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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. anagoon booyfareend iyo baalayo diin laga sheego aan lugaha gashan aanba joognaa galabgalab. waaloo cabsadaa and i dont mean aduunkan.
  2. thanks sheh, and today you have done a good deed, bless you. i just emailed them, maybe i am pushing my luck but someone who can come to my house would be ideal. hello all late comers why che saacadan usoo jeedaa, but then again irsaaqada mina subax baa la qeybshaa
  3. sheh are you still on your secret mission? i am tired of waiting to hear wear and more importantly waxad qaseyso. hello zu indhoyare. malika sounds good, i may take a look but i prefer private tuition which will compell me to do my home work
  4. where are they based? i want to take lessons asap insha allah, specially during the summer months when school is out
  5. lool@malika, heerkaas maan gaarin maan gaarin. complaint kute, ma somali baa taqaan complaint and customer service
  6. malika hi, sometimes, your blood relative waxa ka naxdin badan those you have close links with. as seeker said, it is wake up call, hebel baa dhintay hebel baa dhintay adigaa ku xigta. inti dhimatay allaha unaxariisto, i just feel very very blessed to be next to my loved ones at the time of their passing. nothing hurts more being away and told by phone subxanallah. war heedhaha waalidka ka duceysta oo ka warqaba
  7. being a mistress ma news bey noqotay. hanuunka alle baa leh, maybe we should stop talking about her altogether
  8. i wish her speedy recovery
  9. i am not keeping track, but one cant ignore, inta lagaa maqanyahay qofkale baa lagu maqan yahay got a very very sad news yesterday oo aan aad uga naxay makes you revaluate your whole life
  10. morning all and jumca kareem. ever had the feeling everyone around you is dropping dead
  11. yes CH, you have made difference, let them join the big bad world.
  12. NNC forgive me maanta ookiyaalki baan ka soo tagay, i stand corrected how could i call a queen like you a he (such weak gender)
  13. are you saying tolkiisa have no tikniko? warka cadee yaa reer kismaayood
  14. if you mean heblaayo, i keep giving her salaan qalalan and let me be good walaal and tell you qof rabta malahan salaan qalalan marka ha i daalin
  15. sorry NNC, meeshan dad wada shita bahasha baa ka buuxo. your topic was informative waryaarahee iska dhaafa qiiqan badan
  16. i dont understand your luqad, meel cidla ah baad kusoo dhacday so wotcha on about ? i will never support arsenal and i hate chelsea marka dufka bax i am into rugby (game of the mighty)
  17. aniga halow masheegin, i mentioned little changes that threaten the essence of sheikh bob
  18. fufu sidad muruq dhis ubilowdayba hadalka wuu ku agmaraa i said you cont corrupt BOB, hadad corrupt gareynayso marhore baad sameyn laheyd (IE BOB wuxu ku halaabay dhulkan agteyda ah after leaving your good influence) now bax naga tag Alpha, afkeena waa isku amaano, i dont want to be bad habaryar you know
  19. for whats worth, maaddeey wuu ogyahay alle inaan lakala xigin. anaguna waan ognahay muslimiinta iney isku duceyan oo aqbal ay tahay. i just wish maaddeey would admit to ineysan everything in that place eysan aheyn ABOVE-BOARD
  20. BOB, hortaa baa single iyo freedom la give up gareeyay marka adiga and those that value freedom baa ugu daran. maqbiyo bey noqdaan. about the world cup, i would be otherwise compensated, nothing beats well drummed DEAL even banooniga cant be deal-breaker magaratay. i have not decided who to support tho!!! if african nations play well i may even have barbeque on their honor insha allah
  21. haatu you sound defensive, maaddeey iska celi nooh, as seeflabood numero uno feer kaliga buu yaqaan. maaddeey, waxaga waa run iyo ilkaba wala cadeeyaa, specially if runta i tahay yours alone. dhaaf wiilasha yaryar. as for xaqa, ilaah baa og wixi xaq ah ama baadil ah maaha?
  22. BOB, if fufu could corrupt you maraad meel udhaw joogtay buu kula kici lahaa as for Alpha & tango iga daa wax ma dhihi karee
  23. Ayoub, donate your mattress than and kuseexo darin/falko maaddeey maybe you shont dispense with the madness card so easily. after all somali ahaan wax badan baa naga qaldan ps: meel raac waan kugu wareernaye
  24. iishid sigaarka but dont beg for a puff