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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. Juxa

    Fatuma Nur

    Congrats to ina noor! many more awards insha allah
  2. funny how cadaanka go pink and bungundy.... in places gaat het schat? how i wish i was relaxing by the beach
  3. hhahahah dharkii baa la tuurtay today!
  4. Sayid, hadal nina si u yiri nina si u qaadey! i had to stop myself from jumping with my ganbar and saying the parents failed. I think what we need to recognise is sometimes the parents are blameless, teenage kids truely lama celin karo..granted there is some sort of failure or lack of discipline but sometimes it is just what it is and nothing more malakal-mowd baa dadkii wada...i stopped having opinions when i saw the pain on the mothers, simply speechless. allaha unaxariisto inti dhimatey
  5. Norf i was talking generally, i did not mean you were judgemental, i meant it is easy to say this or that but sometimes things happen and the parents are not to blame! maybe wadkoodi baa galay
  6. Norf waala gubtay, worse if you carry few excess kilos...waala shiilmay shalay iyo maanta but rain is expected later on ( i hope)
  7. Norf meeshi nafta ku baxaysana waalagu geynayaa! i have met fantastic parents, who tried everything, yet the child ended up dead in worst place possible, i now have stopped random blame the parents tirades. unless you are actually actively participating in helping the youth to better themselves, iska aamus
  8. JB i hope you get it! and i hope you remembered firm handshake and no high-5 salaam aleykum all, feel very rested even though i had busy weekend (away from work of course) bal warama reer xaaji cilmi
  9. allaha unaxariisto, this is the third somali youth death this month alone...... if only you lot saw the faces of the mothers meeshan jiqjiq lama imaateen! bilaah caleyk
  10. lol@dahabo, maasha allah she is clever lady about the bullying tell her iney qaniinto, had similar situation while ago and cousin bit the bully, school called us in, we apologised (beenbeen) and after that she became atariisho, yacni no one dares to say anything for fear of being bitten
  11. salaam aleykum and happy friday CL heheheheh no name calling yaah! will buzz you hadhowti hi chubacka, ii waran cadeey?
  12. the car in hargeysa are they insured? maybe i should set up an insurance company! hmmm
  13. Wsalaam CL, ma ii fiicantahay! On saturday i am celebrating, care to come along, put on boots and bring your prolly?
  14. Red bullka badan iska dhaaf. hargeysa sidee lagu yahay? have you seen ibti lately?
  15. Allaha unaxariisto hinda I have seen with my own indho 23 year old pregnant with 5th child during a visit to xamar years ago. when i told her to plan as her health was already failing, she replied unless i give birth every year he will marry another. he did marry several others but it was not because of lack of pregnancy (it is just how it is over there). she now has 8 living and several died in infancy or child birth (she says waa saqiireen) the point i am trying to make it people need to stop interfering and putting pressure on married couples. it is not right being asked when you should or why you are not pregnant! that is very private and equals to asking a person whether they engage oh well. As blessed said children need to be nurtured few years before the next one is planned, but that responsibility is not on the woman alone. Hebel should be sterilised if nothing else works
  16. ^^ ha bararin salaam aleykum all.....gabdhihi aaway?
  17. still cant decide where to go!
  18. Wednesday wedding maa i dhaafay? mabrook walaalkiis, gabar iyo caano insha allah!
  19. it was very annoying, all those calls, ma fiirsaneysaa? i mean you cont escape it with everyone posting silly links on FB etc. painful to watch tho, i found it very upsetting
  20. I dont think he meant ibti, he wont broadcast that! it is him going and give him a break, if he can go to sland all by himself then he can go seol....go alphy faheema what you doing saturday?
  21. salaam aleykum people, hi faheema ii waran? weli ma bixin miyaa?
  22. salaam aleykum all. first day back to work, it feels meeshi iney bus iyo boor ka kacday!
  23. CL you pushed me to it Marriage is jannah on earth, obviously to get to the jannah you must be deserving and humble, hence why many dont enjoy marriage, waligood ma arkayaan ileyn ma aysan shaqeysane! Ngonge you are lug'gooyo lugo loo yeelay
  24. Salaam alaykum all. Ibti ngonge qof kale udan lahaa and he has been thinking of moving to sland since you left. CL hoo shukuman I did not move from my room today!
  25. Ibti all relationships are about supply/demand/delivery Labo qof Isla jooga reason bey iskula joogaan. I did not read the article but love if you lucky is part of the parcel and fortunately not the whole parcel. Otherwise life would be boring. Ina najaad you should come with hazard tag