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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. far from being a goddess dear, just make simple things, take out hilibka in the morning before going to work. make simple soups, salads (hot or cold) and one yummy dinner. also make fruit coctails ama mushakal for afdaarta as it is hard to eat before taraweeh prayers. this will tie you over. invite is open one, just say yahooooy when you ready insha allah
  2. CL, yesterday i got home at 5 and started cooking, it was quick actually all depend on how well you prepare before hand. and CL please please come and join us for afdaarta, you are more than welcome. i like ramadan where people eat, laugh, go for tarweeh and make it joyous occassion (like in hooyo's house) lucky malika indeed
  3. empty as in cunadii baa laga cunay and they need washing or empty because you never cooked maan fahmin, slow day today
  4. i miss family oriantated ramadan, what is the point of cooking for hours if there is no one to eat :mad: Thierry insha allah, i did not know inaad daris nala soo noqotay
  5. It is quite and peaceful at home, so nothing to complain, no coffee withdrawal yet. all in all waa qeyr batay but i really should not have stuffed my face at ibti's xalay
  6. Morning all, hope you all coping ok calooshi fakatay may return to its original position marka suunka hala xero
  7. thanks i know despite waxyaabo badan you are actually useful sometimes. ps: there is an organisation of alumni law teachers, lecturers that do summer courses in developing countries ( ie they visit universities during the summer and give lectures for a week or two)
  8. lesson one dont get into a fight without braiding your hair
  9. @article is it wrong for over 50s to have babies?
  10. ^^ ok qaablaawe, forward their details and stop looking at their dacas
  11. waa runtaa, xanaq baa iga keenay so it is deleted now.
  12. joke bey kaa tahay but i might (not that they need it or anything) i just dont like them to be objectified like this! quruxdooda is not relevant to the job. why loo daawanaa, they are doing a job full stop.
  13. girls are you contagious? i cant fight off another cold again?
  14. why ee u hormareen bal? i am glad for the rain, means it will be cold day berito and less gaajo
  15. JB have a respect dear, it takes years of hard work and REAL study to get there congrats to the ladies, you done us proud maasha allah. I always wondered if there was a network, where maybe books and other useful info could be send to them. there are organisations that do that in the UK
  16. Juxa


    i will of course that is my local soomaha, balse starting and finishingka anigu xaramkan ku xeranahay
  17. Juxa


    anigu xaramkan la soomi lana ciidi
  18. meesha kahoyo 10pm hasoo indho cadaanine
  19. nice for you, still at work but not working :mad:
  20. Juxa


    Ramadaan kareem all, allaha idinka wada aqbalo dhamaantiin sadaqadana hala badiyo. we must not forget those back home yaaaaaaaaaaaah (dig it deep, dig it yaah)
  21. Call her STRIKE ama Suuban both are beautiful names. as i always say ninkii gabar dhalaa waa GOB. May allah make her journey to this world sahlan wa saqiran insha allah
  22. biyo kaa badan wey ku qaadaan hade, you cant blame me it was BOB but yeah ramadan kariim
  23. CL when you come out of your self imposed exile. deleted kadaa dadka aad ku bursaneyso 406ka!! halkeed u xiimeysaa
  24. that i can do, waxaan awoodo email uunbaa kajirta, in fact this morning waxan direy couple of happy emails to my nearest and dearest, as i said tadi i was saving it and planning to call