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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. how do i put this delicately without shattering ngonge's sheeko-baraleey you are miracle to your mom cause you dont sign and able to feed your kids. and your kids will out grow their misplaced adoration as soon as they hit 10, you will change from miracalous to odaygi oolyada iyo fariinka isku dharay. haneefah is sweet, i can imagine her being miracalous. hello cara
  2. such a nice thought but highly doubtful. what do you think haneefah?
  3. to be truthful it was ally mcbeal, loved that show. she was wacky. in reality the long hours in the office, endless deadlines and last minute disasters i wish i went in other fields. but some days i do actually enjoy the work, waa very addictive and i like money so quite alot of it exchanges in my field so it is fun.
  4. oh law. not the brightest idea ever but hey
  5. studying? today nothing it is revision week and instead of going to the library i am watching house re-runs and cooking. you up very early
  6. is it too late to say good morning
  7. lool@ngonge and you were dismissed just like that anyone notice how ibti is so kind to adam. ileyn he is having a baby and needs all kindness, bless
  8. that is actually true. loving another person puts you in vulnerable position love the big love itself. now buy me jalaato and i shall let you be where is ibti!
  9. i am prepared for the birth of my triplets insha allah. i got funds set aside, whatever i dont like i shall fight it like darwish fighting ingiriis ruuxa karid
  10. yes nip and tuck, if you dont like it, sort it out once and for all technolojiga waxa loo soo dejiyay inlaga faaiideysto, if one feels conscious about few fat rolls. cut it all off
  11. CL you protest too much! whats wrong with feeling lovey dovey bal! yaah yaah i do love the sound of rain, makes me feel sleepy
  12. blessed some are blessed with good genes Archy, you are eating too much, cuno buuran meeshay gashana buuran, change your eating habits, eat less if all fails, get nip and tuck. it worked for me
  13. warheedhe xaradheere dhiga oo afkiina kabixiya, i should just let you know that different clans/laf/jilib reside in xaradheere and the city is used by some of the original pirates from eyl/boosaaso etc. not to mention the foreigners using the locals for cover. dhiga xaradheere dhiga. ps: i did not know about what happened in birmingham. is it for real? goes off to organize the famiglia
  14. before juxa came along you were singing to xidigaha!! and your sijui sisters were gurbaan-tuming for you why blame poor juxa for losing your senses bal. hello by the way
  15. with you or at home... i cant wait to read the book.
  16. i worry ibti would go grey before her time. all this discussion on burqa/hijab/jalabib is wearing thin. let it be
  17. back for good mise till next big thing comes along:)
  18. lol@maxkamadaha somaliland. Ngonge i bet adigaa gidaar ladhacaya your big madax, thinking what it means. that itself is punishment enough. now try this. kiilo musmaar ah laq
  19. morning sheh and norf. oz is healthy conscious i guess. feel tired! might dose off in my desk
  20. sounds yummy morning folks, bal ii warama?
  21. it is monday!!! what weekend woman:) it was fine happy birthday to princebessa from eedo juxa
  22. you woke up now? who is minding the babies koolkat, normally i dont go to tacsi but this one i got to go as the girl is very close relative and also a friend. she lost her mom today.
  23. CL, where do you feel it? fingers or toes. anyone see gordon brown's interview xalay. romantic buu ahaa start to finish ps: going to yet another tacsi, allahu akbar, waa la socdaa runtii waala socda
  24. hello cara and spot on CL has fallen, lets take a minute for our fallen comrade:) next it will be bells, then xalwo yippieee i read val saying everyday is a v-day....bless