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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Ibti bring your work and soo bax. I might even help out. You know I type with 10 fingers, calaacal and dhudhun. I read faster than cali beysteen on falaar I am home sick and want to go home wherever it may be
  2. Hahahaha reer waqooyi tilmaamaya prices in xamar? Yarka you failed to utalise your contacts in SOL? Some of them waxan maqlay own nice enough places. Why don't you stay in a nice hotel apartment? It is safe, clean and you get to pick the location. I won't stay beach property as it may not be the best place safety wise As for S-land go... You will enjoy it. Of course anigu I love the dagaal and muran lakin the buufis wuxuu ku kooban yahay here
  3. CL ka fiiriya weji book, she does not miss SOL, wey duushay gabadhu:) waves@raula. che and the rest of reer america quraanyo
  4. Someone tried to use my credit card in texas....can this day get worse? subxanallah Val, welcome to dabeyl, duufaan iyo qabow, bring enough jacayl/ubax to keep you warm:) and hope we see you for a cake session Ngonge, allaha kaa cafiyo, kuma qarxinaayi but NORF iyo afsomali hahahahaha ha iga qoslisiin
  5. Midna hurdo haka dharagto midna flowers ha sniff gareyso aaheey aaheey:) hi malika and val! is it me or is ngonge learning proper somali rapidly? taloow yaa dhagta wax ugu sheegay ayaamahan? apo feel better soon
  6. No you are not!!! First station was closed due to overcrowding, then a lady sat next to me and brushed her hair, hair breaking, boodh baa ka kacayay, i asked her politely if she minded, she gave me dirty look and i gave one back, orodoo iska dhaq timaha ufff got in the office and no caano for my qaxwe, how am i expected to get through the day??????????????????
  7. Qoraxdoo aroortii Qaybisay falaadhahaa Ama qaanso roobaad Daruur midab ku qarisaay Qiimaheedii leedee Qof meyda lama amaanoo Qalad looma heesee Qurayshtii haweenkaay Naftaad qancisaybaa Kuu qushuucdayoo Wanaag kuu qiraysee Qabrigaa hortii qaradee Bariin aad u qaboobiyo Qaadirkay ha ku geeyo eesh calaa hees yaa Ngonge, wonderful stuff wyre haye, feeling better?
  8. Salaam alaykum all saakay my cago refused to board the train and now it is so sunny my eyes hurt........taloow guriga ma iska aadaa
  9. Malika wiilka needs some raxmad iyo qof degan oo hadalka ka dhura! Wyre aduunkan waa imtixaan sometimes certain things don't pan out as you expected. Kheyr makugu jiro oo bigger qasaaro things baa lagaa celin. Marka hala sabro.
  10. Qasaara means misfortune. Norf baro carabiga soon. Wyre what happen hadana? Salaams dhamaantiin. Time to wake up
  11. *Blessed;932095 wrote: Black men and their fascination with cadaan women, even long gone exes ayaa lagu faanya. *smh* Well next to them they would slightly shine, unless uu ahaa madow dartii mid blue u eg! Che you are right about the misplaced sense of inaga uunbaa fiican! Go with who ever you want to and be happy baan dhihi lahaa Unfortunately somalida tend to either go with oday/ islaan ka weyn or they end up ajnabi qashin ah Warheedhe trade up. If you want to sell your soul, highest bidder Ps: reer holland rock! Aaway kii nacaynayay? Of course carafaat is young and hopefully will see sense
  12. I never thought sacking a person is enjoyable, even the lowly paid maid! Ninyow do your own laundry and do the kaawiyad too. It is not as if gacmo la dahay
  13. Salaams and jumce wanaagsan! I am indeed having lazy day JB it has been so long since my bus-habsaamid days... Waan ka dalacay ee dib hanoo celin Waves@Malika cadeey.... Feels good to do nothing
  14. Indeed way duushay, I thought I will pop in and bring xalwo made by edo juxa, yaa kale hee Love the Alpha-v- Oba exchange and of course want to wish Haatu best of luck balse don't apply City Ugu danbeyn Wyre nothing wrong with being single, the ability to be free and explore... Yaaba iska heli kara
  15. Salaams Hi Che! I think April is horrible month for shaqaalaha. Too many changes, too many rules. I think only accountants are happy. I am at yet another lunch meeting and the only person excited is the accountant
  16. Oh that is sweet I would love to be in charge of xabsiyada! Wadankoo dhan would have great roads! I would even build purpose roads for the geel
  17. 2 years should be celebrated, spending with JB and his likes I am at management course and listening oday u eg ngonge talk about profits, balance sheet and audited accounts. I keep thinking waa mar aad aduunkii soo gubtay
  18. Morning Norf Ngonge wuu qaracmayaa saakay!
  19. Ar wuuw Bal warama? JB miyaa Xamar diiday? Allow alle
  20. Salaam alaykum and jumce wanaagsan qabowga brings worst out of people...saakay kheylo baa la igula soo dheelmaday congrats VAL, very happy for you maasha allah Ngonge, do you think May-bonus iney jiri doonto sanadkaan? all those lacag xisaabiyayaal are s!crewing us
  21. why would Norf tell anyone magacaada? barasho wanaagsan hade
  22. Warheedhe if the ''useless'' men and women, provided they are capable to work lagu qasbo shaqo, then families will be happier as shaqada restores sharafta. no more this sense of entitlement, you dont want to work, you dont eat....khalaas
  23. warbalama reer cali waxmatare? qado baa soo dhaw, kiilo baasto ah with my magac on it is waiting for me