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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. anigaa kuu duceyn, halkee laga hayaa, jiradu ma mid maskixiyan mise mid caqliyan mise mid oogada ku faaftaa? maaddeey maa balance keep gareynaa, meeshas buu karbash la fadhiyaaye? 10 pages, ragu got great xayaysiin now everyone will be commissioning a programme
  2. ^^ i always thought inaad aheyd twin. soon or later bobbyyoow you shall become owned, iska iloow singlenimo see waxad kukaliftay haatu, public denial!!! he even excluded the possibility of ever ever having more than 1 (the diracad who had quite word with him)
  3. i know everything about buying airtime, the process itself is quite ok i thought but sometimes somalida get embarrased negotiating the price it is all about who you know, cawaale weydii, maybe dropping his name here and there gets you 5% discount and now that i know maaddeey is connected person i expect further 10% discount insha allah
  4. old man wax fahan adigu, you dont GIVE iyadoo the act itself ay tahay is-tus-tus
  5. maaddeey picking one sheikh over the other and asking adiga ii duce miyan aheyn danbi ninyow is it not better sadaqada quitely inloo bixiyo, in fact and forgive me for my ignorance but sow lama amaanin iney gacanta bidix ogaanin sadaqada ey bixiso gacanta midig and finally best duca is the one received from dadka ubaahan, a simple kheyr allaha siiyo will suffice, no need to get daawadayaasha tv-ga witness duco given on behalf of the receipients
  6. get JB's harad ready then, you see he does not like to loose jewels of SL on quraandhooyinka:) haatu faraha haka guban. somalidu waxay tiraahdaa timirtii horeba dab loo waa
  7. it is the element of lacag that is ruining the vision. i mean they must decide meesha ma maqaaxi baa mise proper tv-channel with long term goals and visions. quality is the most important thing, i think they are missing out the fact this could be viable channel in the long term. for example instead of buying the box one off, they could get monthly subscribtion fee, get the programmes more diverse and appealing to wider audience etc nimanka have monopoly lakinse yaa ka faaiideysan. the place needs the hands of women to sort it out with bit of caqli
  8. BOB, single adigaa ka harey unless aad ismeelaysay last few years raga aad soo tirisay armey labaleey ama sadexleey yihiin, bal dont upset the sister inlaws some of which are sol members, aaheey cawaale haye suusaan maad soo wada mise shahreen
  9. cawaale shaqadiisu waa wariye so he got to be flexible soomaha? anyways meesha vulnerable people baa laga qaadaa lacag badan, it is kind of unethical
  10. lol@tariinka i dont watch it, i keep telling myself to get it but berito berito leen wadaa i think some of the islaamo should get help iyadoon laga qaadan dahabkooda
  11. tiibo talyaani iga dheh. no no i did not say such a thing marely commenting on the sunny weather.
  12. dont buy land in mogadishu, people are losing their own plots lagu yaqaaney.
  13. cawaale thank you yaaqey for the ilbax-warning hada u-tv wax haka sheegin dadban miyad ileedahay mise wadaadadan hala commit gareeyo baad leedahay?
  14. haatu, being reer gaarisa you are forgiven even hadad tirahdo nabadeey JB, information waa power, i am glad you are such trust worthy person when it comes to that qaab darada kale ilaah baad uqabtaa
  15. maaddeey is mild-seeeflabood, he should camp in front of u-tv studio (waa romford road just incase uu tilmaan ubahanyahay) or even better ngonge could go along and preach WAX FAHAN
  16. everyday baa kuu ah holiday ninyow ee maad shaqaysatid. anyways waxan maqley you compile files on people maxaa ka jira warkaa? and are you willing to exchange information
  17. U-tv needs content check and programme controlling the programme where ladies ask sheekha ii ducee is danbi, ma ilaah buu kaa xigaa sheekha. where are the seeflaboodyaal when needed
  18. true asalaamu calaykum wax dhaama la waa. how are you this sunny khamiis day? hope you are not stuck in dukaanka
  19. it is not haye (YES) which can be interpreted as rude and unwelcoming maaddeey i asked bil kahor and still got no satisfactory answer somali baad isku sheegaysaan it is done now and printed and aduun dhan baan isku soo qasey
  20. shaqo is shaqo whether ilko aad tirtirto or ahem meel aan laguu dirsan fiirisid. nothing ceeb about that. whats ceeb is being grown broke man morning folks, what beautiful sunny day PS: HOW DO YOU SAY HELLO in somali ( a single word please and not a whole sentence)
  21. it was from ebay, cheap waaxid
  22. haatu cadow la korsanayad tahay grrrrrrrrr salaam aleykum maaddeey my daris?
  23. of course, who else would enjoy mid-term bal seriously it is not cold at all, but in my case it could be the fat-rolls warming me up
  24. cold no? rainy yes chubacka have some lunch you will feel better
  25. dont sign until aad iska aqriso everything, and i mean iska aqri everything hadhowti kan bey aheyd iyo kaa bey aheyd lagama yeelayo