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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. hello val, it is the coffee and i had to share the joys of laxoox making. morning CL, no news is good news in my books
  2. somalida yaa ka kheylo badan, seriously you can hear from a block away.
  3. morningggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg folks. good to be alive soomaha, indeed mahad alle baa leh! Ngonge alot to be done in the morning, laxoox to be made, kasband to be woken, shirts ironed, lunch packed, indeed life is a bliss. JB iska daa racismka (copying green green and emailing to timo jilic colleagues )
  4. despite my severe allergic reaction, sayidoow i have been kind to reer qardho, adiguna waad ogtahay. besides i am off to koronto and i need coffee buddy in KK magaratay. marka she and i just have to be in good terms
  5. KK salaamulah, bal isdeji. i was thinking of you shalay, seeing qof usoo socota koronto, i kept thinking maybe KK may want green shoes and guntiino to match. hello cara, i too hate those who use YOU KNOW excessively, in fact i am un-teaching my nephew. each time he says i tell him off
  6. i too am disillusioned with my cousins. seeing the poor oldies malnurished baan ka xnaaqay. Ngonge hayes should be safe haven for you unless of course sayid want you to witness waxyaabo aanloo dulqadan karin.
  7. Ngonge cause that is exactly what it is. he says boowe/baayo only when he wants something. reer qardhoodkan can be shameless sometimes
  8. CH, believe it or not i love my maryooley people but some rub me wrong way. i dont like being lied to period. if caught just be honest then we sort something out. indho cadayska majecli. anyways not long to go, i am leaving for good. somalia baan usocdaa
  9. Juxa


    as if it would go to my pockets. remember i am just shaqaale paid monthly anyways best thing is psychological. it really depends on level of your waali
  10. Juxa


    inlagu soo daayo maaheen! one less farah on the streets. ninyow suing can become an addiction marka let it go
  11. just wanted to strangle a farax with oversized suit. i had the feeling inuu yahay reer sol :mad: he told me he wish to stay with his timo-jilic, i told him you cant, investigation fraudalant baa kugu socota. he asked his day in maxkamad, i told him unless you want to pay from you jeeb you cant. he walked away and accused me of not believing fellow cousin
  12. Juxa


    norf it is 35% unless i know your relatives sayid, dhaaf runta aad faafineyso, i dont do waxan waad ogtahaye :mad:
  13. what about reer north london? hello norf last night i was watching those couple lagu qafaashay somalia, i saw my forefather's land, beautiful beaches and all i could think was, you so and so, geelbeele, giving us bad name, let the old couple go and go to the high seas and kidnap the big ships
  14. faheema, i would have liked to see it, sadly i had classes all day. i hope it was success and look forward to the pictures. sayid, ngonge madeyn baad kuleedahay? knowing you seek him, hada buu dhuuman
  15. morning people. faheema how was saturday, hope everything went well
  16. lol@martyr lets sacrifice them for the sake of democracy markaa. 3da-ba hala is raaceen khlaas
  17. xiin, jir oo joog. sayid, why should one complain. dadka modka ah haqabtaan shaqadooda. we are subjected to daily dose of xayawaaniin runti. off with them
  18. sayid you are supposed to love all the kids alike. comeon be an educator. xiina ma xanaaq buula soo kacay. ps: cant see the video but well aware of Mr Issa good rep. sayidka, well done to you too,hard to belief but i know you are very helpful to kids in trouble too
  19. ninbaa yiri waa hore, waryaa muslin ahoo masaaarta ku oota! in this case faheema, yaa naga qabtaa dadkan baa ka dhacday
  20. waa jira jacaylka miyaa? CL you may taste the wabiyo but farax uunbaa kuu danbeeya aaw@the avator
  21. it seems CL has soft spot for the questionable farax, look at her defending.. hello CH, guts kulahaa, gabadha hawaalan, he dude must be canned
  22. masha allah. share the good news! i too have a good news, no i have a feeling of an impending good news.
  23. or better even yet, get rid of the poster where i come from there is a name or two to men who engage such women-topics shaneeye loogu wacaa
  24. after ngonge's explanations, please tell me CL, the man was mid aad u falfalxun and as such well deserving of dacas-slap.