodi ugu yeeray? sayid you dont sound reer qardho at all, mooji meeshad katimid
  4. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    instead of dhaasdo he could simply say KOOMBO. caku iyo reer wiifwiif
  5. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    sayid if you agree to go on date, a lady would pay £250 and give it to the charity weynu ku bixinay
  6. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ngonge beat him up on both occassion and redeem your early outburst i agree with val. CL if you were near me babis baan kula dhici lahaa
  7. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    CL she has her dignity to loose, comeon abaayo, qofka ku xerayay charity sharuud ma ahan qof qeyr qaba, as such one really shont associate with him. Ngonge i am disappointed
  8. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti midkaa wuu edab iyo akhlaaq daranyahay, itus waa kasee sheemaha sheemihiis :mad: charity is charity maxaa ku xeray date
  9. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti lool, i have resisted a mortgage so far runtii but abaayo paying private rent waa day light robbery. i am tempted to try islamic banks, or else xaradheere baan ka gadan goof johnny you are on right track now:)
  10. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hello haneefa, indeed long time abaayo, 3 kids, mortgage and membership to somali government later dadbadan baa soo noqday. sow ma fiicnid adigu
  11. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    bliss lool, che is stroking his shaarbo thinking jacayl dhiig malagu qorey. it all depends on how uncommon your name is. Johnny with that attitude walee ibti maheshid! caadi iska dhig, i know she does not do romance lakin isgiiji. the paperwork must be submitted, no sheeko xariir hadii kale
  12. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hello che, johnny and haneefa xaa tiri? che impressive feat hadii aanlagu ilaabin wali. johnny, put your proposal in writting with full disclosure of your financial and criminal records. you will also need letters of recommendations, atleast one must be from your local imam
  13. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti becoming a midwife? i need to digest that news bal iisuga as of postponing opportunities, walaalay you maybe young but if this interests you, you may as well grap it with labo gacmood
  14. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    yes you can, if you dont try new things now when are you going to do it? iska daa fuleynimada, try or else you will be like Ngonge dreaming of missed opportunities. Norf, get more classes ninyow, by now you should have been fluent.
  15. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ngonge apple does not fall far from geedka applies to you lol Ibti, i stayed in all weekend except for few hours out and back in again. felt wonderful. i will look at it again
  16. Juxa

    I am back!!

    nuune talo xumidaa saaxiib initially i thought the injineer was another victim of ibti's. i mean the girl hates with passion hospital porter's claiming to be doctors and fuundis claiming to be engineers. she prefers proper mean, with sharaf iyo daacadnimo. having said that good luck to the brother, if all fails enlist the help of hoyo macaan, she is very resourceful.
  17. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    salaam aleykum trollers. morning ibti, JB, qeyr baad sheegteen ma roob baa da'ay? ibti just reading the email, sounds fantastic, i am ready and rested.
  18. double standard iga dheh marka wiilasha somalida ee qashin iyo qaraab meelaha wada lama yaabtan so why uyaabaysan qof aanba la hubin dhalashadeeda? qof iyo dookhiis. dambigeena allaha dhaafo
  19. blessed cutting hair is quite liberating, i really enjoyed. for first time in my life i felt the breeze going thro gees-ka-gees. shaving off is my next step, i feel there is treasure map tattood in my head. makaheshay waalidaas
  20. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    my head was buzzing. unless i follow strick schedule i cant turn off in time for decent sleep. got all sunday to sleep insha allah
  21. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    another late night, but it is friday and i feel happy. too tired to call you and ask if you got home safe.
  22. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hello ladies? ii warama, yaa baranaya luqada ingiriisiga ah? googled the somali equavelant of specialist all morning. it is takhasus
  23. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    che hahahahaha. in that case baraanbar waaye nuunka i was just wondering indho adeega dadkeena somalida. i had to inaan sharxo adeer it is 1 day lacagta kaa maqan, cause after maalintaa meeshad ka shaqaynaysay waala xeray. subxanallah, i am tired of muran, tired, tired where is ibti buuf?
  24. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    if you had accident on 3rd, and the company folded/went into administration on 4th...how much is your loss of mushaar? che, eeboow cade waa kuu faynaa? ma ii reydaa adigu? wonders why che speaks that specific lahjad to me?
  25. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    cynical you just described a dream, ok then let us meesha uulayahay? i feel but coming hello che