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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. dhubad nin aan cabsan walo cabsadaa:) i just thought sol'er were confined in ahem tower hamlets, east and far west london.
  2. ghaneema how? mise sheekadu waa gaalka dhac
  3. they dont, qiyaanada mafiicna, they mix things and the whole things blows in your face. kaga darane they use same DOB or sometimes NI number, markas bala soo qufaa different address same person. it is highly embarassing working with somalis ( of course honest people wali weynagu danbeeyaan)
  4. lool@exploded.it is useful to be different size and shape than others soomaha. i agree it is tacky to be clone to your friend or sister. i prefer to wear my wacky things, not because i wish to stand out, i just dont feel as passionate about clothes as my sisters or friends. i wear whatever i see that moment. most of time out of pure laziness. ps: skirt season mabilowday in dubai horta, i think we will have lovely summer here
  5. scary the amount sol'er walking around london.
  6. lool@work for brown, i like his temper, markuu xanaaqo haraanti iyo dharbaaxo MPs are not the only ones milking expenses claims, ask ngonge he charged for posting sol
  7. siduu ahmed utagay village feynuusta kadansan. they do to die for timir-cake tho
  8. maadeey there are people with 2 buug still? there are some with 4 council houses. men working whilst wife claims benefits there are people with 2 or 3 names registered with 4 GPs. if islaanta goes to job centre, it will force husband inuu reerka biilo, it will force sons and daughters to provide for mommy. waa knock on effect. Britain needs if you dont work, you dont eat culture.
  9. lool@couples i used to like seeing groups of ladies celebrating their ayuuto. they were generous to one another
  10. hello Chubacka. i cant believe you would go that place, it makes me feel very uncomfortable even walking past, all those sticks on standby. i do love their chicken tho:) B is young, ngonge shont bully him, i hope he does not go anywhere near bridges
  11. you are too comfortable ngonge, you need to be challenged, maybe work with mental health charities:) anigu i worked shalay instead of going to library, it made no difference where is faheema? hello norf.
  12. haye are you not supposed to be busy with end of accounting year on your door steps etc?
  13. lool@blessed sharing is caring, aniguna inaan soo bililiqeysto your maxis baan usoo socday but i wont borrow, just take it and appreciate your fine taste CH i hate people who comment on what others wearing making suggestions that it would looked better with this and that. bit--chesssssss. for me i learned to share, you cant have family full of girls and not share
  14. morning all it is beautiful morning, sun shining lakin qabow, and this is not my imagination:)
  15. bisinka............cant watch the link calaashaan quful dhab.
  16. ^^allah bal ceebtaan firiya, lakin waa runtaa somalida dumarkooda jar bey iska tuuraan.
  17. hello ^^^ lol@empty baaldi, ngonge qaabdaro iga dheh
  18. lol@malika afkaada caano lagu qabey Ngonge waa typical sweet somali oday, seriously people fell for his ul-la-dhac far too easily
  19. lol@malika and ngonge call me nuura, meelkasta wey ila ifeysaa:) B....Ngonge would be too sweet for that programme. i like the grumpy old women, they are fun
  20. i guess ibti is still inspecting the stuff, be firm. morning all, what a beautiful sunny morning
  21. oh val, it is pretty but even handwashed the color goes funny and it shrinks ASOS danbe waxka gadanmayoo
  22. laba mid isma raacan che volunteering che reading to youngsters. maya maya ma community service baa? all those unpaid parking tickets eedo
  23. aalia, dear hadaan lakala roonan roob ma da'o somaliyeey samirka hala badiyo, samirka
  24. wuuna kala sari cause i dont see how tixraac is transcript. next you will be saying fiiro-gaar ah is bibliography
  25. i hate arsenal, buuq iyo kheylo not to mention no parking when they play home. hala jajabiyo dhaaf