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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ngonge is having early lunch i think, ileyn cuno buuran meeshay gashana buuran Norfsky, not working today so no need to pretend i am all liberal and understanding. chop his head waaye ibti waa runteed, i read all those horror stories in metro today, worst man laces mistress's drink with abortion pills
  2. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    husbandkii edab daran waa in bisinka loo qabtaa oo la gowracaa. morning people
  3. you oolyadi iyo fariinki uu isku daray? morning kooleey, magoosatay ticketkii
  4. no need to ask, welcome back with gacmo furan
  5. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    i think bolanimada is one of astaanta adiga lagugu garto, either way meesha kula har as i dont like meeshay wax usocdaan
  6. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    someone must edited what duceysane said apart from my hadal badni. fyi duceysane, i dont appreciate anything you may have said about my family PERIOD. i dont remember having kaftan with you EVER. aan kala xishoono
  7. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    lool@machines, fuleynimo heerkaas ku gaarsiisay Johnny who do you think inaad xaal or lunch siineysid? somalidu waxay tiraahdaa barasho horteed hey nicin i doubt inuu xaal kuqabto if it did kama quuqaadaan last 2 hours. meeshas baan uga baxay ps: are you saying JB maheesto £5?
  8. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    bal fiiri wiilkan, that is not xaal or raali galin, somalidu waxay ugu wacdaa xaal-jaban it is VERY VERY possible, cardkaada ineysan ku jiran enough to buy either ibti or I even a lunch let alone xaal. Nuune thanks sheequnaa, carabkii ngonge ahaa johnny buu ka baqday, i am glad you took a stand or else i would have send our boys in to break his meekly jilbo
  9. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti, nuune, ngonge, JB, CL, why are you ignoring johnny offending me :mad: bilaa caleek tutigiin, i am out unless you beat him with bakoorad and get me apology and xaal isla socda
  10. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    i wish you and JB would come out and declare inaad corrupted tihiin. be like Johnny...brave yacni about your qaabdaro. ps: johnny kama helin, he called me ugly earlier
  11. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    denialka waa maxay, you are wrong waadna ogtahay qalaas how is that being militant ngonge?
  12. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    fufu waa kufiicanahay, ii waran? hello geela (humming geelaa markuu dararanyahay labo nin duugtaayee labo nin ....it wont be long before nuune or J11 point out my mistakes) JB, itus aa kudhahay itus. from a woman's point of view wax kaxun maleh being judged by your looks. fortunately that never applied to me. Johnny usheeg, hello by the way and stop day dreaming about ibti( she is too young)
  13. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    JB, intee igu aragtay anigoo complain gareynayo from being starred horta, ninyow recordka sax. Ibti lool wareeray anigu wareeray
  14. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    cynical ok then, jokes aside all i said is you are making the old men actually believe your words. i feel you may be bit sarcy. Ibti, i told you before i dont feel womanly, ileyn it was cause no one notices me. thanks JB for clarifying hello fu-fu, hello sheekhunaa ps: why is reer qardhoodka not talking to me? see camel yaaqey
  15. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    marka hore i sincerely hope both your daughters take after their mothers, cause you dont hold their other qualities in great esteem. waaban idinka yaabanahay (deep down i hope you two are joking) Cynical, abaayo maxaa dhahday afsomali mafahantid, oo waxa rabtaa ingiriis inlagu qoro waxkasta? really? so if i call you buufley would you feel offended? just checking
  16. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti, do you if JB was living in the west inuu tuuranlahaa macawista marhore ilbaxnimo darteed ps: i still believe JB was sent back to hargeysa markii la heyn wayay dhibkiisa
  17. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    cynical i think your mission in life waa inaad ragaan ka waasho yaah JB yaah? i hope one day a man (xun oo yaanyoow ah) does not say about your daughters
  18. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ngonge see you GP Ibti it sounds great, chase the rainbows kudhahay JB kama weynaatid waxaa, lakin aniga i think it is all bravado, in real life you stare at dacaska
  19. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    lol@bliss. ever got to work with one side of your trouser ironed, the other all creased up? JB, Ngonge can afford to buy himself a programme on the station runtii, i wonder wuxuu ubixinlaha casiir-time
  20. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    you need to present programme in universal heedhe waad qalinjabisay, indeed it is
  21. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    allaha ku caafiyo cano garoor ka dharag rainka waa barwaaqo unless boholo kuyaalaan magalada ama ey dhoobeey tahay caradu bal car ngonge ha fahmo dhoobeey
  22. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hahahahaha verassinggggggggggggg mise google iisoo fiiriseen? morning guys, ii warama?
  23. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    goede morgen dames en heren wie is wekker, wie slaap nog?
  24. bisinka sidi maadeey looo soo dhaweeyay aanba ka yaabay ani mugoo eeboow cade soo dhaaf, marti ha iska dhigin, cidaan soler amaanta ugu roonow. haaheey liibaan waligaa
  25. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hahaahahaha the doqonimo part is purely on your side, as my male folks say waligaa hauraacin dumar shopping, just give your credit card.