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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. boom. if i run i could be at home by 5.33 lakin i fear roobka may slow me
  2. horta haircut mala ogol yahay during day time?
  3. i know where it is, wanna check it out? lakin i cant promise in birdie hairstyle aadan arkeyn!
  4. Juxa


    oz i had bit of good xalwa xalay. seriously ok baan ahay maanta but thanks
  5. buuxo, i could be wrong, but anigu caruurta kuwaa baan ugu heesaa ngonge iska dhaaf qaraarka badan, it may give you premature wrinkles
  6. Sayid the child was crying cause the mother was away. i dont know how it goes reer qardhood style balse lets hear it. sheh probleemka allaha kaa dulqaado, may you be chilled always unless severely provoked
  7. buuxo i just dhameystirid the one you started. Ngonge thinks it is 2 version ileyn waa reer gobol eh!
  8. sayid read again what you wrote! waad isku dhax yaacday. the point is the alleged falfalxumo :mad:
  9. hurdo hurdo kaalay indho nuune shab ku dheh shab ku dheh shalalax kudheh hurdadii ku heysa ana waa iheysa huuwaaye huuwaa hooyadaa majoogo kor iyo koonfur aaday kabaheedi qaadatay hurdo hurdo kaalay!
  10. xaradheere waxa lagu daraa pirates, bazukas and baroon. why are you calling wiilka dhaandhaan? i have never seen seedi kaa falfalxun
  11. Juxa


    ZAck am not reer kanada hee! where is quruxloow based? best we have is xalwo xaaji yusuf. they get it right sometimes and the xalwo tastes great
  12. lol@ilko boqol wsalaam sayid bal waran? hello oz! adiga iyo ibti taloow yaa reerka uhari doona? my ££ is on ibti of course correction! sayid the correct phrase is salaamu aleykum maxaa lagu daraa? then you say wsalaam and it is end of story
  13. Juxa


    anybody mentioned xalwo bal ana waa ikan i miss having casiriya and the customery mango shake to go with it bal aruba ma furantahay taloow?
  14. friday is work day, how am i supposed to cook a feast bal? lily is reading silently and busy with work
  15. NON good question, ibti waa qabyo as usual
  16. CL i thought inaad tahay dad-yaqaan. ma anigan sunny sheikh gaduud ah baa grumpy igu sheegtay?
  17. Ngonge hadaan been sheegay wakaa ee iqabo, otherwise wakaa bada soo rinjiyee
  18. i think i have allergy to people, some people make my skin crawl :mad: ramadan waaye and all but i just cant deal with the sheer selfishness coupled with stupidhness and topped by arrogance. I QUIT whats happening on friday?
  19. thanks CL are you saying my sunny side waa too much!!! what you mean ibti you slept on the tube?
  20. oo somali men ma competition bay yaqaanan? i always thought they are missing xididkaas. all the same cali-yare waa caaqil well until he reaches age 15 than waa khalaas
  21. hahahahaha ibti being happy and jolly. oo maxad ku aragtay tubeka to bring about this endless joy
  22. yes yards from their head-quarters. JB we shall talk of business
  23. wsalaam ibti cadeey JB marabo wala dhamaysan karaaye adigu fiilooyin ma isku xeri kartaa
  24. fiiri iska dhaaf warkaase visa to addis madhamaynkartaa from hargeysa?