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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hello norfy, oo wali maadan bixin miyaa? the men are sleep, the ladies are busy
  2. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    morning all, and happy monday aaway dadkii mise lazy morning baa lagu maqanyahay
  3. lol waxwaalan. i think allah hears all. say it quitely or loudly. teeda kale lama kala xigo ilaah. duco should not be bought time to get universal tv
  4. Juxa

    Miss Somalia

    ma aragtay fu-fu, waa aduunyo gadoon adigoo qanacsan iyo ragan qaxarsan
  5. Juxa

    Miss Somalia

    comeon abtigiis, gabadhas maasha allah, one look at that neck and body, the face compliments it skinny face oo u ek abaarti sudan is definetly not beauty. gabadhu waa qalanjo
  6. she should lead whole of somalia, iska daaya somaliland eh! she has all the qualities of a good leader and not an ounce of selfishness
  7. may allah have mercy on the victims, yes meel aan sharci iyo shareeco laheen bey ku dhinteen.
  8. Juxa

    Miss Somalia

    gorgeous iga dheh! inta danbe danbas bey ku kicisay. definetly a winner! wiilashina dhareerka iska ilaasha please
  9. Edna is one of the few people i truely admire. actions speaks louder i guess and her record is impeccable. congrats to her and her team
  10. Sos bloody seef-labood. we shall celebrate your accomplishment ee diyaar soo noqo.
  11. i wrote your jawaab then waxan isdhahay yuusan qafifin ee iska daa. qofka walalka wuxuu kufarxo kula farax ama faraha ka qaad
  12. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ngonge called her little islan, xanaaq bey kumaqantahay.
  13. it was good speech maxy. you are on your way to become next big thing is s-land. Ngonge did you not get the invite even by mistake?
  14. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    thanks che, waalawada socdaa soomaha. norf, hargab aankaa baxayn baa socda thanks god the swine flue xogaa sidi hore uma badna
  15. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Mr Jimicsi, you mean fufu? thanks Ngonge waala wada socdaa, lately alot i miss ibti, i spoke to her xalay, she was in her burcawi mood, so i did not understand a word she said apart from she was busy being goody laba-dacasle
  16. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Hi, faheema i hope you feel better soon Ngonge stop being mean, we are allowed to moan any occassion my day cant get worse, first my abti passes away, second islaan somali baa igu qeylisay,alla get your masar out ma anigad saas ileedahay, and now another cried and blamed me for all her misfortune. see ngonge that ^^ is moaning
  17. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    waa runtaa, forget qat, hada it is fashionable to say my last beer was 4pm. subxanallah
  18. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    it could be more, those things add up you know. they drink ilaa eyka suuxaan, it always shocks me. it is as if they cant find joy without khamriga
  19. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    when i saw the music list requested included the macarena and ricky martin waanka qanaasay i am deliberating whether it is worth £100 plus frock to attend runtii, altho as one of few sober people it is great idea to attend, you find out alot of secrets
  20. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    at least it is friday, anagu chrismas partygii baa lagu murmayaa yacni enough booze lama keenayo, people are livid
  21. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ngonge did they finally convinced you, you are not enough bal morning, how is the world of finance?
  22. contrary to public believe, maxy is very young. now baqiilnimada iska daa it wont kill you dheh dhalasho wacan
  23. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    semester ended for us this week, 3 weeks of prep for the upcoming february exams. morning all and happy friday