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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. looooooooooool sayid, that is all water under bridge.
  2. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    johnny, any luck in the chatroom, i hear you are the one ladies love to hate. i dont see why Ngonge magaciisa urabtid, after all ngonge is un-shukansable old man he asked forgiveness for using yr name. indhaha iidhiibee
  3. i dont do polite adiguba waad ogtahay oh well, in the interest of justice i will not drag your name by announcing you are each and everything oo fiican, be is qurux or dabeecad
  4. nuune, certain people are not likeable soomaaha Ngonge are you sure? i could say how friendly, sweet, intellegent you were on first meeting
  5. so kuligiin either waad furfurantihiin, or dheertihin, or charming and friendly tihiin cajiiiiiiiiib
  6. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    CL iska daa qaraarka and have a cake. my hips are wide enough to carry an entire clan as per the plan
  7. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    i am a devout muslim (ignore my jeans) the whole table went silent, not sure if they actually observed the 2 minutes morning all, just got out of lecture, had a good one too. now i have massive migraine and deliberating whether to go home and sleep it off or stay put and study, then meet the girls for a cake session.
  8. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    so nuune, you are saying CL pretends in order to stay forever young and street-wise. some people think iney gang kujirto oo waaba ka cabsadaan Ngonge, ilbax waa eray dahsoon sometimes, it means qof xaaqan oo is moodey
  9. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    you refused to take somali lessons but kaama quusan karo ( i cant give up on you) ilbax = civilized just not the literally sense in this context
  10. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Cara bal dulmi badanidaa maxaad noogu xeraynaysaa this corner only anyways the ilbax people are in the chatroom
  11. this BOB is different the usual BOB, who was caano-madaadshe baari ah. this one dagaal iyo budh kala baxsan baa ka soo horeysa
  12. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    i think maxi would struggle if he ever joins the legal profession
  13. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ilmada aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah garanay
  14. smart women are miserable beings. being light headed rocks
  15. you seem bored, carab fowqal carab. orodoo gardenka dig garee ps: in the old country you were lucky if you washed the dirt of your feet
  16. in this country parents check whether 10 year old washed behind his/her ears. aduunki isbedel
  17. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    war na dhig, did you not decide to go and park your ehem in the chatroom maxaad naga rabtaaaaaaa?
  18. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    ibti yes i spoke to sayid but i did not like what he said, such a defeatist iga tag you can watch me eat cake anytime, tomorrow evening we can have dinner, if i have energy i will cook, if not we go out
  19. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hello lily miimi it is jacayl at its best i miss her
  20. she is just a kid, kids love animals. no need to scare her off, just explain it is wasaq with all its dhareer etc
  21. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    i only save one number per person, did you use your work mobile again? as far as i am concerned ima aadan soo wicin. i texted you habeen hore and xalay, i dont email just to make you witness. in fact i am so worried and having panic attacks. ps: 9pm was when i was leaving the office hello CL miimi dont go the chat, alot of abusive people there
  22. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    i called and i emailed no response. ma waxan kaa rabaa $100 markad i ignore gareysnayso :mad: you owe me cake, not cheap one
  23. lool^^ the narrator is the best bit of the show actually i am fan of it. it brings best and worst of people MARX, i am an excellent cook, i could easily beat you. ibti great idea, i am naturally competitive and probably would sabotage your evenings ps: instead of the alcohol, maybe somalis will serve jaad