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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. it should be banned before our whole men-folk lose their tooth. as a victim of toothless-monsters, i vote for total ban.
  2. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    lol@cara ma cir-daydo baan kula ekahay, waaxay pluto?
  3. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ngonge £5 waa kudhib, besides he feels JB actually resides in leyton-stone but pretends inuu hargeysa joogo a feeling shared by many. hello hodman and cara
  4. aaah waad naga nixisay. you should have left your details and take picture to show there was no damage to the vehicle. if you reside in the UK, waa crime to leave accident scene bal iska jir buuxo, never use panel lawyers, bloody useless
  5. hahahahahahaa, mardhaw we will have similar places for somalida. early in the morning, they walk around the street with green mouth, red eyez and disheveled clothing
  6. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    Ibti, i still have the old cheque inkastuu dhacay hada and cant be cashed again. there is nothing in it, business way for fundraising for victims walaley, but you got my personal support insha allah. chubacka, qaraabo necbidaa walaley. soo dhawee dadka CL, never ungrateful dear, lakin angerka waan ku dhashay. they closed the door and wont let us in
  7. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    SOS, of course, you are my fav qaabdaran-friend soomaha. JB is quite hospitable, i run checks on him, altho it appears he is connected with fearsome groups, hadana dadka wuu soo dhaweeyaa. hi CL. dhaxan ka waran this morning, i actually took the tube, overcrowding so i had to stand outside for 15 minutes and be late again :mad:
  8. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    JB, i am going to visit one day, eventho my abti passed away, his kids are in hargeysa, so is my aunt. they have been there for last 20 years and even have your lahjad now. hello ibti, good to see you gabareey
  9. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    JB you are avoing oodkac iisoo dhiib. you disappeared since norfy announced inuu soo socdo
  10. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    aaah faheema one of those days yeah! am grateful for my family alxamdulilah, it feels great to pick up the phone and there is a person or 30 on the other side. seeing old, lonely somali people upsets me, i wish there was something i could do. morning all
  11. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    sayid ma hadan mauratinian nagu tilmaantay. ogow london is very small place and certain people stick out like sore thump. i agree with cara, QURJUM waaye.
  12. look at her grinning. i expect caano-geel and that package JB is holding for me. bal soo dhaweeya k'naan and not alla maryam mursal style
  13. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    maantad cadaysay you are truely from tuulo, tuulo baaba kala roone waliba mid aan la maqlin. mooji which tree you fell of but DD and KK are quite ilbax, maybe you claim to qardho base malaha.
  14. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    CL i heard the last cake festival inaad diiday soobax, in fact rumour mallka waxa la isla dhaxmarayaa you are fitness fanatic. lily nothing really, might come to central london later
  15. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    hello che, the last true reer magaal to sos's credit, lama maqal qardho before him.
  16. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    you are more than enough if only you liked cakes. lily xanaaq baan meeshan la fadhiyay, was thinking fo coming to collect you from work today. i spoke to ibti, oday carab ah bey dhagaha uga qeylineysay
  17. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    no CL i just accepted, there is no way i can complete my current deadlines, marka maanta extension request uunbaan sameyn. i miss ibti, faheema and lily! where are they?
  18. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    no no you can wish it to maxy. dont be baqiilad and hello to you too kind of feels friday today
  19. reer waqooyi and reer bari, belo idinla faan badnaatay :rolleyes:
  20. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    no cara, no end in sight, burn the midnight oil. best work is one done in a rush or so i keep telling myself.
  21. Juxa

    Troll Corner

    you really deserve some nacnac for your birthday, tell me is it significant year, 21, 25? hello CH, likewise last week before holidays, cant wait being lazy and seeing family and friends
  22. Geeljire i personally object to the lack of procedure, witnesses, fair hearing etc. even under sharia law, the accused must be heard, who took the confessions and how? the people carrying out such severe sentence, ma qualified baa? how? how long did they sit in sharia court. no one object to sharia law, but how it is implemented! also the law must be applied to everyone equally. you cant punish those with the fewer guns or minority qabiils
  23. Juxa

    Miss Somalia

    Sayidoow, qardho qurux laguma sheegin, marka iska daa qaraarka iyo dacarta badan oo hana idanbaajin as i have nothing against your tuulo.
  24. maybe you should volunteer and teach them a thing or two about running legitimate business that adheres to the rules of broad casting
  25. Juxa

    Miss Somalia

    i dont understand what you have against bit of meat on the face on behalf of waji baruurs, i say kir iyo kac bal waa kaa red sea ha ifahmo ps: hot dirac with the last picture