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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. is not it too early for you to be awake saacadan?
  2. ^^ allaha ku caafiyo, take the day off and rest salaam aleykum all, what a windy day!
  3. Every fibre of my being is tempted to agree with Aaliyah, balse from experience mid aan ku sheego the simpler the marriage is (hadii xujadu eysan badneen) the more barakkah and blessed that marriage will be! (proven fact) having said that i am inclined to agree with everyone, a man should marry when he can provide at least the basics for his family and wont need to depend on the state. everything else can be negotiated
  4. I think there is no need for HATE, we have enough back home and shont import it to SOL as well People sometimes fail to understand that it is ok to have differences, it is ok to disagree but it is important to operate within the bounderies of common sense and decency. Touchy subjects such as politics and Qabiil should be at best be discussed with great tact and sensitivities.
  5. i am up anyway, irsaaqada subixi hore baa la qeybiyaa, something ayeeyo told me! Unless you ill, worked night-shift or have been up with the kids, you shont be in bed anyway. bal maxaa cusub email me when you get a chance, i am excited thro you being back home etc
  6. There is UK version of everything yaa Zack but not with the Trump, we got Lord Alan Sugar ( a silly man with no manners)
  7. Sayid howl la aan baa ka badatay? yaa ku dhahay somali baa is neceb, look at ibti and I , sownagan indhaheena iska jecel? ps: you killed beautiful song pss: i will pay £1000 for ibti inlagu garaaco babis
  8. Yes ibti, i am working, i like saturdays, it is quite and i can clear quite alot of backlog.. I see you are making alot of friends already. I hope you are having bit of fun and not just work, work work
  9. Ibti abaayo energyga wax iga sii Adam, you are most wholesome person whose posts i read, feeling down cause you connect or Sympathise with the suffering of others is humane....ha u bixin
  10. price is 250k investment, winner will become business partner with Lord-Sonkor. I dont like the new price or the task, quite boring, so far the only catchy thing is the silver and sometimes purple lippy of Edna
  11. salaam aleykum, having peaceful day at the office, beautiful day sunny and hot, alhamdulilah ibti and bashiir why usoo kalahdeen?
  12. JB i was looking for you maanta oo dhan, markaan xal kale helay baad soo istaagtay. ARch...good luck with the exam
  13. Aaliyah you have to do what is right for you always, balse in general nothing worth having is ever easy! taa ma been baa? as to the issue of marriage and studying, it is definetly doable, i dont see it different than marriage and working. in fact many people i know are married, study and work and on top of that try to have a social life, time for family and friends. trust me they are made of same stuff adiga lagaa sameeyay, oo ma aha super-humans or dad waalan,,,,you just get on with it. but if that is not what a person wants, then by all means finish your study, get a job( find a guy, quit the job) and get married all in that order ps: Sayid is made of DHAGAX
  14. WHAT DID IBTI SAY?:mad::mad: Blessed aniga iyo ibti dhiigeena kala ilaali. balse usheeg, the busier you are with other things the happier marriage you shall have. aduunyo waxay xumaaneysaa markaad har iyo habeen iska soo horjeedaan! so one should be married, studying, painting bad-weynta india at the same time Che...fadhiga ka kac meesha hasoo indho buurnaane
  15. the obvious choice would be to build a home to villagekii awoowga but for me, not sure at all! maybe dadka cirka iney uguuraan raba baan ku biiri doonaa
  16. lol@aaliyah waayeelada majecla! lakin most of us are over 30, so try close to 40s or late 40s, aaliyah waaba noo naxariisatay maandhaay!
  17. salaam aleykum all! beautiful day
  18. No he is not in london, the job was not for london unless i am mistaken lol (Ngonge dont worry)
  19. lol at the bambino girls!!!! i feel like hugging them indiscriminately. Nothing wrong with marrying young, but the dude must have a job and income (does not need to be much but enough to support the family) Like Val young ladies can be married and study, with a support of loving husband you may actually achieve alot.
  20. a while ago? since he is your mate manoolyahay ninka? mise xabsi baa la dhigey in malawi?
  21. Juxa

    Dhig ama Dhaqo

    I did not see it at all. i saw the xayaysiin and thought funny.
  22. Juxa

    Dhig ama Dhaqo

    Ms Moons i am tempted to ask the writer/director for a copy for you but then again i dont want any misunderstanding one may assume i am a fan!
  23. Blessed ma maqashay when hadalku ku dulmaro, ku dhino maro oo gees-gees kugu dhaafo. as Blessed said no one should judge specially when the ladies in question are where many of us were yesterday Ms moon aah zo schattig!
  24. you should as somaliland will be there and you will be without shaqo and broke. waves@ibti and dear dumaashi. JB saakey baan salaamay
  25. salaam aleykum all, bal warama? did norf set up a travel agency and will i get 50% discount (anigu intaa unba ii daran) worked late xalay and came in this morning with same messages oo aan karaahsaday! dont people know anigu ma qoro the cheques....everyday waa the same quuq, i did not get my post, i did not get my lacag yada yada i need to start my own xanaanada xoolaha only this time for humans rather than animals