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Everything posted by Juxa
eh nothing, sstuffing my face with food and puddings
hello CH, meeshan waa casir, adiguna morning baad lasoo taagantahay how is maaniyaabolis today?
^^ they excel in the art of been-sheegid
my first memory is being 4 and loving to read the thursday xidigta kacaanka newspaper, well i liked the cartoons. ps: when asking for favours, be polite, riding camels age 2 is plausable
lol track her down? kuligiin stalkers noqoteen. but why the secrecy! midbaa hada kahor honeymoonkeedi diiday iney sheegto, everyone thought it was romantic but when she came back and still refused to reveal where she went. everyone concluded brighton iney aaday
you left town cause they wont fix your boiler? hihihi, enjoy gabarey and come back well tanned morning folks, it is freezing
CH, this particular person uuka hadlayay actually has 2 jobs, one 39 hours per week, the other 22 hours per week doing heavy manual job. the guy dhabarka kujabay, then this wasaq has the audocity to say, lets face it, beenbuu sheegayaa he is able to work, lakin he considers this his ticket.
curly you have rightly put him in his place, so unprofessional my run in was a white man, he said more or less, our sort fake things alot and see it as opportunity. how very dare he? i told him to get his fact straight
buuxo, i think there was SUPPORT under those school uniforms kaalaya somalia maxad moodeen? not to mention back in the days ladies did not need much support, their bodies were not corrupted with junk food and their bits maxaaqeyn dhulka however i believe it is fair to say, back in the days, ganbo and little garbasaar were suffient. thanks allah alot of people have changed since and dress more islamicly
yes, take one in sunny place i am fuming this asbax oo duf cad just told me, farax wuxuu helay ticket to never work again how patronising and demeaning. ma wuxuu imooday inaan dhiiglahayn i told him off, very loudly
buuxo the government did not force anyone to wear unislamic clothing. somalida always been confused to separate deenta from dhaqanka. trust ngonge to mention supportive stuff :eek:
legend, i saw a programme about dhulkiina how folks go walks in the beach before work and unwind swimming after 6pm. i kept thinking legend meeshas majoogaa mise? i mean maxa kugu qadiyay nimcadaas
max, i was very disappointed, your behaviour was very unbecoming of a gentleman. i am also very suprised you have not been approached by extremist or the MI5 and pursued in equal measure
the extremist have failed miserably if they cont target you maximus.
never heard that song iga tag istun was annual festival, like harvest festival in afgoye. there would be dances and folks will chase each other with ulo/sticks never seen it either ibti i can tell you it was never accepted by society as large, i remember being neighbour with famous niiko-dancer called mariza carbone or something, and people used to call her many names and i can tell you it was not flattering.
hello malika and geeljire malika you missed nothing but caruuryar oo falfalxumo badan.
hello oz...norf take oz out he is in town. lovely way of making an announcement. i miss dubai
ibti of course dadka qaarkood ilbax bey ahaayeen. but the ilbax were few and did not represent the majority. that is my opinion
sad indeed, lakin beirut maxaa dhigey?
lol, islaanka ilaah hakaa shaqaysteen ibti
morning ladiezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and gents there is a reason why i am not and should never become a mod any nacnacle, one way ticket baan ugoyn lahaa with a stop-over to siberia. cheez wuxu quuq badanaa.
i wont, got tons of homework to do, my aunt asked hooyo homework kama weynaatid miyaa? go figure
darn wixii ibti baray football JB maxa ku dhacay? i actually was thinking that he could school wiilasha hada soo baxay about aadabta iyo asluubta. hello everyone else
eh nothing really, at work and trying to concentrate. it is so peaceful so yaaba raba shaqo
lol@strike heedhe wuxu waa aduun gadoom