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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. let him embarras himself, why correct the wayward oday. my world is same as to others, adiga uunbaa ah an alien yaa ngonge
  2. drink alot. CL jacayl baa lafaha kagalay those days she is not sure whether she is coming or going. flying on high
  3. you cant say bacda iska fur to women, you bloody afsomali challenged cilan(as ibti would say) seriously i heard several members of fadhi kudhirir heros going to somalia to negotiate, they are the burcad if you ask me, getting ticket and expense money from charities and maybe the families of the victims. i am with ibti in this, af aan ku support gareyno malahan, our motives are also questionnable, marka iga daaaaaa
  4. i never have breakfast. i am at war with my expanding waistline.
  5. they were abducted by reer hebel pirates. The culprits are known, their kin are known and even the place they are holding these hostages is known. ~WHAT DO YOU MEAN? it is easy to point your fat fingers on reer hebel, but i will let you know that the sea belong to all. in fact burcad badeedka ajnabi baa ubadan :mad: reer hebel laga yaabee inuun dufan afka loo mariyay
  6. hello people, i am very hungry today:(
  7. aah you dont get it, money is to be made by elders and community leaders going to offer their connections in somalia. plane ticket plus unlimited expenses paid for their trip to somalia. i do feel sorry for the poor couple tho
  8. ibti get me signed copy please, and write sumtin romantic in it:) if you feeling generous buy me two copies. mutters to herself (stop being friendly before you become burcawi by proxy)
  9. Juxa

    Somali Family

    ninbrown can i come to your show? i have alot to say and wisdom to part with. ps: is it in somali-tv, i need to get that
  10. ibti, i am tempted, lakin berito we have this qurbaan thing and i am on kitchen duty. you see my family decided i am best dish washer for miles. i want the book, i want it to be signed as well. by the way i still have your cheque. had i known i would have given to ninbrown and his somali day
  11. no waxan kabadan insomnia, i shall bring my pjamas tonight. seems my dhagodheer is needed
  12. waa kuu reynaa, nabadeyna:) counting geel might be better option. it must be really late for you. perhaps you suffering from same insomnia ibti has
  13. sheh, i know places discovered during my rebel years. i can just go whoooooooooooooosh.
  14. sheh, yep still working long hours till i have enough to disappear ( i kid you not). work is my salvation gabareey, when you coming back. hello shiino, koolkat, ngonge, curly and dej. big hug@CL. no one is taking me anywhere, i am taking myself, accompanied with shiny credit card. life is a bliss sayid, congrats, 10 whole years, you not dead yet, the lady is doing great job. i can send flowers courtesy of work
  15. sheh, i actually like dahab, i like the idea of owning but dont wear it.
  16. lool hadan ubax keeno wax xun baan sameeyay, someone was telling me that xalayto iga tag, i dont want ubax, but other blings would suffice.
  17. Juxa

    Fitness Freaks

    ibti, i would love to see you in a dress (fitted one). but poor the bride, having to lose 3 sizes, is she marrying farax? cause it really not worth all the headache usheeg. within 12 weeks she will gain 40kiilo usheeg munches happily her cake
  18. Juxa

    Somali Family

    are you one of the organising it ninbrown? how many people expected? sounds interesting!
  19. hello sheh, hello CL. warama ladies? sayid is in funny mood, must be the anticipation of ubax-day
  20. i know a nutcase called jowharaluula. jumca mubarak
  21. geela cawa dagaal baad ku jirtaa, hope you dream of hungry refugees in yemen:)
  22. qamar yusuf is great oromo singer, i like hellooo too yaa blessed good morning folks. indeed what is keeping ibti awake at night?
  23. waxba indhaha hakala gadin, we dont know what forced them to undertake such horrible shaqo.