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Everything posted by Juxa
i really need somali map! i thought ibti waa reer burcood, goormee che kayimid burco, mise qaloocan is the new burco and how is qardho related. mid duceysan baa isiiyay calamada somalia/land, maybe the same or sol member can give me the maps. che haye, is it for the looks or does she have to dust you off as well on daily basis
ibti i dont want a cake anymore, i was told inaan bararo inaad rabto, so no more cakes how is faheema today?
che, pretty lagaa raacay adiga? armaad mid faldaran kudhamataaa. CL dont mind him, their tuulo is abaar
oo anigu maa qaamuuskan soo liqey? CL tuulo is a village, che cant decide which obosiibo to lay claim on ibti, che told me you have a cake for me?
hello she says now, i already traced you to your fav subject jalbiib. i cont see beyond the high heels you wear.
che, as i said waxaynu nahay pure strange i guess and it will only get worse. one day when we return to our native tuulos dhibato baa imaan. how is your day anyway? and someone tell me ibti aaway?
ah will i see that day yaa che! brazilian aa sheegee ilaahoow maad amazonian aadaan. cirka gala cirka. che.....at the end they decided maybe talking to me in somali wont be so bad and blamed carabkii for not doing his job well
che lool, go ahead, we are tired of hilib googaynta. just got interpreter noo kala turjuma aniga iyo reer somali ah. waxay dhaheen luqadeena waa arabic, markas bey saxaan ninka in afsomali. confused beynu nahay walahi confused
hello CH, now why say you dont give to receive? hmmmm yaah hmmm CL ha iga hadalsiin please.
CL, i think solutionka waa in boycott lagu sameeyaa and those already in prison must be offered alternative rehabilitation and some encouragements. Ashkiro, it all depends how close you are, i dont need gifts from my best friend, if i like something i just take it.
so norf, if he brings cash to the house, he expects to be fed miyaa? and why because he is paying. muu jaariyad iska qabsado, honestly it is not wax aan iskugu sheekayno, this universal belief by the somali men must be changed :mad:
norf, why is it normal for a woman to cook? or even worse expected bal iisheeg where is it written inaan cuno karino? seriously it is silly to assume women should do this and that. in fact it takes the choice from a woman's hands, having to deal with this crap of IT IS EXPECTED mantra
i am good thanks, and tell your lady she is my hero. any man that asks in hilibka loo jarjaro should be stabbed. period where is ibti?
what you on about? and please stop this copy and paste, highly annoying. norf and zu, chickenka mala idiin wada jarjaraa? ileyn you protest too much eh
no norf, adiguna selective readingka iska daa she cut his chicken into pieces infront of his hoyo and shocked CL
it is lack of competition, i mean as long as the parental preference is nin-somali, somali women shall suffer. a relationship based on equality and mutual respect is unheard of. i guess when they say silac kunool sodon guursataa dhaanta, they were telling the truth
CL why, waa raaliyo today women are expected to serve him hand and feet, she is only starting tad earlier it is not uncommon to see men expecting you to cook, clean, iron his clothes, yet give nothing in return women everywhere are enslaved. your friend started to train her earlier,now tell me did she cut his meat in small bits or chunks?
legend that is mean, i mean do you need to tell runta? sayid, maasha allah to your daughter, waa deeqsiyad, is it because she is just half reer-qardhood?
waa nin beezaani ah! koleyba iyadaa istaqaan (she- who cant be named)
hello people and stop blaming me yaa buluug, i liked leeban. curly thanks, i wanted to buy few items now i will definetly go.
sayid i wont ask then who proposed to whom? makes no difference whether you pass the sentence or serve the sentence. either way marriage shoudl come with warning tag.
sayid, allow yaa ku ogaada, so shy ilaa the lady says war ma is guursanaa?
ibti, actually this lady gave me once a dirac set, another bake me a cake, another brought 50 sanbusa to work plus cabitan. but big cheque kuwa hela, go to syria next day, dont know why
how can you forget your bag malika, i carry all my secrets plus life policies in that bag. sayid lol, she just was appreciative person, balaayo waxay ka dhacday anything over couple of hundreds you must declare it