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Everything posted by Akash

  1. We all know that SILANYO had a lot of personals’ problems with RAYALEH for many years. But some how, he mix up the different between AWDAL and RAYALEH Excuse me and I’m sorry SILANYO, AWDAL is not RAYALEH!!! Hello SILANYO, former president is gone but AWDAL was/is/will always be there. Before he was elected, SILANYO decided to clean-up what he calls “AWDAL-FISH” he meant intellectuals, if he is going to win election. The project (AWDAL_CHEOS) called “AWDAL ANTI- SOCIOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT. This banishment program is divided into three areas and will take 5 / 10 years to be done: 1). DOMINATION a. Exploitation: all few new ******* nomination (position) people by him, they stick up and stand up for SILANYO in AWDAL and in Hargeysa. They (turncoat traitors) defend him even to destroy their family in AWDAL. b. Exclusion: since Silanyo’s First Day in Power, how many people, because they are *********, have been fired from their job … worst-case scenario will come true: AWDAL will be renamed “CEELBADAALE” and SALAL will be rename “SAYLAC region” (for Djibouti??) 2). THEORY vs. PRACTICAL a. In theory, all Somali northern people (so called Somali Landers) have a constitution act 1991, and it says “All Somali Landers Are Created Equal” … just in theory …. In practical with SILANYO it says “All Somali Landers Are Not Created Equal” …. b. SILANYO influence : The three politic leaders party (KULMYE, UDUB and UCIID) must work / be position which benefits the clan ***** c. Opening new economic support in Hargeysa or Berbera (new veterinary laboratory, new bridge, etc…) but at the same time OPENING new criminal court house and new prison in Borama (more new court house and jail will open soon in Awdal?? Oooh yes yes yes … welcome to SILANYO world) To resist and apply his political-banishment in AWDAL, he (SILANYO) selected And created a network in Borama: cheap (few $$) and available 24h/24 and 7days/week. 3) SYMBOLISM : New Politic of “zero tolerance” a. NO more ******** will represent SOMALILAND: he started from KULMYE party. From now on, Kulmye Leader (president and vice-president) and next Kulmye candidats for next presidential elections must be I********. The others 2 parties will follow up?? Time will tell/prove: … b. His new cabinet : 20 out of 26 nomination are ******** : It is NORMAL for SILANYO … c. All new others keys positions are ******* : It is NORMAL for SILANYO … d. New embassies and Consulates positions are all ******: It is NORMAL for SILANYO! But that changes everything Mr SILANYO! Let me ask you questions: - Who are you SILANYO? - Are (in your mind) you SNM President? Or President for all people? - What Color Heart Do You Have? One last reminder for you Mr SILANYO: “The Somali intellectual conference” held in Djibouti this December 2010, was sponsored by UN, and the conference attendees was ******** majority … you see, UN call awdal to find solution for Somalia problem WITHOUT YOU, New 2011 will be a “SOCIOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT” year for AWDAL. It will give us ample opportunities to grasp what is meant by sociological and anthropological approaches to development AWDAL. AWDAL is not RAYALEH, Mr. SILANYO. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 TO ALL AWDALIAN … to Mr SILANYO. Abdirazak Waberi (SOUBAGLEH) - Ottawa, Canada Email: abdi.waberi@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca
  2. December 16, 2010 Dagaal Markale Ka Dhacay Aaga Ceel-Bardaale Harowo (Harowo) - Sida ay sheegayaan wararka naga soo gaadhaya deegaanka Kaxda ayaa waxay ay sheegayaan in xalay weerar lagu qaaday maleeshiya beeleedkii ina Raage, weerarkan ayaa waxa uu daba socdaa markii maalin dhawayd ay goor habeenima ah ay u soo dhaceen reer yaalay jiidaasi, isla markaana ay dileen wiil ,aabihiina uu soo gaadhay dhaawac, ayaa waxaa xalay lagu qaaday weerar culus, waxana ay waraku sheegayaan in cagta lamariyay toolo la yidhaah buqdhada. Sida aan warka ku helaynaa ay sheegayaan in la gubay aqalo badan oo ku yaalay tuuladaasi, ilaayo hada lama oga khasaaraha dhabta ah ee halkaasi ka dhashay oo ah naf iyo maalba, walina majiraan cid cadaynaysa inta uu leegyahay Khaaarahaasi iyo inta ku dhimatay iyo dhaawacaba. Balse sida aanu ka helayno wararka ka imanayaa dagmada gabilay ayaa waxaa ay sheegayaan in uu jirto dhimasho balse wali ma cada, ilaayo hadana ma jirto wax wara oo ay ka soo saartay dawladu oo ku sahabsan dhacdooyinkii isdaba socda. Waxaase xusid mudan in talyiha ciidanka booliska ee xukuumada Siilaanyo uu sheegay, markii ay maalintii dhawayd maleeshiyadaasi soo qaaden werarka uu ku tilmaamay arin daba socotay aano qof laga dilay reerkaasi oo iyaguna aar gudasho u tageen. Waxaase wax lala yaabo ku noqotay dawwaynaha reer awdal hadalkaasi ka soo yeedhay masuulkaasi oo ku beeray cadho xoog leh, waxaase is waydiin mudan taliyaha ciidan booliska xukuumada siilaanyo muu ka maqnaa dalka intii ay socotay shaqaadada ceel bardaale? Mise waxa uu u hadlay afkay banaan? Mis warbaanu ka haynba arinkaa isaga ah. Su’aalahaas iyo kuwo kale oo badan ayaa ah kuwa ay is waydiinayaan dadwaynaha reer Awdal. Isku soo wada duuboo ma jirto ilaayo hada cid wax wara kasoo saartay weeraradan is daba socda ee ka soo cusboonaaday deegaanksi dawladan hada jirtaana ay ku sheegtay aano qabiil oo dad kala dilay. Bashiir Cumar Harowo.com, Boorama
  3. Reer nuur, final thoughts on CEELBARDAALE, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=230hMjOLg_E
  4. this is the great tournament and historic one but its too bad Awdal team didnt joint damn, lakiin waxaan taagere u ahay Kooxda Sool
  5. Boorama, (sli) - Wararka saaka kasoo baxaya deegaanka Kaxda ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in ururka snm ay weerar gaadmo ah xalay ku dileen hal nin mid kalena dhaawaceen xoolahoodiina ka ka-xaysteen deegaanka Kaxda oo ka tirsan degmada Baki ee G/Awdal.http://somalilandinfo.com/node/12836
  6. Xaalad Cakiran oo ka soo cusboonaatay Deegaanka ceelbardaale ee Degmada Dilla ee Gobolka Awdal ee Degmada Dilla, kadib markii uu sheekh lagu magacaabo maxamuud Raage oo ka soo jeeda deegaanka gabilay dhowr jeer xasuuq u gaystay dad masaakiina oo jidka maraayay iyo kuwo guryahooda hurdaba ,xalay oo u dambaysayna waxa uu dilay hal nin midkale waa dhaawac . Beesha Reer Nuur ayaa bilaabay inay iska caabiyaan maleeshiyaadka sheekha oo isku abaabulay inay ciidan beeleed samaystaan kadib markii ciidamada dowladu ay waxba ka qaban waayeen maleeshiyaad ka maxamuud Raage oo caawimaad ka helaaya Generaalka ciidanka qaranka ee JSL. Nuux Taani oo ay isku hayb yahiin. Dhinaca kale wararka laysla dhexmaraayo deegaanka Gabilay ayaa intaasi ku daraaya in dad lagu godoomiyay deegaanka gabilay dadkaasi oo ka soo jeeda beelaha ********** ee daga degmada gabilay. Dillapress Desk Dilla, Somaliland -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kala soco wararka soo kordha Dillapress.com
  7. Waa hagaag, reer awdal waxa ay somaliland ka sugnaaba waa inay gacanta si deg-deg ah ugu soo dhigaan kuwii gawracay wiilka iyo Aabihii.......... http://www.alnuur.com/viewNews.php?id=1819
  8. so i just noticed the new layout and i think it´s pretty cool,
  9. good progress indeed we haven seen such like for a years
  10. Awdal had 3 ministers and 2 deputy ministers under rayaale. They now have 3 ministers and one deputy minister and the Head of the police force of somaliland. Mr goth never complained during rayaale i wonder why X,Xunjuf Malaha adiga ayey kula noqotay Awdal have only two ministers under the snm rule
  11. Sanaagland is the largest region of northern Somalia, and is also the richest with both mineral resources and rainfall. The state has been disregarded by almost all former and present Somali governments and has, therefore kept its natural resources untouched to this date. The region is also abundant with manpower both abroad and inside the country. Expatriates from Sanaag can be found in North America, Europe and Asia and the Middle East. For example, most of the Somali workers in the UAE originate from Sanaag and are among those who have the highest incomes. The decision (as conveyed to me over the net) by the inhabitants of Sanaag to have their own administration soon and be part of the Federal Republic of Somalia could be contributed to the fact that the government of Somaliland has concentrated almost all development projects in the capital city and its environs, rather than sharing the national income equally with other regions. Also, the accessibility by road through Puntland to the rest of the country has encouraged many entrepreneurs who care less of clan affiliation to make business with Somalia and tap into the greater wealth in the bigger and more populous federal states. As said above, accessibility by road to Sanaag is often tiresome and time-consuming: overland access to Erigavo, the capital of Sanaagland, takes at least 12 hours on the nearest tarmac road that connects Burao and Lasaanod to Mogadishu. This has a negative impact on business development, as merchants have to use other means of transport, such as expensive air travel. Cash crops cannot be exported to west Somaliland due to lack of accessibility; for example, the famous cabbage farm owned by Mohamed Jama in Dayaha has been abandoned. Farmers have to divert their sales to Bossaso which is much closer to Erigavo, the capital of Sannagland. Another factor is that has influenced the people of Sanaag to opt out of Somaliland is that the Hargeisa-based government discourages aid directed towards Sanaagland, under the pretext that the East is not stable. The government claims that it cannot guarantee the safety of aid workers who could deliver desperately needed medical and humanitarian assistance to the Sanaagland people. Sanaagland has the highest rate of infant mortality in Somaliland due to lack of medical care and qualified doctors. Education is another area of concern in Sanaagland. Dayaha Intermediate school was built by the British in the colonial era, and is the alma mater of most educated middle aged Sanaaglanders. The school has been extensively looted, partially demolished and is currently being used as a shelter for livestock by pastoralists. Students now have to travel a long distance on the rough Garadag road in order to attend higher education in Hargeisa. Sanaagland is fortunate enough to have an abundance of water and a fertile landscape. Sanaaglanders need to return to their native land and contribute to alleviating the suffering of its people, rather than always looking to Hargeisa. Regardless of clan or district, the people of Sanaag must come together and become part of the federal republic of Somalia to ensure a better future for this most beautiful but neglected part of the Horn of Africa. I am sure that many young and educated Sanaaglanders within the state and in the Diaspora who care less of tribalism will support the cause of the Federal Republic of Sanaagland. M . Ali - editor - Medeshivalley.com
  12. Wasiir-ku-xigeenka ( Faysal Cumar Guuleed ) ee Iska casilay dawladda Farmaajo oo ka soo jeeda Awdal…oo ay reer Awdal uga soo hambalyeynayaan dunida daafeheeda. November 22, 2010 By staff-reporter Awdalpress – London – Sida laga warqabo waxa dhawaan ra’iisal wasaaraha cusub ee DFKG ah iyo madaxweynaha Somaliya Sh. Sharif ay magacaabeen, wasiirro iyo xilal waaweyn oo aad looga dhalliilay degaanno ay ka mid yihiin Awdal iyo Puntland. Dhalliishaa oo ay iscasilaaddanina daba socoto. Sidaasi daraaddeed, waxa daafaha dunida naga soo gaadhaya hambalyo loo dirayo mudane Faysal Cumar Guuleed oo isagu diiday in uu qaato cad-quudheed , war saxaafadeedkiisana ku caddeeyey in aanu ka mid noqon karin, gole aanay dadkiisu ka muuqannin. Isla markaana aanay sharaftiisa ahayn in lagu magacaabo kuri aan qiimo lahayn, oo ka fog talada dalka. Waxana uu dadkiisa aqoonta lehna ugu baaqay in ay meel walba kaga muddaharaadaan dawladda cusub, gaar ahaan magaalo madaxda gobolka Awdal ee Borame. Oo la muujiyo sida aanu Farmaajo oo kale u noqon karin mas’uul ummadeed.
  13. www,wardheernews.com Waa galab Jimcaad. Goor sheegtu waxay sii caga cagaynaysaa 5:50 ee galabnimo. Waxaan booqasho dalxiis ku joogaa goob ka mid ah meelaha il doogsiga leh ee wabiga Niilka. Qofba wax bay naftiisu ku falantahaye, taydu waxay wax walba ka jeceshahay daawashada deegaanka. Cadceeddu iyada oo aad mooddo in ay huruud marsatay, waxay u sii tukubaysaa godkeeda, waxaanay gayiga ku sii sagootinaysaa falaadho casuusa. Falaadhahaasi marka ay biyaha ku dhacaan waxay kugu soo noqonayaan iyaga oo ay adag tahay wax aad ku suurayso qurux daraadeed. Cirku caad ma leh, oo waxaad mooddaa calankeennii oo xidigta laga ilaaway. Shinbiro koox kooxa ayaa hawada si habsami ah ugu dabaalanaya. Socodka biyaha wabiga waxaad mooddaa gabadh tamashlaynaysa, oo talaabada si degan u qaadaysa. Way dhaldhalaalayaan oo iftiinka qoraxdu markii uu ku dhacay waxay isku bedeleen midab widhwidhaya. lakabyo yaryar baa dushooda ku samaysmaya, haddana baaba'aya. Wabigu wuxuu neefsanayaa neecaw udgoon oo aad sanka ula raacayso sida tan saxan saxada roobka oo kale. Waxa dhegaha uu ugu deeqayaa jabaq guux yari ku jiro oo u eg in meel fog laga afuufayo. Aniga iyo isaga waxba nooma dhexeeyaan. Aragga, maqalka, iyo urtaba isaga ayaan ergo ahaan ugu deeqay. Baashayda bidix waxa fadhiya lamaanayaal da'yar oo daadihinaya kal gacal uguba; isma qabaan, oo yaa ii sheegay? Waxaan ka dareemayaa sida ay iskugu sidkan yihiin, waayo way adag tahay aragtida laba is qaba oo sidaa iskugu dhololaya, ama isku jeceli. Baashayda midig waxa fadhiya barbaar, walaw uu qarsanayo dhibtiisa, dadkana intii karaankii ah yool habaabinayo, haddana waxaan daah iga saarnayn in uurkiisa dab ka holcayo, maankiisana mudacyo lagu mud mudayo. Waa kacayaa, haddana waa fadhiisanayaa. Saacadda ayuu fiirinayaa, eegmadiisuna dhan bay u badan tahay, oo dhanka koonfureed bay u badan tahay. Waxaan shiki igaga jirin inuu gabadh la balansan yahay. Waxa aan shaki igaga jirin in ay ka habsaantay, Waxaananse garanayn inay u jartay iyo in kale. Ma jecli in ay u jarto, waayo waxaan si dhaba u dareemayaa xanuunka uu qabo. Mar kaliya ayaa barbaarkii sida carruurta beerraqay, markii gacalisadiisii dhankii eegmadiisu u badnayd ay ka soo baxday. Haddii la is gacan qaaday, waxaan eegayay in uu daahitaanka ku yar canaanto iyo in ay cudur daar ka bixiso, masay dhicin labadaa midina. Waxaan xusuustay heestii Saado Cali, oo aan is idhi maxay uga dhigi wayday " Raggu naago jecelaa, dumarkuna u daranaa". Dhabta waxa ii saaran buug uu qoray Axmed Amiin, oo ahaa qoraa Masriya Alle ha u naxariistee oo la yidhaa: "Faydul khaadir". Buuggani wuxuu ka kooban yahay toban qaybood, ama buug, qaybtiisii sagaalaad baana maanta dhabtayda taalla. In badan baan bikir jabiyay xikmad ku duugan gudaha buuggan, maantase waxa hortayda yaalla xikmad ka ballaadhan, oo ah ta xiliga iyo goobta. Muuqaalada ashqaraarka leh ee aan kor ku soo xusay waxay gilgilayaan wadnaha, waxay ruxayaan maanka, waxaanay sangaalaha ka daadinayaan nafta. Markii aan gilgilmay, ee aan ruxmay waxaan dareemay fudayd jidheed iyo firfircooni maskaxeed. Aniga oo duulid ku dhaw baan is weydiiyay "waa maxay farxaddu?" Farxaddu waa dareen rayn rayneed oo qofku ku muujiyo xaaladda uu ku sugan yahay sida uu ula dhacsan yahay. Farxaddu waa baadi ka maqan aadamaha, hadh iyo habeenna wuxuu ku raad joogaa sidii uu u heli lahaa. Ninba meel buu ka raadinayaa, nin welibana si buu u doonayaa. qof baa maal ka raadinaya, midna mansab; nin baa aqoon ka baahdnaya; qof baana awood ku raadinaya. Hase yeeshee waxaa adag inaad maqasho qof leh farxad baan raadinayaa ama ku raad ku joogaa. Sababtu malahayga waa kala duwanaanshaha baahiyeed ee bani aadanku qabo iyo sida aan la iskugu raacsanayn meelaha farxadu ka soo burqato. Wax waliba sida ay u leeyihiin dhab iyo dhalanteed ayay farxaduna u leedahay mid dhaba iyo mid samays ah. Haddaba qof waliba marka uu helo hantidii, mansabkii, aqoontii iyo awooddii uu muddada badan ku taamayay ayuun buu meesha ka waayayaa farxadii dhabta ahayd. Markaasay laba mid uun noqonayaan: mid loo badan yahay oo ah samaysashada farxad aan afka baarkiisa dhaafsiisnayn iyo mid tiro yar oo jecel inuu dadka u sheego in aanay farxadda dhabta ahi ku jirin helitaanka waxyaabo badan oo ay dadku ku hammiyaan. Hase yeeshee wuu og in aan cidi ka dhagaysanayn, markaasuu iska aamusaa. Farxadda dhabta ahi waxay ku qarsoon tahay gudaha jidhkaaga, gaar ahaan wadnahaaga, waxase ku hareeraysan oo cuna qabateeyay waxyaabo badan oo aad ku dhaqanto asaadan dareensanayn. Waxaa kuwaas mid ah xasadka, xiqdiga, xinka, xumaanta iyo xafiiltanka. Waxyaabahani waa jira sidayaal waxaanay dhalaan cudurka nacaybshaha. Nacaybshuhu wuxuu meesha ka saaraa kalgacalka, is jeclaanta, walaaltinimada, wax wada qabsiga iyo naf qaybsiga. Waxa hore loo yidhi "Dab iyo cudur meel ma wada fadhiistaan". Waxa kale oo ay dhalaan beenta, khiyaamada, qalbi adaygga, wax is daba marinta iyo namiimiyanimada. Intani waxay meesha ka saartaa, runta, daacadnimada, naxariista, isku kalsoonaanta iyo is aaminka. Cuduradani marka hore waxay ku abuuran yihiin gudaha qofka iyaga oo aan firfircoonayn. Sidoo kale kuwa ay meesha ka saarayaana waxay ku abuuran yihiin gudaha qofka iyaga oo aan firfircoonayn. Matalan iniinta beenta dhasha iyo ta runta dhashaaba waxay wada yaalaan gudaha uurka qofka. Hadba ta uu beero ayuun baa biqlaysa. Oo miyaanay dhici karin in labadaba la wada beeraa? Way dhici kartaa, waxase kala duwan mid waliba waxa ay ku samaanayso ama ku hano qaadayso. Iniintaasi ta ay doontaba ha noqotee, marka ay gudaha qofka ku biqisho waxay u baahan tahay ilays iyo hawo. ilayska iyo hawadaasi ma'aha kuwan aad aragtaan, waase degaanka iyo dadka. Haddii ay hesho deegaan ku habboon iyo dad aqbali og muddo gaaban ka dib baalal ayay la kala baxdaa oo waxay bilawdaa hawlihii ay u xil saarnayd. Haddii kalese way dhadhaa oo jiritaankeedu macno buuran ma yeesho. Bal u fiirso qofka ballanta sideeda u oofiya, xiligeedana aan ka dib dhicin, waxaan nidhaahnaa inaga oo meeqaamkiisa hoos u dhigayna "Waa daacad" ama waxaan moodnaa inuu bilaa shaqo yahay. Ka gidaarka dadka u dhiibaana wuxuu ku faanaa hebel baan sawiray ama siray isaga oo madaxa kor u taagaya. Bal iyaba waa yaabe maxaa ballan darada sharaf ka dhigay, ballan oofintana wanaaggeeda naaqusay? Maxaa xumaanta taaj u xidhay, samahana tagoogta ka jabiyay? Maxaa beenta qaali ka dhigay, runtana raqiis? Maxaa cadhada caadi ka dhigay, kal gacalkana kud? Halkan waxaad si fudud uga ogaan kartaa in waxyaabahii xumaa oo idili ay uurkeenna iyo oogadeenna buux dhaafiyeen, halka waxyaabihii samaana ay galgalanayaan kutubta iyo buugaagta gudahooda, ama ay noqdeen wax laga sheekeeyo jiritaankooda sida Diinasoorka. Waxa kale oo aad si fudud u ogaan kartaa in qashin iyo qudhun inaga buuxo. Qashinka iyo qudhunkaas inaga buuxaa waxay sababeen inaan wax walba il taban ku eegno, dhan tabanna ka eegno. Taas oo sababtay inaan ku sugnaanno mugdi nololeed iyo cidhiidhi nafsadeed. Bal u fiirso haddii aan aragno erayga "JACAYL" isla markaaba waxa maankeenna ku soo degdegaya nin iyo naag. Lagama yaabo inaan is nidhaa armaa laga wadaa jacayl Alle, mid waddan, mid walaaltinimo, mid jaarnimo, mid bani'aadantinimo iwm. Haddaba maxaa keenay inay kuwani inaguba soo dhici waayaan? Jawaabtu waxa ay ila tahay in ay keeneen arrimahaas oo aan ka jirin gudaheenna walow aan afka ka sheeg sheeganno. Halkan waxa inooga cad inaan wax walba cidhiidhi galinay ama macnihiisa koobnay. Oo inaan wax walba cidhiidhi galinana maxaa inoogu wacan? Waxa inoogu wacan adeegsi la'aanta maskaxda, akhrin la'aanta kutubta iyo iska indho tirka waaqica. Waxaan qabaa in Soomaalidu leedahay maskax fiican, waxaase mudan in la ogaado lahaanshaha shayga iyo ka faa'iidaysigiisu inaanay kala maarmi karin. Waxaan ka wadaa haddii aynu caqli fiican leennahay oo aynaan ka faa'iidaysanayn, waxay ka dhigan tahay in aynaan lahayn caqli. Haddaba inagu ma ka faaiidaysannaa caqligeena? Jawaabtu waa maya haddii aynaan murmayn. Maxaa sababay inaynu ka faaiidaysan wayno? Waxa sababay guriga aan ku barbaarnay, dugsiga aan u baqoolnay iyo bulshada aan la caweynay. Oo sidee bay u sababeen? Waxay u sababeen guriga aan ku barbaarnay kama jirin wada tashi toolmooni, haddii uu ka jirana kama aynaan qayb qaadan jirin, haddii aynu ka qayb qaadanana afka ayaa la inagaga boodi jiray oo waxa la odhan jiray: bal waxani wuxuu caqli xumaantiisa ku hadlayo eeg! Waar naga aamus ***** yahaw !!! Markaa si aynaan nacasyo u noqon waxaan xal u aragnay inaan shiba nidhaa. yacni, in aynaan maskaxda furfurin. Dugsigu wuxuu u sababay waxaynu ku soo qaadanay casharo. Macallinku casharka inaad fahanto wuxuu ka jeclaa inaad xifdido. Inaad eray ku kordhiso wuxuu ka jeclaa inaad sidiisa uga soo baxdo. Tani waxay inna dhaxalsiisay inaan aqoonta gabigeedaba moodno wax beri hore dhammaatay, oo aan waxna lagu kordhin karin, waxna laga dhimi karin. Aqoontaa yar ee aan qaadanay waxa daah furay nin cad, markaa waxaynu iyana si dadban u fahannay inaan nin madoobi waxba keeni karin. Halkana waxa ka dhashay adeegsi la'aan labaad oo maskaxdeena ku wajahan. Bulshadu waxay u sababtay waxay qalad ka fahantay, kana fahansan tahay fikirka. Maxaabad bulshada ka doonaysaa aqoonyahanka Soomaaliyeed baa fikirka, fikrad qaldan ka haysta. Maalin baan niman aanu asxaab nahay ku idhi: gaadhiyada marka aan saaranahay way igu adag tahay inaan wax akhriyo, ama si wanaagsan ugu sheekeeyo qofka ila fadhiya. Waxay igu yidhaahdeen oo waayo? Waxaan ugu jawaabay; waxaan jecelahay inaan iska fikiro. Labaduba isku mar bay igu yidhaahdeen iyaga oo ii nasteexaynaya fikirku ma fiicnee iska ilaali. Arrimahaas iska noolaanta ah ee aan eaddexda sababood ka tilmaamay waxay maskaxdeenna ka dhigeen galoof iyo hal gudhan iyo ban aan geed lahayn. Haddaba wadnaheenna oo aan ogayn waxa ku hareeraysnaa iyo maskaxdeenna oo aan arkayno waxa ku gedaaman miyay kula tahay in maal, mansab, aqoon iyo wax la midi farxad dhaba ina haleeshiinayaan? Waxay ila tahay maya. Waxa inala gudboon in qof waliba is qalo oo qashinka iyo qudhunka ka buuxa iska sifeeyo, Waa haddii uu rabo farxad dhab ah oo aan dhalanteed ahayn. Hadalka waxaan ku soo koobayaa odhaah uu yidhi nin faylasuuf ahi :"Noloshu way gaaban tahay ee yaan la gaabin." Axmed Ismaaciil Maxamuud "Axmed Deeq" E-Mail: awliyo177@hotmail.com
  14. Riix ama Guji halkani. for more detail go to, http://www.amoudfoundation.com Merci.
  15. Shirkada Dhiigshiil oo ku talo Jirta inay baayacdo Jasiirada Sacadiin Dhiig-shiil must keep away from tribal politics Sacaadiin burco miyeey moodayaan..
  16. If you scour the several hundred or so Somali websites, or listen to other media such as local radios and televisions controlled by Somalia’s burgeoning autonomous administrations spearheaded by Somaliland and Puntland to name a few, you will be gob smacked to learn the amount of distortion and disinformation made about Somali history contrary to the one we have known to, or studied at schools. I have to emphasize here that some websites have exceptionally stuck to the true old Somali tradition and sprit, and kept their dignity intact. Prior to the introduction of Somali script during the military government of the late Mohamed Siyad Barre, Somalis always relied on what was orally narrated to them (cascaded down to them) over the years by their forefathers and to a certain degree on what was said and written about them by foreigners, especially colonial administrations that ruled their countries for decades. Everything seems to be different today than it was before the pre-civil war era. In today’s tribally-stricken Somalia, there is no consensus among Somalis on what our true heritage is/was and who our true national heroes or heroines are/were. This is more evident in the Somali intelligentsia who run the mass media than the normal person in the street, as they are often blinded by clannish sentimentality. We seem to see everything through the clan binocular, more so in some parts of current Somaliland and Puntland. Even the renowned household name, the great Dervish fighter and poet Sayid Mohamed Abdulla Hassan, who held the British at bay for well over twenty years with little or no help from the outside world and whose own Somali people had been turned against him by the British, is maligned by some sections of Somalis, particularly those in Northern Somalia. For the current generation who heard little or nothing about the great nationalist, Sayid Mohamed was the first freedom fighter to be bombarded by the Royal Air Force of Britain in his Taleh fortress, Nugal region in 1920. Imam Ahmed Gurey who fought and broke Abyssinia’s Emperor Lebna Dengel’s ability to resist in the battle of Amba Sel in 1537; Haji Farah Ali Omar who went to the UN headquarters in New York and pleaded help for his country’s independence; Mahmoud Harbi, the torch-bearer and the founding father of Djibouti’s independence movements; Hawo Osman (Xawo Taako) who showed a stern resistance against fascist Italian occupation in southern Somalia; and many more, are vilified and discredited by other sections of contemporary Somali media. In some parts of current “Somaliland”, Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan is derided by some as mass murderer and a villain not necessarily because of what he did in the battlefields of Jidbaale, Beer dhiga and Dul Madoobe (where colonel Richard Corfield was killed by Dervish fighters), but because of the misinformation and innuendos spread about him by current day clannish historians. It is ironic the off springs of the yester year generations are on a mission to obliterate the good name of the great warrior when in fact their very forefathers had nothing but admiration and respect for the great man. Before tribalism turned Somalia upside down, Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan was written extensively and favorably by previous generations of the very same people who are currently portraying him as the bogey man of cotemporary Somali history, including Mahmoud Ahmed Ali, the father of Education. In reality, nothing has changed as far as the status and reputation of those great men and women are concerned. What simply changed (and to the worse of course) is the fact that Somalis have become clannish to the bone, and that any member of those aforementioned Somali greats who does not belong to their clan is worthless as far as they are concerned. You go to any public place and engage a conversation with people in some parts of current Somaliland and ask about Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan, and the response will be alarmingly shocking. You will be forgiven if you assume you stepped into an enemy territory. Playwright greats such as the late Hassan Sheikh Moumin, Abdillahi Qarshe, Hussein Aw Farah, Mahmoud Tukale, Mohamed Ali kariye and Osman Aden Askari, Mohamed Omer Huuryo, and living legends such as Mohamed Abdullahi Issa (singub), Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame (Hadrawi), Saeed Saleh, Ali Sugulle, Abdi Aden Qays, Ali Gaab, Mead Migane, Ahmed Sulaiman Bidde, who between themselves created almost all contemporary drama (ruwaayado), songs, poetry and other arts in Somali literature, and many, many more unsung literature heavyweights are simply dismissed as clannish artists (Reer Hebel) by one group or another, depending on which Somali region you live in. Arguably, the greatest Somali singer of all times, Halima Khalif Magool, was shunned by a large number of Somalis due to her alleged involvement in USC’s ethnic – cleansing in Mogadishu and its environs where a large number of Somalis, mainly of ****** lineage where either massacred or maimed and their properties confiscated. Magool has allegedly sung a song in support of this massacre, but her glittering career and great legacy in Somali arts should not be tarnished forever because of this incident if it ever occurred. She was simply too invaluable and indispensable to go to the dustbin of Somali history. Nurradin Farah, the only world renowned Somali novelist (although other precocious talented writers, especially women, are hot on his heels) , a man who has garnered acclaim as one of the greatest contemporary writers in the world and won many international awards, including International Prize for Literature, Premio Cavour in Italy, Kurt Tucholsky Prize in Sweden, Lettre Ulysses Award in Berlin and many more internationals accolades, is barely mentioned or known in some parts of Somalia partly because some bigwig clannish supremacists don’t want to see his name anywhere near their tribally customized history books. Had he born for another nation, he would have been immortalized and become a living legend. Mind you, he is still a living legend in many parts of the world, especially in Africa. In early 1990, I attended a Somali concert held in Hackney Empire theatre, East London for the entertainment of what was mainly a Somali congregation whose number was growing in the UK at that particular time. The theatre was backed and buzzing, as the expectation as well as the turnout by both artists and the audiences was very high. What could otherwise have been a great spectacle in the middle of the city of theatres and amusement was almost ruined by mindless clannish thugs who started booing and hurling verbal abuses at certain artists they perceived as not one of theirs, clan wise. Even very popular singers back home such as Khadra Dahir, Abdi Nour Allaale, Nimco Yaseen and Ahmed Ali Dararamle who were among the entertainers could not escape this tribal bashing. In turns, the artists had to endure unnecessary abuses from some sections of the audiences. At the time, I thought it was just a trivial thing in the heat of a moment, as Somalia was about to collapse into tribal enclaves. Two decades on, the tables have been turned upside down and the re-invention of Somali history is if full motion. Since the last central Somali government led by the late Mohamed Siad Barre was violently brought down by armed clan militias, and consequently the country was thrown into chaos and further dismembered into tribal enclaves, the only common thing we shared for generations regardless of our regional or tribal background – Somali history – is on the verge of becoming endangered species. Every piece of Somali history is being distorted by one group or another. People who lost their limps and livelihoods for the advancement of their country are being ridiculed by today’s clan pen historians. You tell the thousands or so amputees who lost their limps in the 1977 ****** war that everything they believed and fought for was in vain. If a war breaks out today between one of the current tribal administrations that sprang to life since the demise of the last Somali government against another sort of alien country, very few will go to that conflict, as they reminisce the event that took place decades ago between the then Somali state and its old enemy, Ethiopia. They know they will be treated in the same manner as their predecessors in the said war once they lost limp and life. Almost twenty painful and agonizing years have gone since Somalis turned into each other in a vicious tribal civil war after the collapse of the last Somali government. After more than fourteen failed reconciliation conferences, It seems we are losing our country as we have known it and we may also about to lose our heritage and culture as the clan pen is becoming mightier by the day. We cannot afford to lose our history to tribalism, as the few notable Somali history makers aforementioned in this piece (who indeed belonged to all Somali tribes) have earned and achieved their greatness as being Somalis and not as being representatives of their clans – the notorious Reer hebel? Mohamed F. Yabarag Email: myabarag@yahoo.co.uk
  17. Danish colation goverment want to bring back somali refugees in their country even they have met Faroole in Garowe before. and its nothing to do Weyduushay the danish are doing this because now they have a far right party in their goverment. They want to stop immigration to denmark. That is why the far right suggested that they help the immigrants home coutries, so they dont have to take care of immigrants. Denmark has in the two last years changed its face totally. That is the reason for this. and its nothing to do weyduushay iyo ictiraaf.
  18. waxaan u hanbalyeenayaa horemarka, hanaqaadka SSC iyo Midnimadda Soomaaliyeed.
  19. It is a proud flag to see! Thank you so much for posting in my heart every time I see the white-star-in-blue flag its my favorite, Keep waving your flag
  20. Congratulations to you Mr Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaaje PM, I hope you will strive for equality for all in Somalis so we can grow together.