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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. one taako at the time. good luck
  2. dhubad give the guy something waaxay bakhiilnimada?
  3. allaha unaxariisto marxuumka, ehelkiisana samir iyo iimaan insha allah
  4. LOL@kk saakey waad soo dheelmatay ma canjeeladi baad kasoo tuurtay?
  5. morning all, what a beautiful rain filled day this is a day to stay in and watch friends re-run
  6. haye matimid adiguna? turkey managed to bring gaza back to the news no?
  7. Juxa

    Sipho And Vusi.

    Bob, i cant share platform with KK, waad ogtahay inkhalaab iyo faro maroogsiga iney ka hesho but yes bal mid uun keen insha allah, it is time xalwo la cune eh and i hope inlagu saaray quraan this long weekend, over your ahem fudeyd
  8. at least they have guts to speak out unlike the khamees-weyn
  9. the somali men i know love their kids to bit and their wives have decent jobs. vaay cant we have it all yaah? ladies money bring problems, bal bisinka aan qabsanoo £60kaas aan isku celcelino ps: waxan maqlay the coalision government would introduce vouchers like mareykanka ay sameeyaan tesco vouchers for all
  10. Juxa

    Sipho And Vusi.

    is this caro gaalo corrupting you? goes off to find nearest bakoorad
  11. bad decisions are taken when meeshu eysan laheyn nidaam lagu socdo and programme isku habeysan danbigooda allaha dhaafo is all i can say
  12. hahahahah, bal tartiib my ayeeyo used to say bir iney kulushahay baa la gooyaa, deal with rubish people there and then and put them on their WAMBAR/ganbar (seat) CH, lady working with kids means you are kind person, i get it lakin you cant let people take advantage of your good nature speaking of which, aniga lectureka idiin bixinaya baa ciil ihayaa, i am absolutely stressed at work and keep making 102 excuse for dadka qaarkood not anymore, not anymore
  13. lol@guru i physically get ill if i have to hold in xanaaqa igu jira, marka for caafimaadka kujira inaad hadasho and get it out of your system another thing i learned thro my many many years in aduunkan is, if someone takes the p!ss once, they are likely to do it over and over again iska celi
  14. lol@sheh, afkaas bes waaye bootada, fuley baan ahay runtii but when pushed, 2 blocks waad iga maqleysaa did you recover from your holiday? saw the pictures and hated you from distance
  15. oh how i loooof those people, you see unlike adinka dhan i enjoy confrontations, tell her the truth. greedy, weird cow iney tahay and she should not volunteer unless she can keep her word.
  16. ahahahahah that is lovely pictures ngonge why would they hide when the sun comes out, heaven knows uma baahna tanning oo waa wada mugdi reer sol eh
  17. BOB waaxay qarxiska and no i am under-achiever always stumbling and struggling along lakin unlike che, i dont feel masayr, i just grap what i want, pirate style
  18. hello CH:) ibti aniga, dont i make you laugh all the time?
  19. tomorrow, work, then shop, then go to ibti and unpack waa full day walleee, gotta bother lily out of her holiday and kidnap her along
  20. gooodies, i like goodies, that is why i brought my apron, to help you unpack see i dont want busta iney iga halayso dharka do i?
  21. glad you came out of hiding, bal ii waran? hope the madax xanuun has subsided i brought my apron with me, just in case
  22. Juxa

    Khamri, etc..

    anigoon arkin baad tirtirteen all i can say bal anigana iishuba
  23. where are the usual suspects?
  24. at this age and maseyr? bisinka