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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. the jago should be on merits and qualifications and not on gender. In fact gender based jago should disqualify all men
  2. Norf, the plan is to take time off soon......maybe retrain with something else, not sure what
  3. JB next time take a sandwich with you. Norf, all my friends are moving, me no like changes
  4. This government waa failure fowqal failure, typical somali, macawisleey uunbaa is nominate gareynaysa! Genious, it is bad idea inaan wax xukumo, you see i would lock the lot up, declare them insane, send them to labour camps to build what the they (men) destroyed.
  5. Norf not you too salam aleykum all, JB did you find afur? how can someone cancel afur?
  6. Aaliyah you either grew up same house as me or you are my ayeeyo's twin. It is freaky you write exactly what I was thinking Your second maahmaah should be said with an accent, it is hilarious
  7. ^^canaantaadu kululaa? Fact is some where allaha nawada cafiyo Ps: I thought binti has family in qurbaha?
  8. CL umaaaaaaaah tell me you are back adoo one piece ah?
  9. JB no, aniguba waan soo jeedaa Nina, nop but hadaad soo maqasho anything uplifting share with me
  10. Ngonge, waa runtaa, waligeen isfahmi mayno Group 1 = will benefit as their dignity will be preserved Group 2= will win nor lose anything, except again as above, living stress free life...do you even know what is like for them now? Group 1 & 2 live a life of fear from inla soo ogaado. buufis baa ku dhacay Group 3= is still not loaded enough to fear change, when the day comes there will be other means to maintain own wealth and status. Now can we stop talking about ceyrta, yacni anaga dhan waxa naga dhigteen dad ceyr uunka fakara har iyo habeyn. adinkana waxad iska dhigteen rag diiden reerkii ineey biilaan. now maybe you should inaad wax soo kordhiso about tax or whatever accountants do (me thinks meel uunbey fadhiyaan sipping tea). Thierry Ngonge is huffing and buffing, the tangible benefit is for us as a community to do the right thing, be an example to caruurta by leading decent life. faqiirtinimo ceeb maaha, tuuganimo is. A penny earned in a haraam way waligiis malagu dhargayo and of course diinteena ma sheegin in gaalka xitaa been loo sheego. Blessed nooloow:)
  11. Ngonge you need to stop saying i am selling something here? civil ceremony is needed if you wish to register your marriage, i have given you an alternative which is marry at licenced mosque if the civil ceremony is what you object to, mind you regardless of which you will still need to get divorced legally. I only mentioned about is-sharciyeynta because it has many benefits. first is preserving the dignity of the somali women, i dont expect you to understand but is heart breaking when you have to attend an interview and explain something that is precious and private. Things should be done correctly by all of us. one final note, my job does not rub on me, in fact i could do something billable now but i thought i will explain a procedure ps: i was going to tell you how to keep things hidden, trust funds, off shore accounts ( altho i have a feeling you already know this). now he will claim inaan ahay sensitive
  12. who is pitching for marriage? divorce is part of life.. it is important people know what is waiting for them, should as you said the need arise. No point being doqon and walking thro life seeking eternal love.
  13. ^^ sorry Ngonge, i dont know where you get this but cohabiting people do not have same rights as married people. maybe waxaad ku qaldeysaa, Civil Partners (same sex couples) iyadaa leh similar rights. If it helps you, you can get married Islamically and legally. if you do so, you will still need to get divorce. marka yaa sheikh my message is just to explain the procedure, ama is-sheegta ama iska dhaafa yeelkadiin ( this really is not about BENEFITS at all) Somali@ I agree if we followed Sharia, then we wont have husbands walking away from their responsibilities and we wont have wives meelaha qeylo dhaaminaya or judgemental family and friends. Today let’s talk about Children Public law (that is when the state gets involved). It is hard to believe but family law is very closely inter-related. Say a couple were going through divorce, the Court will consider the welfare of any children born to those couples before allowing the Petition to proceed. If the court identifies any issues, then it will order for Local Authority to investigate. The initial investigate is very informal, a chat with the parents, school and GP. However if it is found there is neglect or abuse or development issues then there will be formal investigation, this is called Section 47 Investigation. The Local Authority will identify the needs of a Child in Need and try to comply with their duties to for example to provide Services (such as child care, parenting classes, and Drug prevention programmes) or Accommodation (the local authority must provide a home for a child, either with parents or with foster parents). There will be child protection conferences. Many people do not know that they are entitled to take a solicitor with them. The purpose is of the conference is to identify areas of concern and meet the needs of the child. The local authority will draw up a plan. This plan is needed in the event they have to apply for an order in a later stage. For example: xaliimo has 5 children and eldest is 12 (it is illegal to leave children younger than 16 alone at home. You will be prosecuted for wilful neglect) and she goes to a wedding and neighbour calls the police because they are crying etc. Another example which is increasingly happening within our community is ladies that chew Khat, they can’t get up in the morning, and a child misses school or worse attends school filthy and hungry. The school will report and investigations will follow. Sometimes the local authority will provide Services and if it does not work or if the child is in danger move to apply to the court for the following: 1- Supervision Order: This means the parents retain parental responsibility but the Local Authority will have the right to supervise. If parents don’t comply with the order or the child protection plan or attend services or take the child to say doctors, speech therapist etc then the local authority will have no choice but to apply 2- Care Order This does not remove parental responsibility but it gives the Local Authority the right to control how a mother or father exercises their PR. It also gives local authority the right to remove the child, place the child with foster parents or with grand-parents etc There are other orders available, such as Emergency Protection order which is effective for a week and can be applied when a child is in immediate danger etc. I will come back to Children Private law (caruurta reerahooda isku heystaan) and Applications for Residence Orders and Contact Orders (for our community is normally contact orders made by fathers where the mother is vindictive and does not allow the father to see his child). It is worth mentioning sometimes Children Public and Private law can be applied simultaneously. For example Local Authority must facilitate contact between a child and natural parents. The court can regardless of what application is made give any (other S8) order either to local authority, any person with parental responsibility, to a guardian, or to grand-parents (and other people who need leave to apply).
  14. 6th phone call and waa qofkii lixaad oo hurdo ka kiciyo
  15. jardiinka fal, oo ubax ku beer.........or paint the gates
  16. salaam aleykum all lack of sleep and long day ahead, alhamdulilah indeed. I will be more grumpy than usual
  17. Aaliyah English law is quite old and based on the ideology marriage is Holly institution. I am afraid it is not as straight forward as sharia law. Of course provided you have been Married for a year and everyone consents it is relatively simple and cost less than £2k Things get nasty as everyone said when money is involved and a spouse wants a cut or there are children and provisions of maintenance have to be made. Somali, pre-nups are very American, English courts don't like to follow them much but we shall see change within next few years Rudy you are special lol
  18. True KK . Lakin Aduunka wax isku qasay waa ceyrta. Typical question is ninki aan is-sheeganay but now Islamically waan is furnay sideen Iskaga tirtiraa? The answer is same procedure as everyone else. Dissolution must take place Division of assets and property waxa keenay ngonge suaashiisa about cohabiting. I agree this does not apply much to us now. But bear in mind second generation are employed and earning now. So in the future you will see applications for financial support by ex wife or even ex-husbands.( for those of you with cushy jobs and pensions, don't worry waala qarinkaraa things) By the way what you say about wiilkii bey maxkamad geysay is so true, meel kasta lagaa naadinaa but I don't see any problems inla ceebeeyo ninkii caruurta biili waayo.
  19. ^^KK abaayo waxan ka waday dad badan baa is-sheegtay because of problems with ceyrta, to do so they needed to legally register their marriage, if things go wrong they will need to legally divorce. the idea was to explain to them the process they will have to go through. This topic did not have much to do with ceyr qaadasho per se or beating the system or getting maximum benefits or is furitaan, just to explain the basics of family law procedure. Insha allah time permitting, next will be Children law, both Public and Private. This is an area of importance for our communities as it deals with caruurta la qaato, the involvement of the local authority, parental responsibilities, Care and Supervision Orders (public law, initiated by the Local Authority, for example when children are neglegted or domestic violence situations) and finally Residental and Contact Order (Private law/applicable when faarax wants to see his children).
  20. 3- Desertion (Fact C) This fact is based on Respondent deserting the Petitioner. It is difficult fact to establish so rarely used in practice. One of the main difficulties is to show Intention to Desert. 4- Two years Separation & Consent (Fact D) This is easy fact to rely on. Neither party need to have been at fault. The parties much have lived apart continuously for 2 years and the Respondent must consent to the divorce. The consent can be withdrawn any time until Decree Nisi (that is before the Decree Absolute/divorce is announced at court) 5- Five years Separation (Fact E) This is essentially same as Fact D, except that there is no requirement for the Respondent to consent. Finally there is a complete defence to this Fact. Divorce will not be granted if it will cause hardship to the Respondent.
  21. Blessed AH does amazing ducaa as well, two imam's lead the prayer, i love the voice of the one that leads the middle rakkahs. gorgeous, adiga dhan qiiro ku qaadaysa, you wont even feel daal. yeah text me
  22. Blessed not every masjid have licence to perform marriages. I think Regent mosque has one and there is another in harrow. In essence licenced Mosque can perform Islamic marriage and then you can register the civil marriage. But majority of our community, we dont even know the sheikh that performed the Nikkah. Warqada la sameeyo is made in community centres but it is not legal. It is stamped but no one knows by whom. It causes alot of head ache walahi as no one can trace qofki saxiixay.
  23. Khadar i dont know much about benefits etc, you would need qof bartay Immigration, Welfare and Benefits! In fact i am not even an expert to family law but thought i would share the basics. I will come back to the remaining Facts......
  24. Ayoub, a man can be listed as a father in the birth certificate at the time of birth as long as the mother consents. Being registered as a child's father gives you automatic parental responsibility but it does not proof paternity. For example you may be registered as the father but have doubts, you request DNA test and if you are not, your name can be altered and you wont have to pay contribution to the CSA. Thierry yes, but that is not necessarily so, in fact if the husband works and there a children, same assessment is made and if you earn less then waalagu kabaa (contribution will also be made towards your rent and council tax). On top of that you will receive working mother/father credit, etc. From people i know they noticed difference of less than £50. The benefit of going legit is peace of mind, not being paranoid everytime someone knocks on the door, not having to lie everytime your wife gets pregnant and is called for interview and she has to say ninkeygu wuu iga tagay (that is soul-destroying) and most importantly setting up good example for your kids and living Halal life. Khadar lol, at this rate i wont get to number 5 (Fact E)
  25. eh about the birth certificate.....enough for what? the only thing it is relevant is to parental responsibility (PR) and rights of fathers..lakin taas waa sheeko kale, in normally relates to Care proceedings ( caruurta la qaato as somalida call it) ps: birth certificate is not a proof of paternity and does not give you any specific right to a child or conform specific responsibility to the person named there