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Everything posted by Juxa
Johnny farax will be happier with others, halimo likewise. then why not try greener postures. i would have thought you would be supporter of variation no?
CL i was simply going to use your connections with the lovely cadaan married to the halimo Ngonge, i am fan of cigaal. if somalis were fed up marrying halimos, then lets all marry others without prejudice
CL is connected miyaa hada? Ngonge cigaal shiidaad ma maqashay waligaa?
he was so shocked, they zoomed his face in, he did not expect to get away with it
you lot really scaring him, dont you know carabtu waa fulayo
^^ i think you are imagining things if your tol-kinman did something, it would be possible to seek revenge against you but only if you were in somaliland. fear not, quraanka aqriso
you should visit leicester, meesha dhan dutch baa looga hadlaa, even young kids. i felt home for a second, i might even move there
old man, it is your area, full of qaxooti, it is time to stop being stingy and move the family to affluent area. lily hahahahah ok give her benefit of doubt.
it was hand of god moment, surely france did not deserve that goal.
how so? here is another deriskaada haduu rabo dagaal, do'radada iga cesho yiraahda
soo joog ninka laga waayo, soo jiif baa laga helaa
iskuma jeedaa islaanki la'ayay
if women ruled there would be no bloodshed in the world i say off with the men
CH your friend has every right to get upset, dhoocisha kale maybe ninka iska gadaysay why embarras your friend like that? you should both shelf her. aduunka waxa ugu necbahay women that dont respect the sisterhood bond infront of men. ibti, i am coming with you. morning everyone
hello people, salaam aleykum my lovely ladies thanks for the ducaa, exam went quite alright, i can calculate corporate tax indhahoo ixeran now, as if i would ever own company to begin with. time was restricted but managed, feel so relieved. now going home to sleep. hello nuune, hello norfy, tea is for the weak blows air @ ibti, coffee breath all the way
CL be careful then with your liberal views, hooyo might be a reader. i think everyone should be entitled to their way of life, however one must acknowledge liberal way of living is not for everyone. lily not yet, i am going to be around till 10 tonight insha allah
Johnny, i think you intentionally misunderstood me. first i was not calling you names, just stating that it is not the custom to invite a girl back to your home. the lady in question should not accept but respond with dacas on your face and waryaa yaad imooday? intaa ma dhicin, marka waa adiga iyo rabigaa. now i concede some women would accept such invitation but i would expect it would be secretly. i know women who frequent in boyfriend's house are called names in our culture, so would it not be fair if the men who allow them or invite them over share same treatment? CL, hooyo kuu sheegi
if johnny was a woman, he would be called certain name and rightly so. personally loose people waa isku mid, men or woman. and did he imply the woman in his kitchen, polishing wine glasses was a sujui woman? meaning they have no morals? away sujuyadii meeshan joogay? i agree with lily, she had no business being in your home, or kitchen or doing kitchen stuff. hada kahor baan maqlay why buy the cow when milk is free!!! i wont like to liken women with cows tho. hello ibti
at the library trying to revise, i am off work today and tomorrow marka i wont complain either. looking forward to the weekend as well insha allah hi lily
do i sound qof curse gareeya? anyhows, i am having my first coffee of the day, how is work CL?
hello ms xaraar. ii waran maanta? anyone ruffling your feathers?
well ladies, you can check it on their websites. unfortunately sometimes they send shipments in to the market with little faults but on the website it wont show as genuine
and i rest my case:) how much is reasonable for a coat inlaga baxsho? i believe £150-200 is fair price for faarax's coat