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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. yaa kugu dhahay i dont have book war ninyoow ha caytamin bil ixsanak i am a published artist/writer
  2. stop giving him credit for wuxuusan laheyn ninkan
  3. ^^ iga aamus, you never buunbuunis my book is it because waxan ahay rer konfur :mad:
  4. Juxa


    ^^ qaabdaro walaalkiis, the world is big enough to accomodate all, big, small, fat and thin besides i bet you that gabdhaha kuuskuusan have better features and considered to be beauty than kuwa lafahooda soo taagtaagan yihiin. i say say no to the gym and embrace your baruur
  5. Juxa


    i dont know lakin off late anigu waxaan dareemayay un-welcome, xabadii sanbuus ood kor uqaadaba waxad moodaa in telescope lagugu fiirinayo. anyways i hope you get your wings soon!! nothing says freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee as having your own set
  6. Juxa


    ^^ welcome and i hope you are slim young lady. meeshan healthy looking,triple chin ladies lagama jecla baa la igu yiri so there is conspiracy ladhaho GYMKA AAD and next time fly, i hate taking buses and trains are only fun when you are with a group
  7. ^^^ BOB see camel afaaro internal ah aaba gashee? iska dhaaf i knew your kismaayood self was not able to put hands up and say sorry? my only regret is inlagugu daartay infection sol kajira oola dhaho tuulo-faafis
  8. what i really want to know is did ibti had any help writing this? yasalaam indeed! i think you should youtube it
  9. waa in laguu dhisaa big bath room salaam aleykum all, bal warama? i feel screaming but then i have no energy. 2 more hours and home
  10. BOB way maqantahee iska dhaaf xitaa ma garatid haye? first anigu waxan ahay leader never follower so waad ii gaftay, i await your unreserved, reer kismaayood apology. i dont begrudge you for doing the kismaayo-gig i mean qof walba tuuladii baa la yiri meeshan lakin lakin baa ku jirta meeshan, lately 3 gees baad lasoo baxday, i may be tempted in ganbarkaada lagu fariisiyo oo coalisionka la iskugu wada waco. now carry on with your sanbuus. apart from few meeshan awalba wax 20-34-20 ah meysan joogine
  11. Originally posted by NinaNC: People, C&H means well and collecting good deeds for her efforts. Keep it up walaal! I think CH made us all think about our unhealthy habits. i for one never seen inside a gym since high school marka to avoid the need waa inaan health conscious noqdaa i shall limit my weekly cake intake. shukran yaa CL and Nina ( inkastoo nina dagaal ayna siisay)
  12. hahahahah^^ install fear of shaqo.
  13. why? are you saying balcad malaha qeyb caro cad oo soo xigta xamar iyo qeyb dhoobeey ah (correct word is dhoobey) after the bridge waraa aniga i have maskax naastaro ah, i remember 3 year old markaan ahaa meeshan nacnac ku duugey
  14. why juxa iyo balcad la iskugu xeraa? but since we are talking of balcad why was it not mentioned that the village inuu wabiga labo ka dhigo, that you have caro-cad and caro gaduud parts? how about warshaqada dharka, the small villas in middle of the farms? beautiful yaa ibti i have been to balcad few times and can remember it very well ibti indeed you are INTERNATIONAL
  15. ^ stick with me another year and BOB and his waamo lahjad suuqa baad gelin
  16. serenity that is nice of him, as ibti said he would have easier day if he had sahur maanta ramadanku wuu ihayaa, 11am and i cant keep my eyes open
  17. KK is my kind of people BOB goormee bilowday this reer xamar this and that sheeko? huh apparently skinny people get upset when people comment on their weight. anigu maaban ogeyn they had issues, yacni qof ka xanaaqaya you lost too much weight and you should eat more waligeyba maan arag
  18. in his defence JB was very close. are we to assume LST has caught the french bug? next time maybe a pretty post-card village on the riviera?
  19. i stand to be corrected lakin ma aan caayin HARIISO, the name waan ka naxay kaliya, that was first time i heard and tasted it it was like ma aqan wax aan ku tilmaamo yaqey ps: faheema is definetly from kismaayo!
  20. ibti yahoo is used when something shocks you! when one says YAAHOO the response is YAAKAAFII:)
  21. hahahaahahaha ^^cali iyo cabdi baruur yaan la idiin bixin BOB i cant remember last time i ate xalwo, the other day faheema gave me something that is called haruuris/haruurin(sp?) i miss xalwo, la iima keenin moogiye waan cuni lahaa inkastoo waayahan arkay iney arintu fiicneen hadana majecli inaan dhibo naftayda eat what i like at that moment
  22. you should not have more than one abdirahman at any given time!!!! no wonder you need holidays ileyn phone liskaada baa buux dhaafay! ibti i dont see the point of sending random messages really please dont forward me anything (waxba ha isdhibin)