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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. To me a holiday means leaving the continent
  2. Nice JB, dad iyo dugaagba sawir Salaams all, happy new year. I am bored and can't wait to return my dusty office. All I do is watch YouTube videos and I can't stand all new singers and their bugbug music
  3. Who is ina bisad? I hope you are not calling ibtisam mukulaal. I am seeing her in an hour and will tell her what you said Bal isi sii yaasiimi
  4. Salaams all Chubacka I did, I never owned one and at my age I decided to get fat gracefully. Only issue is clothes may not fit
  5. Valenteenah.;902934 wrote: Turning a mother into a whore and then killing her with guilt and depression. Nice. I can see that you too are struggling to understand this but embrace indho- uroon and her indiscretions and forget about equal playing fields. Artists are not interested in changes within society, it is all about provocation, be it our thoughts, ideas or reactions. Hada kahor baa a wise lady igu tiri dumarkoo dhan waa xyz, only difference is some are licenced and others are not. Temptationku waa balaayo indeed@ Ayoub
  6. Anigaa soo wada EU tyres ee kasoo saar dekeda insha Allah
  7. No need to fear me sir, I am told Artists should be understood
  8. Half my family have REAL January birthdays so to me this is expensive month
  9. Yes she is back waadna ogtahay By the way she is even more gorgeous although you won't succeed setting her up with your brother. There just have been too much cakes. Last night I had to physically remove Blessed's chocolate from the house
  10. Very funny, 2 days ago I stood on one, I have been having nightmares since then. I did not realise it was that bad My ayeeyo used to say Cunto buuran, meesha ay gashana buuran. Can't stop over eating and seeing the girls for meals does not help Ibti go home
  11. What happened Alpha? Ii sheeg without tears for I can't tolerate nin ooyaya
  12. Salaam alaykum jumce wanaagsan A woman should never own weight scale
  13. Lol yes it is nice people lakin aad u faan badan I was right, since aan idinka badanahay then only I can claim it
  14. Hello young man? Oba is that tuulo? Never heard of.... I said so abtirso oo kusoo dhac reer hebel unless meesha aad qax ku tagtay?
  15. Yes I am. First it was Johny B and now you! Hell no, it is just me or so abtirso
  16. Salaam alaykum I just popped in to say I am the only person from xarardhere in this place
  17. Ibti it's quite warm, the city is welcoming you
  18. Dadkee? Horta magaladi wey qafiiftay, shops are so busy waxad moodaa inla yiri there will be food shortage
  19. Salaams, feels great to wake up at 9am. Val would you spend the holidays over there then Faheema hi, come home sow igama diidin? Well JB will keep you company then
  20. Pedos do exist I just assumed back home they like little girls
  21. Lol@ lashing at macalinka I took aabe who simply said I don't pay you to hit my child. But then hooyo was angry, she even threatened worse beating than macalin Back home macalinka was so revered it should be crime
  22. I hate you both:) seriously i am glad you two and getting some ME time. my me time starts tomorrow insha allah:). really looking forward of Ibti arriving and much anticipated catch up with the gang....just lily, ibti, blessed, serenity and their multitude of personalities